Happy Birthday Robert E. Lee

Harper’s Weekly, July 2, 1864

During a tour through the South in 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt told the aged Confederate veterans in Richmond, Virginia, “Here I greet you in the shadow of the statue of your commander, General Robert E. Lee. You and he left us memories which are part of the memories bequeathed to the entire nation by all the Americans who fought in the War Between the States.”

January 19, 2020, is the 213th birthday of Robert E. Lee.

During Robert E. Lee’s 100th birthday in 1907, Charles Francis Adams, Jr., a former Union Commander and grandson of US President John Quincy Adams, spoke in tribute to Robert E. Lee at Washington and Lee College’s Lee Chapel in Lexington, Virginia. His speech was printed in both Northern and Southern newspapers and is said to had lifted Lee to a renewed respect among the American people.

Robert E. Lee, a man whose military tactics have been studied worldwide, was an American soldier, Educator, Christian gentlemen, husband and father. Continue reading

Robert E. Lee

He was a foe without hate; a friend without treachery; a soldier without cruelty; a victor without oppression, and a victim without murmuring. He was a public officer without vices; a private citizen without wrong; a neighbor without reproach; a Christian without hypocrisy, and a man without guile. He was a Caesar, without his ambition; Frederick, without his tyranny; Napoleon, without his selfishness, and Washington, without his reward. ~ Benjamin H. Hill

~ Joshua Cameron
January 19, 2020

Deeper Roots of Northern Slavery Unearthed

An investigation has revealed that one of Colonial New England’s most aristocratic families participated in the slave trade.

In the winter of 1757, one of the bluest of Colonial Connecticut’s bluebloods set sail from New London. Colonial governors sprouted from Dudley Saltonstall’s family tree, and his ancestors included John Winthrop, the Puritan founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, and Sir Richard Saltonstall, Winthrop’s first assistant. His aristocratic father – mayor of New London and one of Connecticut’s richest men – had dispatched Saltonstall, barely 18 years old, to sail off on one of his vessels and keep an eye on its crew.
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We‘ Should NOT Regulate Homeschooling

Modern homeschooling encompasses an array of different educational philosophies and practices, from school-at-home methods to unschooling to hybrid homeschooling.

The desire to control other people’s ideas and behaviors, particularly when they challenge widely-held beliefs and customs, is one of human nature’s most nefarious tendencies. Socrates was sentenced to death for stepping out of line; Galileo almost was. But such extreme examples are outnumbered by the many more common, pernicious acts of trying to control people by limiting their individual freedom and autonomy. Sometimes these acts target individuals who dare to be different, but often they target entire groups who simply live differently. On both the political right and left, efforts to control others emerge in different flavors of limiting freedom – often with “safety” as the rationale. Whether it’s calls for Muslim registries or homeschool registries, fear of freedom is the common denominator.

A recent example of this was an NPR story that aired last week with the headline, “How Should We Regulate Homeschooling?” Short answer: “We” shouldn’t!
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Are Computers Contributing to the Decline of Writing Skills?

Image Credit: Wordserve Water Cooler

According to new research from the Department of Education, the switch to computer-based writing tests shows a decided decline in the writing ability of fourth–grade students, particularly for low or average performing students. As Jill Barshay from the Hechinger Report explains,

“Last year, more than half of U.S. states gave computer-based writing tests to children as young as third-graders. Some wrote their paragraphs with a pencil and paper; the majority used a computer.
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Secession ~ a Point Blank discussion

At the time of posting, we have entered the third week of January, 2020 – and all that you read below is worth your serious understanding as we move closer each day to a REAL Civil War in America. As we post – (not -so) civil war is beginning in Virginia, and it is quickly spreading to other states within  America’s borders… and why? Because of Trump? He is merely the excuse. Gird your loins and prepare for battle – it is “WE the PEOPLE” who must take this nation back, for if we do not – then all is lost – and it will all have been for nothing.

THIS time, it is not about North or South – it is about “WE the PEOPLE” as a whole –  THIS time – we Ride Together! ~ Ed.

Secession Legal? Illegal? I say it was Legal for the South to Secede! What are your thoughts toward the legality of Secession? What is your proof that it was illegal? What are your thoughts and perceptions? Continue reading

Your Children Are Listening and Imitating What You Do!

Children have never been very good at listening to their elders but they never fail to imitate them. ~ James Baldwin

Most parents want the best for their children. They want them to grow up to be proud, strong individuals, capable of meeting most, if not all, of life’s challenges. They want their children to be good parents to their offspring, as well. Any of these desires depends almost entirely on what goes on at home and on the quantity and quality of both education and experience while they are growing up. But the hard truth is, children are like sponges and they soak up the environment in which they live, in most cases, mirroring their parents. They start filling up the “Little Black Box” of their brain from the day they are born.

If their parents are slovenly and lazy, children have a very high percentage of turning out slovenly and lazy. If parents are industrious, creative, responsible and self-reliant, their children are quite likely to take on these qualities. If their parents are involved in the community, children have a greater chance of also being involved. If the parents take an interest in and are a part of the political process, that experience will rub off on their children. But if the parents are apathetic and indifferent, their children will learn apathy and indifference. Continue reading

Dishonest Abe

He is revered as the man who freed US slaves, yet he never intended to do so and it was he who forced a war for the Union!

Today Abraham Lincoln remains America’s most popular president and its historians devote enormous efforts to ensuring that his reputation survives unscathed. Yet during his presidency he was hated by millions and in 1865 he was assassinated. Even before the Civil War he was loathed by perhaps a majority of his fellow countrymen and in the presidential election of 1860, 61 per cent of the electorate voted against him.

Rather than accept him as president, the South seceded from the Union. The Founding Fathers had indicated that secession was entirely legal. Lincoln should have taken the advice of the Supreme Court, but rather than that, he manipulated an attack on Fort Sumter to give him an excuse for war. Lincoln vetoed an attempted constitutional compromise and got his way by illegally organising a military invasion of Virginia. There, his troops were humiliated. Continue reading

Dr. Gladys West ~ The Woman Who invented the Global Positioning System (GPS)

The movement of people from one location to the other has been the backbone of the interaction between societies and civilizations. Over human history, people have had to move from familiar to none familiar locations, for various reasons.

The movement of people from one location to the other in modern times have increased, and thanks to technology, such as GPS, fewer people miss their way. Thanks to GPS, movement, and life in modern transportation has become seamless. But these are just the simplest applications of the GPS.

Millions of the world’s people use the GPS (Global Positioning System) for their day-to-day lives, but they do not know that it was created by a black woman. Continue reading

How Dumb Have We Become?

Chinese Students Are 4 Grade Levels Ahead Of U.S. Students In Math

How in the world is America supposed to remain “the greatest country on Earth” when other nations are absolutely running circles around us when it comes to education? As you will see below, one survey found that 15-year-old students in China are almost four full grade levels ahead of 15-year-old students in the United States in mathematics. This is one of the most damning indictments of our education system that I have ever come across, and it is yet another clear indication that what we are doing is simply not working. Our children are not being given the tools that they need to compete in our modern society, and we have only ourselves to blame… Continue reading

Texas Values: Austin schools deceiving parents again

Emails from a Texas public-school district revealed that liberal school leaders evaded a state law in order to obtain explicit sex-ed lessons.

Texas state law forbids public schools from working with abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood to present explicit sex-ed curriculum, but Austin Independent School District cooperated with Canadian-based Alberta Health Services – and yet claimed it did no such thing. Continue reading

The Palmer Raids: America’s Forgotten Reign of Terror

The raids constituted a horrific, shameful episode in American history, one of the lowest moments for liberty since King George III quartered troops in private homes.

Exactly a hundred years ago this morning – on January 3, 1920 — Americans woke up to discover just how little their own government regarded the cherished Bill of Rights. During the night, some 4,000 of their fellow citizens were rounded up and jailed for what amounted, in most cases, to no good reason at all and no due process, either. Continue reading

Mark Twain ~ Address at the City Club Dinner, January 4,1901

”We hold the balance of power. Put up your best men for office, and we shall support the better one.”

Speaking on the subject of municipal corruption

Bishop Potter told how an alleged representative of Tammany Hall asked him in effect if he would cease his warfare upon the Police Department if a certain captain and inspector were dismissed. He replied that he would never be satisfied until the “man at the top” and the “system” which permitted evils in the Police Department were crushed.

The Bishop has just spoken of a condition of things which none of us can deny, and which ought not to exist; that is, the lust of gain – a lust which does not stop short of the penitentiary or the jail to accomplish its ends. But we may be sure of one thing, and that is that this sort of thing is not universal. If it were, this country would not be. You may put this down as a fact: that out of every fifty men, forty-nine are clean. Then why is it, you may ask, that the forty-nine don’t have things the way they want them? I will tell you why it is. A good deal has been said here tonight about what is to be accomplished by organization. That is just the thing. It is because the fiftieth fellow and his pals are organized and the other forty-nine are not that the dirty one rubs it into the clean fellows every time. Continue reading

Walt Whitman ~ Oh Captain! My Captain!

November 4, 1865 – When President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated on April 14, 1865; a war-weary nation was plunged into shock. The last great battles of the Civil War were still a recent memory, and the murder of the president seemed to be a bloody, pointless coda to four years of conflict and instability. There was a great outpouring of grief across the country, and poems and songs were written mourning the nation’s loss. Continue reading

Robert E. Lee’s Opinion Regarding Slavery ~ December 27, 1856

Lee’s letter to his wife, in response to a speech given by then President Pierce, dated December 27, 1856.

I was much pleased the with President’s message. His views of the systematic and progressive efforts of certain people at the North to interfere with and change the domestic institutions of the South are truthfully and faithfully expressed. The consequences of their plans and purposes are also clearly set forth. These people must be aware that their object is both unlawful and foreign to them and to their duty, and that this institution, for which they are irresponsible and non-accountable, can only be changed by them through the agency of a civil and servile war. Continue reading