Category Archives: Mr. Benson’s Classroom

Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of The Copperhead Chronicle, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Metropolis Café to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with this project.

Benson: Parents Waking Up To Public School Indoctrination

There was an informative article in the “New American” magazine for March 28th entitled The Mass Exodus From Indoctrination to Freedom. It was written by Annalisa Pesek and dealt with a new film about families that have escaped those indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools. Continue reading

Benson: The Last Place You Want Your Kids

Anyone who has read any of my work knows where I stand on the public school system. That is no secret. I remember, many years ago now, one of my main mentors, Rev. Ennio Cugini, made the comment to me that the public school system was a place to keep students up to date on the latest propaganda produced by the communists. When you look at what is being promoted today in these so-called institutions of learning, things like Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project, it is difficult not to agree with Pastor Cugini’s assessment of public schools. Continue reading

Benson: Marxist Propaganda In Public Schools Posing As Education

I have written about Critical Race Theory before, and I probably will again. It is such a pernicious world view that it deserves all the negative publicity possible. At this point, several state legislatures around the country have bills in their legislatures to ban the teaching of this theory in their public schools and, while I have no use for the public school system, I do applaud these efforts. At least some in these state legislatures recognize what a horrendous insult to real education this leftist drivel really is. Continue reading

Benson: We May Lose Because We Don’t Care About Our History

Over the past week or so I have posted a couple articles about terrorist John Brown and some of his leftist connections (yes, he had some leftist connections).

Some of the comments I got back from various places my articles were posted were, how shall I say it, downright abusive. Everything from “who cares about all this crap?” to comments that used profanity that I won’t go into. Continue reading

Benson: America’s Education – From the Unitarians to the Chinese Communists

Over the years many have written about the Unitarian and socialist foundations of public education in this country. Authors such as theologian R. J. Rushdoony and author Samuel Blumenfeld have done yeoman duty in this area by exposing the dubious foundations of public education in America.

Now, Ashley Carnahan, writing in Campus Reform has noted that nowadays many of our universities have been undermining all efforts to resist the Chinese Communists. Carnahan has observed that “A new U.S. State Department report outlines how America can respond to China’s rise as a global superpower, and the communist country’s threat to ‘revise world order,’ and states that America’s institutions of higher education are being used to achieve China’s mission.” Is anyone really surprised at this? Had you followed our educational situation in this country you wouldn’t be. The State Department report is entitled The Elements of the China Challenge.
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Benson: Training Your Children To Be Compliant Little Marxists

The ‘ism’ of Marx

Recently, I did an article about Herbert A. Philbrick’s book “I Led Three Lives.” In that article I mentioned Louis Budenz, the director of the Communist newspaper “Daily Worker” and how he had broken with the Communist Party and returned to his Catholic faith.

According to one account I read, Karl Marx said “The education of all children, from the moment they can get along without their mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.” This would be consistent with the 10th plank in his “Communist Manifesto” which said, in part, “Free education for all children in public schools.”

This was something Louis Budenz sought to warn people about after he broke away from Communism. He wrote an autobiography, “This Is My Story” as well as other books and articles which exposed what the Communists were trying to do to this country. Continue reading

Benson: Columbia University and the Marxists

I have written about this before, but repetition does no harm to the truth, in fact, it should reinforce it. The Frankfurt School, originally from Frankfurt, Germany, was the birthplace of what we refer to as cultural Marxism, a brand of Marxism that took that plague upon humanity to a whole new level.

An article from August 12, 2016 on Zero Hedge noted some of this. It stated: “In 1930, the school changed course under new director Max Horkheimer. The team began mixing the ideas of Sigmund Freud with those of Marx, and cultural Marxism was born. In classical Marxism, the workers of the world were oppressed by the ruling classes. The new theory was that everyone in society was psychologically oppressed by the institutions of Western culture. The school concluded that this new focus would need new vanguards to spur the change. The workers were not able to rise up on their own.” Continue reading

Benson: Marxist Educational Indoctrination and White Privilege

Chapter I: Who Gets to Teach Us Our History – and do they have an agenda?

Those among us that follow history long ago came to the conclusion that much of what we were taught as “history” really wasn’t. Much of it was propaganda parading as history. Much of it ended up compromising the truth in order to present to us a world view that was neither historical or accurate and which was intended to lead us down a historical garden path.

It is impossible for us in our day to have a correct historical world view if what we have been taught as history turns out to be inaccurate – and the inaccuracy often turns out to be on purpose. Unknowing inaccuracy can be excused. Willful inaccuracy is treason to the truths of history. Continue reading

Benson: Dumb ’em Down Gradually (or the parents may wake up!)

In their informative book Crimes of the Educators, Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman noted, on page 190 that “In John Dewey’s 1898 plan to dumb down America, he wrote, ‘Change must come gradually. To force it unduly would compromise its final success by favoring a violent reaction.’” Continue reading

Benson: Public Education–an exercise in state socialism from day one!

Before the War of Northern Aggression public schools as we have them today did not exist in the South. Mostly, the Southern States had the good sense to leave education where it belonged–in the hands of parents. After the War, public schools were forced upon the defeated South so that the ascendancy of the Radical Republican Deep State of that day could be pushed down the throats of Southern folks so that their children would be taught Yankee/Marxist propaganda passing as education. Continue reading

From 1865 to 2019: From the Beginning and now the End…

Originally published by Kettle Moraine Publications, October 10, 2018. ~ Ed.

~ Part I ~ “That Which Has Been Is That Which Shall Be”

Editor’s NOTE: All is not as it seems to be… As you begin to read the following by Al Benson Jr., you will begin to believe that this is about the so-called Civil War and several of it’s players. Well… it is and it isn’t. “Oh what tangled webs we weave…” This is the finest commentary on the American demise I have ever read, and once you have read it – you too will better understand the weaving of the web. ~ Ed.

The title of this article has one more line in it that would have made it too long for a title. That line is “And there is nothing new under the sun.” This is taken from the Book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible. It’s sort of a paraphrase of the 9th verse of chapter one–not an exact rendering, but close enough so you get the idea. Nowhere is this more applicable than in Washington, D.C. the District of Corruption. Continue reading

Why Our Kids Never Went To Public School ~ The Series

The following post was originally presented to Kettle Moraine Publications by its author, Al Benson Jr. – in a five chapter format over a period of weeks during July of 2017. I chose to reread the entire series, at which time I also chose to re-present it to our readers as a single publication. It is a powerful and thoughtful read. We hope that it will turn the wheels of thought within you, helping you to make the right decision for your children. ~ Ed.

In the main filing cabinet in my office I have three bulging folders of material collected over the years from the early 1970s until now. These three folders contain all manner of material I have collected or people have sent me about the ongoing aberrations that take place in what all thinking people realize is our government school system. It’s not a “public” school system; it’s a government school system. This material comes from all over the country. Some of this stuff would really singe your eyeballs, and if you are like me, you can’t read more than a little of it at a time without getting really ticked off. What some government school systems do to our kids is nothing short of criminal. Continue reading

Benson: Public Schools Are A Dismal Failure

Today, I read an excellent article by Justin Spears via the Foundation for Economic Education. I would urge concerned parents to check it out.

Mr. Spears starts out with: “In the first part of this article set, my colleague Mike Margeson spelled out the historical roots of the American schooling system. He clearly laid out the blueprint that men like Horace Mann used to build a system that does anything but ‘educates’.” What he is saying here is that Unitarian Horace Mann provided this country with an “educational system” that was, essentially worthless! Seeing that Mann’s main intent was not to educate but to downplay the influence of Christian schools in this country, I am not surprised. Mann has a reputation as an inventive educator that is not deserved. Continue reading

The Dicey Illumanist Foundations of Modern Public Education

In the previous article to this one I noted Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi who founded a branch of the Illuminati in Zurich, Swtizerland in 1783. This might not seem important to some, but we need to begin to grasp the influence that Pestalozzi had on modern education.

On in an article updated on 2/13/19 it was observed that “Pestalozzi’s method (of education) became widely accepted and most of his principles have been absorbed into modern elementary education… His ideas flow from the same stream of thought that includes Johann Friedrich Herbart, Maria Montessori, John Dewey…” You may not be that familiar with the first two mentioned here, but if you have read any of my previous articles on public education then you have to know where John Dewey, atheist and socialist, was coming from. Naturally the Britannica article made no mention of Pestalozzi’s Illumanist connections, but then, you would hardly expect them to. Continue reading

The Federal Reluctance to bother John Surratt

The Lincoln Assassination saga continues…

Body of Abraham Lincoln lying in state

There are several anomalies regarding the Lincoln assassination and its aftermath that have not been resolved even to this day. For those folks who like to see all situations all neatly tied up with a nice big red bow, the Lincoln assassination and its environs is not your cup of tea. Too many unresolved situations and unanswered questions, which leads one to believe that not all is as it seems or as it should be… Continue reading

Who IS Buried In John Wilkes Booth’s Grave?

I watched an interesting segment on the site on April 29th dealing with some history I had written about somewhere in the distant past. It was narrated by David Knight. I have always enjoyed watching David Knight’s commentary. He is a Christian man who is not ashamed of his faith and he lets you know that in a quiet, humble way.

His commentary on April 29th dealt, in part, with the fact that it does seem that we have been lied to for the past 150 years about whether Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth was really killed at Garrett’s Farm in Virginia and buried in the grave that, supposedly, contains his remains.

It would seem now that this may not be the case. Years ago, back in the 1990s, some in the Booth family were concerned about this and they went to court to get permission to have Booth’s body exhumed so DNA testing could be done to prove whether it was Booth or someone else buried there. The court refused their request and the cemetery did not want to be bothered either. Just too much trouble to go into all that. The “history” books have all been written and generations of kids have all learned the way it was supposed to have been, so why change all that now and upset the Establishment apple cart that has trundled along unimpeded for over 150 years? Continue reading

Benson: Sheridan the War Criminal

Clifford Dowdey, in his book The History of the Confederacy 1832-1865, he had some commentary about the subject of this article, Philip H. Sheridan and it was not particularly complementary. Mr. Dowdey noted of Sheridan that he “…was an undersized man (five feet three) with an oversized head, in all ways…But Grant perceived in the man a quality he wanted in his all-out, no-holds-barred war of total conquest. The Sheridans, Milroys, and Hunters had a different kind of arrogance from the neo-princelings of the Cotton South. They had the arrogance of unrestrained might. Without regard for rights–of belligerants or fellow citizens or even of the so-called ‘human rights,’ let alone of the Union–these bully boys had a lust for physical violence and wanton destruction.”

In other words, Sheridan and Sherman and others of their ilk were going to wage total, unrestrained war on the South, both on civilians as well as soldiers, not because it was right, but because they could do it and get away with it. He noted all this on page 321 of the above mentioned book. Continue reading

The Real American Revolution ~ 1776 or 1861?

Thaddeus Stevens

Many have, over the years, no doubt to their government school “educations” looked at the 14th Amendment, and been under the misguided delusion that it was a milestone in the cause of “racial equality.”

It might not hurt for those prone to such flights of fancy to take a look at the prime mover behind that amendment, the radical Thaddeus Stevens from Pennsylvania (and no credit to that state). I have recently done articles dealing with him so this will only add info to what’s already out there. Stevens has been characterized by some who’ve written about him as an “apostle of hate.” I guess you’d have to say that’s an apt description of him. His vindictive attitude toward the South before, during, and after the War of Northern Aggression might well be described as pathological. Continue reading

Kanawha County Textbook War and How It All Started For Me

Forty five years ago this year an event occurred in Kanawha County, West Virginia that seems to have had more far-reaching ramifications than many of us who became involved in it could have imagined at that time. All I can say is thank the Lord for those who possess a historical perspective that far outdistances mine.

Back in 2004, on the 30th anniversary of this event, I wrote an article called The Thirty Years War which was posted on a website that has long since become extinct. This dealt with the Kanawha County, West Virginia Textbook Protest (war). Actually, I guess the term “war” would be more appropriate, as the politically correct cultural Marxists of that day had declared war on the mostly Christian culture of West Virginia and upon that culture’s children, via the government schools. Their weapon of choice was the textbooks for Kanawha County’s government (public) schools. Continue reading

Benson: The Illuminati and Education

Many who read this will be aware of the Illuminati and of who they were (and are) and what their designs for a One World Government were (and are). They don’t call them the Illuminati anymore. Nowadays they would probably be called something like “The New World Order” or possibly “The Deep State” or some kind of shadow government. But no matter what you call them the objectives of those who embrace their worldview have not changed.

There has been quite a bit written about them over the years (unfortunately not enough) and not on a consistent basis. They don’t exactly seek open publicity. Continue reading