There’s been a lot of talk recently about the reading crisis in U.S. schools. Careful reporting has pinpointed a common problem: Many newly-trained and veteran teachers are not aware of the latest research on early reading instruction or comprehension. In 2016, NCTQ reviewed the syllabi of 820 teacher preparation programs across the country and found that only 39 percent of programs were teaching the basics of effective reading instruction. Four years later that number of programs has risen to 51 percent. While this signals a positive trend in adopting evidence-informed reading instruction, the fact remains that 49 percent of incoming teachers do not have the tools to effectively teach reading. Continue reading
Author Archives: Jeffrey
Benjamin Franklin ~ “The Way to Wealth” (1758)
Courteous Reader,
I have heard that nothing gives an author so great pleasure, as to find his works respectfully quoted by other learned authors. This pleasure I have seldom enjoyed; for tho’ I have been, if I may say it without vanity, an eminent author of almanacs annually now a full quarter of a century, my brother authors in the same way, for what reason I know not, have ever been very sparing in their applauses; and no other author has taken the least notice of me, so that did not my writings produce me some solid pudding, the great deficiency of praise would have quite discouraged me.
I concluded at length, that the people were the best judges of my merit; for they buy my works; and besides, in my rambles, where I am not personally known, I have frequently heard one or other of my adages repeated, with, as Poor Richard says, at the end won’t; this gave me some satisfaction, as it showed not only that my instructions were regarded, but discovered likewise some respect for my authority; and I own, that to encourage the practice of remembering and repeating those wise sentences, I have sometimes quoted myself with great gravity. Continue reading
Public Education, Ben Shapiro, and the Trojan Horse in Our Culture
Perhaps the most successful myth that has been foisted off on a gullible American citizenry is that the education of our children, from kindergarten through high school, is the responsibility of the government. And implicit in that assumption is that the natural rights and duties of the family over the education of its offspring must in nearly all situations take a back seat, must be diminished and not interfere with the prior and dominant role of the state.
By and large, since the mid–20th century this assumption has been considered undebatable truth. No one, not even the most resolute conservatives, will question its basic veracity and the resulting need to continue funding, to shower with taxpayer dollars what has become the most expansive and most successful conquest of the revolutionary managerial state in its advance to complete control over our society. Continue reading
Caruba: A Very Different Generation
December 17, 2008 ~ They are called “Millennials” and, with the election of Barack Obama, have been dubbed “Generation O.” Born from 1980 to 2000, they are as different from their parents as previous generations were different from theirs.
It is common that older generations frequently look at the new one as creatures from another planet. Every new generation develops its own slang, has its own cultural heroes, and most importantly has been imprinted by the events of their early years as well as the kind of care they received from their parents. Continue reading
The Left’s attack on the Fourth of July
Another step in erasing our collective memory
~ Foreward ~
Scot Faulkner offers this insightful analysis of Radical Left efforts to erase our July Fourth holiday – and replace it with “Juneteenth,” to commemorate June 19, 1865, the day a little-known Union general proclaimed that the Civil War was over and slavery was officially abolished in Texas. Continue reading
Benson: Training Your Children To Be Compliant Little Marxists
Recently, I did an article about Herbert A. Philbrick’s book “I Led Three Lives.” In that article I mentioned Louis Budenz, the director of the Communist newspaper “Daily Worker” and how he had broken with the Communist Party and returned to his Catholic faith.
According to one account I read, Karl Marx said “The education of all children, from the moment they can get along without their mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.” This would be consistent with the 10th plank in his “Communist Manifesto” which said, in part, “Free education for all children in public schools.”
This was something Louis Budenz sought to warn people about after he broke away from Communism. He wrote an autobiography, “This Is My Story” as well as other books and articles which exposed what the Communists were trying to do to this country. Continue reading
1055 ~ Dumbing Down Standardized Tests: The Art Of Dodging Objective Reality
Published in ‘Village of the Damned’ on the first generation Federal Observer, December 4, 2001
“We will never devise the perfect test, a test that accurately assesses students irrespective of parental education and income, the quality of the local schools, and the kind of community a student lives in, but we can do better,” opined Richards C. Atkinson, president of the University of California system. Atkinson insisted, calling again on Nov. 16 for the elimination of the “SAT I” as an admissions requirement at the University of California’s eight undergraduate campuses.
In fact, while “perfection” is indeed an impossible standard, a test which does this extremely well does exist, and it’s called … the SAT. Continue reading
Zappa on Civics and more!
I remember well, that, in Illinois, to graduate from High School, you had to pass a US Constitution Exam. You were first were given the test in your Sophomore year, and a small group of knuckleheads were still taking the test two years later, in their Senior year. However, we all passed the exam before graduation. Apparently many of those people washed all of that information from their brain shortly afterwords. ~ Phillip Meier
Mr. Meier was a classmate of mine back in the day. ~ Ed.
Whitey Ford, Beloved Yankees Pitcher Who Confounded Batters, Dies at 91
‘Take me out to the Ballgame…’ ~ when it was still a ‘sport.’
An irrepressible son of New York City, Ford joined the pantheon of baseball legends who dominated the 1950s and ’60s.
Whitey Ford, the Yankees’ Hall of Fame left-hander who was celebrated as the Chairman of the Board for his stylish pitching and big-game brilliance on the ball clubs that dominated baseball in the 1950s and early ’60s, died on Thursday night at his home in Lake Success, N.Y., on Long Island. He was 91. The Yankees announced his death. Continue reading
Change American Government School Education Or It Is Game Over!
When people think about modern government school education, the name of the God hating John Dewey usually comes to mind. Of course, it is true that Dewey had a lot to do with the overall decline in the quality of government schools. But there are others who joined in the effort to literally destroy the quality of education. In particular, Chester M. Pierce, (1951-2019) who like other leftists was educated at Harvard, was openly filled with hatred against the God ordained role that parents should carry out in teaching their children the values and traditions that made the United States a great and exceptional republic. Continue reading
Teddy Roosevelt’s on Robert E. Lee’s 100th Birthday Celebration
January 16, 1907
To the HON. Hilary A. Herbert, Chairman,
Chief Justice Seth Shepherd, General Marcus J. Wright,
Judge Charles B. Howry, Mr. William A. Gordon,
Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, President Edwin Alderman,
Mr. Joseph Wilmer, and others of the Committee of Arrangement for the Celebration of the Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of General Robert E. Lee.
I regret that it is not in my power to be with you at your celebration. I join with you in honoring the life and career of that great soldier and high-minded citizen whose fame is now a matter of pride to all our countrymen. Terrible though the destruction of the Civil War was, awful though it was that such a conflict should occur between brothers, it is yet a matter for gratitude on the part of all Americans that this, alone among contests of like magnitude, should have left to both sides as a priceless heritage the memory of the mighty men and the glorious deeds that the iron days brought forth. The courage and steadfast endurance, the lofty fealty to the right as it was given to each man to see the right, whether he wore the gray or whether he wore the blue, now make the memories of the valiant feats, alike of those who served under Grant and of those who served under Lee, precious to all good Americans. General Lee has left us the memory, not merely of his extraordinary skill as a general, his dauntless courage and high leadership in campaign and battle, but also of that serene greatness of soul characteristic of those who most readily recognize the obligations of civic duty. Continue reading
Lessons in Spelling and Grammar
Thoreau: On the Duty of Civil Disobedience
I heartily accept the motto, “That government is best which governs least”; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically. Carried out, it finally amounts to this, which also I believe – “That government is best which governs not at all”; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which the will have. Government is at best but an expedient; but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient.
The objections which have been brought against a standing army, and they are many and weighty, and deserve to prevail, may also at last be brought against a standing government. The standing army is only an arm of the standing government. The government itself, which is only the mode which the people have chosen to execute their will, is equally liable to be abused and perverted before the people can act through it.
1586 ~ Caruba: Our National Education System – a $49 Billion Dollar Disaster
Published in Village of the Damned on the first generation Federal Observer, January 28, 2002
Do you ever wonder why home-schooled children consistently do better academically than those passing through this mind-numbing system?
You had to know something was terribly wrong while you watched President George W. Bush stand at the podium and laud Sen. Teddy Kennedy. I thought he was going to stop talking just long enough to French kiss him. Nothing good can come of these two colluding on an education program and nothing will!
After you get through reading the 1000-page Education Bill, dubbed “Leave No Child Behind“, you will have concluded that the Federal government is now so fully in charge of your local school system that you have only one option. You will either home school your children or you will turn them over to a system that so mirrors the Communist model for education, they will belong to Big Brother long after they have left home to create their own families. Continue reading
Sowell: Charter Schools and Their Enemies
Can someone explain to me: How do you live to be 90 and still be intellectually active? To be writing at this age – what a quality of life! …and a quantity of life too; more of this man is needed at least for my country, Cote d’Ivoire! ~ Olivier Mgbra
The Mike Wallace Interview with Ayn Rand
Sixty years later, we are on the brink of financial collapse and dictatorship. She correctly anticipated the trajectory of the United States, and was a visionary.
Wallace: “Do you actually predict dictatorship and economic disaster for the United States?”
Rand: “If the present collectivist trend continues and if the present anti-reason philosophy continues, then yes, that is the way the country is going.”
The Decline of American Culture
We are in uncertain times indeed. Anyone with half a brain who researches their own information knows there are very dangerous paradigms in play that have historically had disastrous consequences and were catalysts to future chaos from their respective points in history. But there are many things going on that have NOT happened before. These are the things that I wish to talk about.
It is common knowledge that establishment media in any form is disinformation, regardless of the platform conveying the message. Let us start with the the birth of a child in today’s age. We are told that we must inject our children with many forms of chemicals because it will keep us safe from disease and sickness, even though it has been proven to have adverse effects. Studies of which are manipulated and distorted through MSM by being politicized to maintain the pharmaceutical profits and controls that the FDA is all to happy to enforce. Continue reading
Happy Banned-Books Week…
This image depicts the most banned books from public libraries and schools in America today.
ALL of those works were mandatory reading and book reports in early 1960’s. ~ Robert E. Lipscomb
“Colored people don’t like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don’t feel good about Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Burn it. Someone’s written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Burn the book. Serenity, Montag. Peace, Montag. Take your fight outside. Better yet, into the incinerator. Funerals are unhappy and pagan? Eliminate them, too. Five minutes after a person is dead he’s on his way to the Big Flue, the Incinerators serviced by helicopters all over the country. Ten minutes after death a man’s a speck of black dust. Let’s not quibble over individuals with memoriams. Forget them. Burn all, burn everything. Fire is bright and fire is clean.” – Ray Bradbury
1078 ~ Black Democrats Push School Prayer
Published in the first generation Federal Observer, in the category, Deliver Us From Evil!, December 7, 2001
It was not surprising to see several state legislatures consider school prayer bills in the aftermath of Sept. 11. What was surprising was who sponsored some of those measures.
In Florida and Pennsylvania, the principal sponsors of bills to bring God back to the classroom are not conservative Republicans but black Democrats.
In Tallahassee, the state House in April easily passed a bill written by Rep. Wilbert “Tee” Holloway, D-Miami, to allow student-led prayers at graduations and student assemblies. With no sponsors in the state Senate, the measure went nowhere.
Things will be quite different when the next session convenes in January, Holloway vowed. As a parent, Holloway said prayer has been taken from him and his children. Under his proposal, students can recite non-sectarian prayers with no guidance from school administrators at events where attendance is not required. Continue reading