Category Archives: Perspectives

Another one bites the dust: …but who loses?

This passionate teacher from Kansas decides to leave her school district after she felt unfair contracts tried to silence the teachers, but not before she delivers a powerful message to the world.

Don’t Cheer Woodrow Wilson’s Cancellation

Rather than taking scalps of our own, what the right needs is an arms-linked defense of our history, culture, art, and institutions, imperfect though all that might be.

First things first: Woodrow Wilson was a deplorable bigot and one of the worst presidents in American history. He re-segregated the federal government, glamorized the Ku Klux Klan, screened The Birth of a Nation at the White House, and opposed Reconstruction and black suffrage (Dylan Matthews has more on Wilson’s racism). In common with many progressive intellectuals of his time, he was a champion of eugenics. He sank the United States into the pointless carnage of World War I. He viewed the Constitution as outmoded and sought to snap its restraints on executive power. Continue reading

“The Decadent Society” & the Summer of Our Discontent

In “The Decadent Society,” Ross Douthat’s definition of decadence reaches more deeply into the underlying causes of our present rot. Is American society sick, sclerotic, sterile, and stagnant, as he suggests?

There is a chapter in Ross Douthat’s new book, The Decadent Society, called “Waiting for the Barbarians.” The book came out just before our present summer of discontent in which we’ve seen home-grown barbarians rampaging through our streets. Like the old-fashioned breed of barbarians, their ignorance blends mightily with their violence. The only difference being that they have added to their ignorance and violence a distasteful stench of self-righteousness.

Mr. Douthat analyzes the state of American society by first defining his terms. By “decadence” he does not simply mean moral depravity, the disgusting self-indulgence of a Caligula, or the insane violence of Nero or Idi Amin. He does not exclude these excesses, but his definition of decadence reaches more deeply into the underlying causes of our present rot. He does so with the symbolism of “four horsemen”: Stagnation, Sterility, Sclerosis, and Repetition. Continue reading

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing

Teaching the value of free thought matters now more than ever.

Unfortunately, most American public schools take the opposite approach.

Many people have long suspected that governments sometimes attempt to indoctrinate their people to increase the government’s own power and influence. Unfortunately, ambitious governments will not stop at merely controlling what their people can do; they must control their minds. Continue reading

If you have a Child in Public School, you’re sending them into a Warzone!

Hate Crimes against White Students on the Rise (And this was in 2019)

A teacher for Hays CISD, south of Austin, Texas was arrested Friday afternoon after she beat the hell out of a 15-year-old girl in a classroom. Sadly, like most of these attacks, it will go unreported by the large corporate cable news networks because it doesn’t fit the agenda and it would be inconvenient to show what’s really going on in public schools throughout the United States.

The latest incident was caught on cell phone by students in the class, as CISD teacher Tiffani Shadell Lankford brutally attacked the girl.

Hate Crimes against White Students ignored & covered up by the Media and Public School Systems throughout the United States!

In schools throughout the United States, white students are being targeted in brutal hate crimes that go mostly unreported, and shockingly the terrorists thugs often go unpunished. In fact, schools throughout the United States have changed their disciplinary policies specifically to protect minority students from suspension and expulsion. Continue reading

A Virtual Educational Failure

Lockdowns changed education for millions of students, and not always in a good way.

When states closed American schools due to the coronavirus pandemic, state boards of education reacted quickly to ensure that students would continue to learn. Online technologies such as Zoom, for example, were implemented so teachers and students could meet in real time. On the surface, it seemed like the perfect solution. We’ve all seen videos or news clips of a computer screen filled with the faces of eager students hanging on the teacher’s every word. Parents walking into the kitchen were likely reassured to see their child staring into the laptop while the teacher explained the lesson in the background. But the reality paints a much less successful picture of the virtual schoolhouse.

For one, a significant number of students never show up for class — which makes sense, given how much easier it is now to hit the snooze button and grab another couple hours of sleep. Just email your teacher later and explain that your Internet was down. Continue reading

NH Dem Senator: Working-Class Parents Don’t Have Intelligence to Oversee Their Kids’ Educations

State Sen. Jeanne Dietsch (D-Peterborough)

Working-class parents without college degrees aren’t capable of overseeing their own children’s education, according to comments State Sen. Jeanne Dietsch (D-Peterborough) made during a House Education Committee hearing on Tuesday.

Dietsch was speaking on behalf of a Senate bill that would repeal a law allowing the state Board of Education to create an alternative program for granting graduation credits, which became Learn Everywhere.

“This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said. Continue reading

The Danger of American Fascism

On returning from my trip to the West in February, I received a request from The New York Times to write a piece answering the following questions:

* What is a fascist?

* How many fascists have we?

* How dangerous are they?

A fascist is one whose lust for money or power is combined with such an intensity of intolerance toward those of other races, parties, classes, religions, cultures, regions or nations as to make him ruthless in his use of deceit or violence to attain his ends. The supreme god of a fascist, to which his ends are directed, may be money or power; may be a race or a class; may be a military, clique or an economic group; or may be a culture, religion, or a political party. Continue reading

Old time religion in modern clothes

As I have examined the phenomenon of government controlled schooling, it has been a continuing mystery to me why this type of totalitarian enterprise could have been imposed on a country that was ostensibly founded on the primacy of individual liberty and freedom of conscience. I can understand why today’s citizens are generally oblivious to freedom of conscience issues due to the indoctrination and psychological conditioning that are essential components of government schooling – but why would such a system be accepted by citizens who had not been programmed to accept it? As noted in my previous posts, that system was imposed through propaganda and false promises and was often met with resistance, but due to the police power of the state it was ultimately imposed top-down by special interests. However, even considering political manipulation and the raw power of the state, there still seemed to be something missing. Continue reading

Mike Pompeo Lashes Out at Critics of Homeschooling, Says Radical Leftists Are Indoctrinating Children

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted critics of homeschooling and accused radical-left academics of imposing their values on American children.

Harvard Magazine, an independently edited magazine affiliated with Harvard University, recently published an article warning of the risks of homeschooling as part of their May/June edition. It quotes Elizzabeth Batholet, Wasserstein public interest professor of law and faculty director of the Law School’s Child Advocacy Program, in saying that homeschooling violates children’s rights to a “meaningful education” while also limiting them from contributing to a democratic society. Additionally, Bartholet argues that homeschool is inadequately unregulated across the U.S. and can isolate children from others. Continue reading

New York teams up with Bill & Melinda Gates to ‘reimagine education

With 4.2 million students absent from their physical classrooms, the state is looking to take a tech-focused approach to learning

Elin Eaton, 11, studies during home schooling in New Rochelle, New York, in March shortly after schools were closed. Nola’s mother, Farrah Eaton, is a former high school administrator, and holds sessions with her three children during weekday mornings. – Getty Images

Though the coronavirus pandemic is a “devastating and costly moment in history,” Cuomo said, there are lessons to be learned and opportunities for betterment across many sectors.

New York should “take this experience and really learn how we can do differently and better with our education system in terms of technology and virtual education,” Cuomo said. “It’s not about just reopening schools. When we reopen schools, let’s open a better school and let’s open a smarter education system.”

Just remember – Bill Gates brought the world of Common-Core to our schools – and even HE admitted that is was a resounding failure. So he should be given a second chance??? ~ Ed.

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The Myth that Americans Were Poorly Educated before Mass Government Schooling

Early America had widespread literacy and a vibrant culture of learning.

Detail of Girl Reading by Edmund Charles Tarbell (Public Domain)

Parents the world over are dealing with massive adjustments in their children’s education that they could not have anticipated just three months ago. To one degree or another, pandemic-induced school closures are creating the “mass homeschooling” that FEE’s senior education fellow Kerry McDonald predicted two months ago. Who knows, with millions of youngsters absent from government school classrooms, maybe education will become as good as it was before the government ever got involved. Continue reading

Social Justice Revisionism Comes for Washington and Lee

In the fall of 2018, the trustees of Washington and Lee University voted to paper over parts of the university’s history…

On the recommendations of Washington and Lee’s “Commission on Institutional History and Community,” the board voted to close off the Recumbent Statue of Robert E. Lee in the university chapel that bears his name and to remove the name of John Robinson from an important campus building. Continue reading

The Antifederalists Were Eerily Prophetic

~ Foreword ~
The following is posted in tribute to the wisdom of Neal Ross, Michael Gaddy and Al Benson Jr.. They have seen and written about what many have refused to recognize. ~ Ed.

That “goddamnedpieceofpaper”- again

What the Antifederalists predicted would be the results of the Constitution turned out to be true in most every respect.

Most school kids are left with the impression that the US Constitution was the inevitable follow-up to the Declaration of Independence and the war with King George. What they miss out on is the exciting debate that took place after the war and before the Constitution, a debate that concerned the dangers of creating a federal government at all. Continue reading

Coronavirus Reminds Us What Education Without School Can Look

We have collectively become so programmed to believe that education and schooling are synonymous that we can’t imagine learning without schooling and become frazzled and fearful when schools are shuttered.

As the global coronavirus outbreak closes more schools for weeks, and sometimes months – some 300 million children are currently missing class – parents, educators, and policymakers are panicking.

Mass compulsory schooling has become such a cornerstone of contemporary culture that we forget it’s a relatively recent social construct. Responding to the pandemic, the United Nations declared that “the global scale and speed of current educational disruption is unparalleled and, if prolonged, could threaten the right to education.” Continue reading