Author Archives: Jeffrey

Cultural Marxism In The Classroom ~ it ain’t new folks!

This is not a new subject for me. I have written about it for several years now. I guess I keep writing about it because so few people seem to get the message. When it comes to Marxism in the public school classroom people just don’t want to hear about that–and so they tune it out, pretend it doesn’t exist. That way they don’t have to do anything except ignore it and maybe it will go away. It hasn’t and it won’t and you are heaping “coals of fire” upon your children’s heads if you can do something to get your kids out of that situation and you don’t bother.

I just read an article by John Eidson about what cultural Marxism is doing to public schools in this country. Mr. Eidson states, quite accurately that “Cultural Marxism is the gradual process of grinding down western democracies by subverting the pillars of their culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary for a functioning society. Continue reading

Ross: Do You Have The Courage To Face The Truth?

Up until recently I had never given much thought to the subject of economics. I never took an economics class in school and my understanding of the subject could be best explained by, “Don’t spend more than you earn.” However, the more I’ve learned about our system of government, and the men who created it, the more I’ve realized that I’ll never understand the extent of what they did unless I gain some insight into money; how it is created, how it is controlled, and how people profit from its exchange.

If I were to ask you to find a single word to describe government, what would that word be? For the longest time if someone had asked me that I’d have said something like tyrannical, or oppressive. Now that I’ve undertaken an effort to learn more about economics I’m inclined to change my opinion; replacing tyrannical with parasitical – our government is a parasite that sucks both the liberty and wealth from those it governs. Continue reading

1233 ~ Who Controls Our Children’s Education?

Published on the first generation Federal Observer in the category, Village of the Damned, December 19, 2001

~ Foreword ~
WASHINGTON, December 2001 – The Senate easily approved a massive school reform bill on Tuesday, sending it to President Bush for his signature.

The bill authorizes up to $26.5 billion for public elementary and secondary schools, much of it targeted to help narrow the achievement gap between low-income students and their wealthier counterparts.

A product of months of bipartisan compromises, the bill also requires states to test students in reading and math yearly in grades three through eight.

Schools that perform poorly will get additional resources, but students in those schools will also get new options, including attending another public school or getting tutoring or other supplementary services. Continue reading

Challenge: That which MUST be said…

Good day to you all. My name is Jeffrey Bennett and I am the Editor and Publisher of this site and several others. What the other sites are and what they deal with is of no matter as relates to this post – however, what you are about to read and review MUST be viewed and what is stated – MUST be said.

For some months now, I have been receiving several emails a week from “Education Week” – a post that I have come to looking forward to receiving – until September 24, 2020 – the one you will soon be able to look over (snapshot images). I do this, so that you will also understand my response to the publishers of their web-site. It is harsh – but I felt that it had to be said. Continue reading

Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into Little Marxists

School systems across the country are adopting BLM curriculum at at alarming rate, indoctrinating our children to achieve Marxist objectives.

New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter (BLM)-themed lesson plans this fall. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality, and white privilege in their classrooms. Continue reading

Teachers Worry “Dangerous” Parents Might Overhear Classroom Discussions

The response to the global pandemic has led to many schools in America offering or requiring students to “school at home” with online instruction, including video teaching from the students’ usual teacher(s). Well, according to some teachers on a Twitter thread that has since been hidden, the ability of parents and others to overhear the teacher’s instruction could be “damage[ing].” Continue reading

Josiah Henson: The forgotten story in the history of slavery

His life partly inspired Uncle Tom’s Cabin. He was entertained at both Windsor Castle and the White House. He rescued more than 100 enslaved people. But barely anyone has heard of him.

Josiah Henson, photographed in Boston, 1876

From its very first moments, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s debut novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a smashing success. It sold out its 5,000-copy print run in four days in 1852, with one newspaper declaring that “everybody has read it, is reading, or is about to read it”. Soon, 17 printing presses were running around the clock to keep up with demand. By the end of its first year in print, the book had sold more than 300,000 copies in the US alone, and another million in Great Britain. It went on to become the bestselling novel of the 19th century.

Before reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, I only knew that Stowe’s novel had been credited with influencing the debate at the heart of the American civil war. I had an expensive education, but sadly I learned very little about black history at school; by my early 20s, only names such as Frederick Douglass or Harriet Tubman still rang a bell. All that changed when I discovered that Stowe’s novel was based on the life of a real man, named Josiah Henson, whose cabin in Ontario was just a few hours from my home… Continue reading

How would you define slavery?

To me slavery is the loss of freedom; when my life; my property; and my rights can be taken from me without my consent based upon the whim and caprice of others. If there is nothing that I can call my own, then I am, in fact, a slave.

Your government can, and does, tax you to its heart’s content. It may allow you to keep a portion of your earnings, but if it raised the income tax rate to 90%, 100%, what could you do to stop them from taking every penny you earned. Government can seize your property through liens and eminent domain; and there’s not much you can do about it. Government can also take your rights; as it has through all the gun control laws, and the laws and programs enacted to fight drugs; terror; crime; and any other social injustice. Continue reading

Destroy Your Children ~ Betray Your Country

The following is the first of a series of articles, which we had posted in our original category, ‘Village of the Damned‘ in the first generation of our sister site, Federal Observer. As time goes on, we shall be publishing many more columns from our archives. Watch the progression – or was it ‘regression’? ~ Ed.

September 21, 2003 ~ A very good book, written in 1979, exposes our public indoctrination centers (public Schools) for what they really are – agents of change (their own term for themselves). The book extensively quotes the NEA, educators, and authors that have been or are influential in molding teaching goals and philosophy…, ‘Change agents in the school’s: ‘Destroy Your Children – Betray Your Country’. Continue reading

H.L. Mencken Quotes on Government, Democracy, and Politicians

Today (September 12th) is H.L. Mencken’s birthday. The “Sage of Baltimore” (pictured above) was born in 1880 and is regarded by many as one of the most influential American journalists, essayists, and writers of the early 20th century. To recognize the great political writer on his birthday, here are 12 of my favorite Mencken quotes: Continue reading

Homeschool or Traditional?: The Teacher Speaks!

First, let me explain my qualifications for answering this question. I am a fully certified teacher in two states. I have credentials for teaching K-6 general education and K-12 special education. I have a BA in special education and a Master’s in Learning and Technology. I am currently a 6th-grade teacher in a public charter school and teach leadership and STEM. But my most important qualification for answering this question is that I homeschooled my own children for 24 years. (I did not teach outside of that during those years, but I did start a private cottage school and ran that for 7 of those years). You want to know why your grandson gets finished with assignments in such a short amount of time. It does not take as long in homeschool with 1 on 1 learning. There is no better learning situation than 1 on 1. You do not have interruptions like you do in a classroom. We were always finished with our core academic schoolwork at home in about 1.5 – 3 hours depending on the subject. Keep in mind, I have twins with autism as well (which is why I had the cottage school) and my other two sons had/have dyslexia. Continue reading

Get them Out ~ NOW!

I’m not a teacher, but I may be able to offer an opinion. Every time the government gets involved in anything, they screw it up. In this case, it’s because the public school system is required to keep kids working at the same rate. (I think the current fiasco is common core, which was preceded by No Child Left Behind.) These programs do more to hold back most students than they do to help less advanced students keep up. The kids who suffer the most are the ones who should be allowed to work far ahead, but that doesn’t fit into the system’s agenda, and teachers are already swamped with kids who need much more help. ~ Joyce the Trucker

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A Republic, if You Can Keep It . . .

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Franklin was queried as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation. In the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention, a lady asked Dr. Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

Our Constitution created a limited representative republic. A republic is different from a democracy. In a democracy, the majority can directly make laws, while in a republic, elected representatives make laws. Basically, in a pure democracy, the majority has unlimited power, whereas in a republic, a written constitution limits the majority and provides safeguards for the individual and minorities. Continue reading

The Problem With White Parents?

When kids are pulled from failing schools, leftists blame the parents of white students.

For most parents, the 2019-20 school year was turned completely upside down and inside out thanks to the coronavirus-induced closure of school buildings. Millions of parents who were suddenly out of work themselves gained the added experience of shepherding their children through weeks of virtual school, with teachers doing their best to educate via computer. For some students, it was a welcome distraction they could handle, but for others it detracted from the hands-on classroom experience. Continue reading

Shame on US!

There is a reason for what is going on today in America. And it is each and every one of our faults because we’ve done nothing for the past 50 years.

The blame falls at our feet. Where do these people learn all of this America hating crap from? They learn it in our public school system. Here’s a dirty little secret no one wants to notice. The public schools are controlled by the government. Why? Because it is the government funding them. You pay school taxes to the government to have the government indoctrinate your children. Continue reading

Socialism in Education

It would be virtually impossible to find a better example of socialism here in the United States than the public schooling systems that exist in every U.S. state. Ironically, it is this socialist system that is primarily responsible for the widespread belief among non-libertarians that “the United States has never been a socialist country,” as New York Times columnist Timothy Egan stated in a recent NYT op-ed. (See my two recent articles “A Life of the Lie on Socialism” and “Socialism in America, 31 Years Ago.”)

It is worth noting that public schooling is a core feature of the educational systems in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam, all three of which are widely known as socialist countries. That’s because public schooling is a socialist system. Continue reading

Russian government recommended banning Wi-Fi and cell phones in primary schools


On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health. Continue reading