This is not a new subject for me. I have written about it for several years now. I guess I keep writing about it because so few people seem to get the message. When it comes to Marxism in the public school classroom people just don’t want to hear about that–and so they tune it out, pretend it doesn’t exist. That way they don’t have to do anything except ignore it and maybe it will go away. It hasn’t and it won’t and you are heaping “coals of fire” upon your children’s heads if you can do something to get your kids out of that situation and you don’t bother.
I just read an article by John Eidson about what cultural Marxism is doing to public schools in this country. Mr. Eidson states, quite accurately that “Cultural Marxism is the gradual process of grinding down western democracies by subverting the pillars of their culture, the structures and institutions of family, religion, education, politics, law, the arts and the media, as they provide the social cohesion necessary for a functioning society. Continue reading