Category Archives: Village of the Damned

Something is terribly wrong with the Education ‘Village‘ of America – the complete breakdown of America’s government controlled education system through indoctrination and Socialism. Our children have become truly ‘damned‘ and will have little chance to truly succeed in this nation – UNLESS – the system can be overturned. Sorry Hillary, but the Village thing hasn’t worked so well – for the children of America. Welcome to the ‘Village‘ – where first we learn, and then we teach!

This category was so-named because of then First Lady, Hillary Clinton’s comment, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In addition to my feelings that our children are truly ‘damned‘ as long as this system is allowed to continue.

The ‘Village‘ is the place that I would not wish to be in today. I was privileged to participate in one of the last non-socialist school systems. Hell – I don’t know – maybe it had already begun, but I had great teachers. At 71 years of age – I can still picture and name over 90% of those whose care I was placed into. What we present here includes a range of commentary by a wide range of authors, which may well not fit into other designated categories. So here we provide, well – you know – “a little of this and a little of that!“

As the esteemed Dr. Rosemary Stein, M.D. has stated; The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools. Remember, the father of their modern education ‘Elite’ beliefs is John Dewey. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Here is the quote of the day. “This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.”You are going to have to take ownership over the education of your children ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

In the words of Jaime Escalalante ~ “I tell my students, you do not enter the future – you create the future. The future is achieved through hard work.”

Let us guide our children towards creation – of the future. The time is past due for we the people to take back the responsibility of who raises and who teaches OUR children.. and with YOUR help, and the words of our contributors, we will do our best to bring your children to the world which they deserve to live in. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Kettle Moraine Publications

The Problem With White Parents?

When kids are pulled from failing schools, leftists blame the parents of white students.

For most parents, the 2019-20 school year was turned completely upside down and inside out thanks to the coronavirus-induced closure of school buildings. Millions of parents who were suddenly out of work themselves gained the added experience of shepherding their children through weeks of virtual school, with teachers doing their best to educate via computer. For some students, it was a welcome distraction they could handle, but for others it detracted from the hands-on classroom experience. Continue reading

Shame on US!

There is a reason for what is going on today in America. And it is each and every one of our faults because we’ve done nothing for the past 50 years.

The blame falls at our feet. Where do these people learn all of this America hating crap from? They learn it in our public school system. Here’s a dirty little secret no one wants to notice. The public schools are controlled by the government. Why? Because it is the government funding them. You pay school taxes to the government to have the government indoctrinate your children. Continue reading

Socialism in Education

It would be virtually impossible to find a better example of socialism here in the United States than the public schooling systems that exist in every U.S. state. Ironically, it is this socialist system that is primarily responsible for the widespread belief among non-libertarians that “the United States has never been a socialist country,” as New York Times columnist Timothy Egan stated in a recent NYT op-ed. (See my two recent articles “A Life of the Lie on Socialism” and “Socialism in America, 31 Years Ago.”)

It is worth noting that public schooling is a core feature of the educational systems in Cuba, North Korea, and Vietnam, all three of which are widely known as socialist countries. That’s because public schooling is a socialist system. Continue reading

Russian government recommended banning Wi-Fi and cell phones in primary schools


On July 17th, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Health published recommendations to schools to ban the use of Wi-Fi and cell phones in elementary schools. The Medical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, prepared the recommendations together with the Russian Ministry of Health. Continue reading

Restoring The Original Purpose Of Schools

If you have read my past columns, listened to either my talk show, The Ron Edwards American Experience or my radio commentary The Edwards Notebook, chances are you have read or heard me declare that the government school system is the number one enemy of our republic. Years ago, when I first made that declaration, people disagreed with much vigor. Some said that I was looney for saying that, considering enemies like China, Islamic terrorists, Russia, hordes of illegal border crossers, etc. Of course, those are all major enemies. But in my opinion, none of them compare with the great enemy from within, the government school system. Since before the establishment of our great republic, there have been those in our midst who have desired to prevent the establishment of a republic where the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is recognized and honored. The reason being is that out of both Judeo and Christian principles came the wonderful concepts of unalienable rights, Liberty and Justice for all, equal opportunity and the right of self, family and property protection and much more. Continue reading

Public Education As Messiah

The adherents of public schooling in this country have always had a messiah complex. They have always sought to make that educational institution (so called) that they adhere to and promote appear to be the sole method of improving the lot of mankind. No longer are we supposed to lean on the Holy Scriptures and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to show us the way to better the lives of people. We are supposed to now jettison that outmoded belief and replace it with the latest pronouncements of the public school educrats.

In his book Idols for Destruction, published way back in 1990, Herbert Schlossberg observed this messiah complex in the public education system. He stated: “From the time they began in the United States, the public schools have been intended to be a social force. Beginning with Horace Mann, they were supposed to promote the socialization of diverse peoples, end crime and poverty, and in general solve the political, economic, and social problems of the entire society. Muggeridge recalls that his father’s socialist vision included a society in which the population would be transformed through education.” Continue reading

Forgetting the War and Losing Our Heritage

Regarding the War of Northern Aggression, Jefferson Davis once made an interesting statement. He said: “Our children may forget this war, but we cannot. The war came and now it must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks, and his children seize his musket and fight our battle.”

It would seem that Mr. Davis’ comment about the children picking up the musket was somewhat figurative and not meant to be literal. What he seemed to be saying was that the children would not forget what their fathers fought for (and it wasn’t slavery).

However, Mr. Davis was not taking into consideration the advent of the Northern system of public education that was foisted upon the South as an integral part of “reconstruction.” There was no way he could have grasped what effect this one part of “reconstruction” would have on the South, not in his own generation or in those to come. Continue reading

The Left’s BIG Lie About Getting Back to School

NOTE: In our personal opinion, we will return to normal if we keep the children OUT of the Public School System and begin to guide them down the proper paths once more. During 2020, we have seen more than ever before just EXACTLY what our school system had done to misguide our kids for at least two generations. ~ Ed.

They say they’re worried about our children’s safety. Don’t believe them.

That societal marker, perhaps more than any other, will tell us when we’ve finally gained the upper hand on COVID-19. It’s understandable, then, that the reopening of our schools has become a hot-button issue. And President Donald Trump is on the side of concerned parents across the political spectrum. Continue reading

Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into Little Marxists

School systems across the country are adopting BLM curriculum at at alarming rate, indoctrinating our children to achieve Marxist objectives.

New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter (BLM)-themed lesson plans this fall. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality, and white privilege in their classrooms. Continue reading

How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing

Teaching the value of free thought matters now more than ever.

Unfortunately, most American public schools take the opposite approach.

Many people have long suspected that governments sometimes attempt to indoctrinate their people to increase the government’s own power and influence. Unfortunately, ambitious governments will not stop at merely controlling what their people can do; they must control their minds. Continue reading

If you have a Child in Public School, you’re sending them into a Warzone!

Hate Crimes against White Students on the Rise (And this was in 2019)

A teacher for Hays CISD, south of Austin, Texas was arrested Friday afternoon after she beat the hell out of a 15-year-old girl in a classroom. Sadly, like most of these attacks, it will go unreported by the large corporate cable news networks because it doesn’t fit the agenda and it would be inconvenient to show what’s really going on in public schools throughout the United States.

The latest incident was caught on cell phone by students in the class, as CISD teacher Tiffani Shadell Lankford brutally attacked the girl.

Hate Crimes against White Students ignored & covered up by the Media and Public School Systems throughout the United States!

In schools throughout the United States, white students are being targeted in brutal hate crimes that go mostly unreported, and shockingly the terrorists thugs often go unpunished. In fact, schools throughout the United States have changed their disciplinary policies specifically to protect minority students from suspension and expulsion. Continue reading

A Virtual Educational Failure

Lockdowns changed education for millions of students, and not always in a good way.

When states closed American schools due to the coronavirus pandemic, state boards of education reacted quickly to ensure that students would continue to learn. Online technologies such as Zoom, for example, were implemented so teachers and students could meet in real time. On the surface, it seemed like the perfect solution. We’ve all seen videos or news clips of a computer screen filled with the faces of eager students hanging on the teacher’s every word. Parents walking into the kitchen were likely reassured to see their child staring into the laptop while the teacher explained the lesson in the background. But the reality paints a much less successful picture of the virtual schoolhouse.

For one, a significant number of students never show up for class — which makes sense, given how much easier it is now to hit the snooze button and grab another couple hours of sleep. Just email your teacher later and explain that your Internet was down. Continue reading

NH Dem Senator: Working-Class Parents Don’t Have Intelligence to Oversee Their Kids’ Educations

State Sen. Jeanne Dietsch (D-Peterborough)

Working-class parents without college degrees aren’t capable of overseeing their own children’s education, according to comments State Sen. Jeanne Dietsch (D-Peterborough) made during a House Education Committee hearing on Tuesday.

Dietsch was speaking on behalf of a Senate bill that would repeal a law allowing the state Board of Education to create an alternative program for granting graduation credits, which became Learn Everywhere.

“This idea of parental choice, that’s great if the parent is well-educated. There are some families that’s perfect for. But to make it available to everyone? No. I think you’re asking for a huge amount of trouble,” Dietsch said. Continue reading

After Twenty Years Working in Multiracial Public Schools, a White Teacher Tells All

I began teaching 20 years ago at a majority-black public middle school. The behavior of the black students was so outrageous, it bordered on unbelievable. Their respect for authority and teachers was less than nothing. They would pull my hair to see if it was real, sometimes standing around me playing with my hair like animals performing grooming rituals. Other times, they would push their faces into my abdomen, take a deep breath, and comment on the way I smelled. I’ve even had students tell me they could smell my “coochie” and shove their hand between my legs from behind. Continue reading

Americans are Academically Ill-Equipped to Defend the Constitution

“A republic, if you can keep it,” Benjamin Franklin allegedly quipped when asked what type of government the Constitutional Convention had crafted for the United States. More than two centuries later, astonishingly low levels of civic literacy suggest Americans are academically ill-equipped to do so. Continue reading