Category Archives: Village of the Damned

Something is terribly wrong with the Education ‘Village‘ of America – the complete breakdown of America’s government controlled education system through indoctrination and Socialism. Our children have become truly ‘damned‘ and will have little chance to truly succeed in this nation – UNLESS – the system can be overturned. Sorry Hillary, but the Village thing hasn’t worked so well – for the children of America. Welcome to the ‘Village‘ – where first we learn, and then we teach!

This category was so-named because of then First Lady, Hillary Clinton’s comment, “It takes a village to raise a child.” In addition to my feelings that our children are truly ‘damned‘ as long as this system is allowed to continue.

The ‘Village‘ is the place that I would not wish to be in today. I was privileged to participate in one of the last non-socialist school systems. Hell – I don’t know – maybe it had already begun, but I had great teachers. At 71 years of age – I can still picture and name over 90% of those whose care I was placed into. What we present here includes a range of commentary by a wide range of authors, which may well not fit into other designated categories. So here we provide, well – you know – “a little of this and a little of that!“

As the esteemed Dr. Rosemary Stein, M.D. has stated; The only way socialism has any chance in America is for the education system to push it in schools. Remember, the father of their modern education ‘Elite’ beliefs is John Dewey. Dewey was a communist, failed teacher who pushed what are now clearly failed education theories. Here is the quote of the day. “This militant crowd is comprised of uninformed and misinformed people looking at themselves as unfortunate, underpaid, underappreciated victims of capitalism, overwhelmed with jealousy that there are people who are everything they are not.”You are going to have to take ownership over the education of your children ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

In the words of Jaime Escalalante ~ “I tell my students, you do not enter the future – you create the future. The future is achieved through hard work.”

Let us guide our children towards creation – of the future. The time is past due for we the people to take back the responsibility of who raises and who teaches OUR children.. and with YOUR help, and the words of our contributors, we will do our best to bring your children to the world which they deserve to live in. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Kettle Moraine Publications

American Education System Has Totally Failed in One Key Area

Let’s move on from the 2020 election for a second. In four years, we’re going to have another presidential election and many more after that. In the interim years, we have the midterms. And while this cycle will continue, the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch will probably become more explicit. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wasn’t successful in clinching the Democratic nomination in 2016 or 2020. He has a following. He has a devoted base, but black Democrats in the south were the firewall against a total socialist takeover. That will not last… Continue reading

U.S. Children Getting Dumber and Dumber

American children are getting dumb and dumber under Common Core, according to the latest results from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). And according to the results of ACT standardized tests, college-bound students are doing worse than they have ever done in the examination’s history. Continue reading

From Your friends at BIG Pharma

… creating mindless little drones who passively accept all infringements upon their rights and liberty without question.

Prozac-Discovered by Eli Lilly in 1972 and entered into use in 1986, I believe. Listed by the World Health Organization as an ‘Essential’ Medicine for its treatment of a wide range of disorders. The 31st most prescribed drug in the United States.

Now wonder the people can’t think these days; we’ve become a nation of doped up junkies. Continue reading

Our Schools Have Failed The Test And Bureaucrats Have Been Exposed

Montgomery County, Maryland is a wealthy suburb of Washington, D.C. Like many such jurisdictions, Montgomery County remains tightly locked down. Its public schools are closed, and all students are required to participate in “distance learning.” The results have been disastrous –particularly for minority students.

Since the advent of the great “War on Poverty” liberal educators in Montgomery County and elsewhere in the nation have trumpeted their efforts to close the “achievement gap” -the yawning chasm that exists between the performance of white students and minority, particularly black, students. Quite rightly educators have focused on the fact that in an increasingly high-tech world, students who come out of school without the requisite education are doomed to a lifetime of poverty and are much more likely to end up institutionalized. Continue reading

The REAL ‘Village of the Damned!

In this video we examine how public schools and the mainstream media have contributed to the growth of a passive citizenry, thus paving the way for the rise of tyranny. We then look at the role anti-authoritarians play in a free and flourishing society.

...just more reasons to remove our children from the Dens of Iniquity!

Continue reading

California School District Bans ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ ‘Huckleberry Finn,’ Other Classic Novels

Perhaps instead of banning the books entirely, you could instead have an open discussion about the “challenging” content with the students so that they can, you know, LEARN. ~ Poor Mama Rose

The Burbank Unified School District in California has banned several classic literary works that contain racial slurs. To Kill A Mockingbird and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are two of the classics on the district’s new list of banned books.

According to a report by Newsweek, a school district in Burbank, California, has banned several classic books that contain racial slurs. The list includes: To Kill a Mockingbird, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Of Mice and Men, The Cay and Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. Continue reading

The Education System Isn’t Designed for Smart Kids

“…this education system doesn’t need to be reformed; it needs to be destroyed!”

Sometimes, something that’s right in front of you can escape your attention.

Over the past five years I’ve looked at countless student performance numbers, and almost always, my attention goes to the large percentages of students who are performing below grade level in reading, math, history, etc. I see these numbers as evidence of the failure of the current education system. Continue reading

Classroom Busybodies Ban a ‘Jesus Loves Me’ Mask

In the middle of the 20th century, when Nazism had only just been vanquished and Soviet Communism was still on the march, C. S. Lewis could already see the next permutation of tyranny appearing on the horizon of the 21st century:

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. Continue reading

How to Protect Your Children From Indoctrination

Do you look on with astonishment at Antifa and other extreme groups rioting and shouting “death to America?” How could all this happen? Where did all these young people come from who hate the US?

Chances are they caught this belief from our public school systems. If you live in California, it’s right in your face. Some are calling it out.

We’ve talked about why homeschooling is an excellent choice from an academic, independence, and character-building standpoint in previous articles. In this discussion, we’ll talk about protecting your children from indoctrination. Continue reading

The Techniques of Communism: INVADING Education

CHAPTER X: 208-248 (1954)

Senator Joseph McCarthy he WARNED us!

In undermining a nation such as the United States, the infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind. By such “cultural” work, the Soviet fifth column obtains an influence, directly or indirectly, over at least a portion of American youth. Some of the young men entering our armed forces, and some of the young women who must support them, are brought within the orbit of pro-Communist thinking, to the detriment of our national security. Future community leaders are also affected. Many by-products beneficial to the conspiracy arise from this infiltration, since concealed Communists in education or their friends become sponsors of Communist fronts, aid in financing Communist causes, and sometimes play a part in influencing the attitudes of certain scientists, specific church circles, and government agencies. Continue reading

The Left’s attack on the Fourth of July

Another step in erasing our collective memory

~ Foreward ~
Scot Faulkner offers this insightful analysis of Radical Left efforts to erase our July Fourth holiday – and replace it with “Juneteenth,” to commemorate June 19, 1865, the day a little-known Union general proclaimed that the Civil War was over and slavery was officially abolished in Texas. Continue reading

Benson: Training Your Children To Be Compliant Little Marxists

The ‘ism’ of Marx

Recently, I did an article about Herbert A. Philbrick’s book “I Led Three Lives.” In that article I mentioned Louis Budenz, the director of the Communist newspaper “Daily Worker” and how he had broken with the Communist Party and returned to his Catholic faith.

According to one account I read, Karl Marx said “The education of all children, from the moment they can get along without their mother’s care, shall be in state institutions.” This would be consistent with the 10th plank in his “Communist Manifesto” which said, in part, “Free education for all children in public schools.”

This was something Louis Budenz sought to warn people about after he broke away from Communism. He wrote an autobiography, “This Is My Story” as well as other books and articles which exposed what the Communists were trying to do to this country. Continue reading

Change American Government School Education Or It Is Game Over!

When people think about modern government school education, the name of the God hating John Dewey usually comes to mind. Of course, it is true that Dewey had a lot to do with the overall decline in the quality of government schools. But there are others who joined in the effort to literally destroy the quality of education. In particular, Chester M. Pierce, (1951-2019) who like other leftists was educated at Harvard, was openly filled with hatred against the God ordained role that parents should carry out in teaching their children the values and traditions that made the United States a great and exceptional republic. Continue reading

1586 ~ Caruba: Our National Education System – a $49 Billion Dollar Disaster

Published in Village of the Damned on the first generation Federal Observer, January 28, 2002

Do you ever wonder why home-schooled children consistently do better academically than those passing through this mind-numbing system?

You had to know something was terribly wrong while you watched President George W. Bush stand at the podium and laud Sen. Teddy Kennedy. I thought he was going to stop talking just long enough to French kiss him. Nothing good can come of these two colluding on an education program and nothing will!

After you get through reading the 1000-page Education Bill, dubbed “Leave No Child Behind“, you will have concluded that the Federal government is now so fully in charge of your local school system that you have only one option. You will either home school your children or you will turn them over to a system that so mirrors the Communist model for education, they will belong to Big Brother long after they have left home to create their own families. Continue reading

Sowell: Charter Schools and Their Enemies

Can someone explain to me: How do you live to be 90 and still be intellectually active? To be writing at this age – what a quality of life! …and a quantity of life too; more of this man is needed at least for my country, Cote d’Ivoire! ~ Olivier Mgbra

Challenge: That which MUST be said…

Good day to you all. My name is Jeffrey Bennett and I am the Editor and Publisher of this site and several others. What the other sites are and what they deal with is of no matter as relates to this post – however, what you are about to read and review MUST be viewed and what is stated – MUST be said.

For some months now, I have been receiving several emails a week from “Education Week” – a post that I have come to looking forward to receiving – until September 24, 2020 – the one you will soon be able to look over (snapshot images). I do this, so that you will also understand my response to the publishers of their web-site. It is harsh – but I felt that it had to be said. Continue reading

Black Lives Matter In Public Schools Is Turning Kids Into Little Marxists

School systems across the country are adopting BLM curriculum at at alarming rate, indoctrinating our children to achieve Marxist objectives.

New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter (BLM)-themed lesson plans this fall. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality, and white privilege in their classrooms. Continue reading

Teachers Worry “Dangerous” Parents Might Overhear Classroom Discussions

The response to the global pandemic has led to many schools in America offering or requiring students to “school at home” with online instruction, including video teaching from the students’ usual teacher(s). Well, according to some teachers on a Twitter thread that has since been hidden, the ability of parents and others to overhear the teacher’s instruction could be “damage[ing].” Continue reading

Destroy Your Children ~ Betray Your Country

The following is the first of a series of articles, which we had posted in our original category, ‘Village of the Damned‘ in the first generation of our sister site, Federal Observer. As time goes on, we shall be publishing many more columns from our archives. Watch the progression – or was it ‘regression’? ~ Ed.

September 21, 2003 ~ A very good book, written in 1979, exposes our public indoctrination centers (public Schools) for what they really are – agents of change (their own term for themselves). The book extensively quotes the NEA, educators, and authors that have been or are influential in molding teaching goals and philosophy…, ‘Change agents in the school’s: ‘Destroy Your Children – Betray Your Country’. Continue reading