Category Archives: Perspectives

~ Comment from a Retired Teacher ~

The following is a commentary which was posted on a column dated February 7, 2025 by a reader to the complete column which I have published on the Federal Observer entitled, The National Assessment of America’s Educational REGRESS. It was written by a retired teacher – but from a personal standpoint – I felt that what you are about to read – was far more POINT BLANK than the column itself. ~ Jeffrey Bennett ~ Editor

Several thoughts come to mind…

1. The teachers unions are strictly unions for the teachers. As a forced member of one of them years ago when I was a teacher you learn very quickly that they are organized to fight for more pay, better benefits, less work and very little accountability for the teachers. They care very little about students and achievement.

2. There are quite a few reasons for the continuing decline of education in America, and too many to write about here, but one of the main reasons is parental involvement and expectations. Too many parents invest little into their kids education and they expect the school to do everything and they have decided that they have nothing to do with their own children’s development. Once again, I could write about my experience in length, but space doesn’t allow it.

3. I left public school and went to private school because I couldn’t with good conscience teach the liberal dogma expected in the classroom. I taught for 29 years in a private Christian school and the expectations in the classroom for teachers, students, admin, and parents was remarkably different.

You ask why private school kids typically score higher on tests and learn at a more aggressive rate, it boils down to those expectations and following through with them.

There are many factors involved, but the unions do little except protect their own at the expense of the students they are expected to teach

William Wallace
February 7, 2025

The Public Has Spoken: School Choice Is the Future

Simply put, the education system as we know it has collapsed into a dysfunctional mess.

Today’s schools teach only the ugliest parts of US history, turning students off from civic engagement. – Shutterstock

If there’s any doubt about that, consider the following 2024 statewide assessments by the Minnesota Department of Education:

* Half (50.1%) of all public school students struggle to read

* Only 47% of 3rd-grade students are proficient in reading

* Only 52% of 10th-grade students are proficient in reading

* More than half (54%) of all public students are not proficient in math

* A mere 35% of 11th-grade students are proficient in math

There are roughly 870,000 students in Minnesota’s public school system. 435,000 struggle to read while nearly 470,000 are not proficient in math. Continue reading

Being Present With Our Children

Parents who learn alongside their children often share their enthusiasm as well. (LightField Studios/Shutterstock)

Being present and engaged with our children in everyday life is difficult. Our attention is being pulled in a thousand directions! Especially in the modern digital age, parents face more distractions and more demands on our limited time than ever before. It’s enough for parents to feel like throwing up our hands and giving up. Continue reading

Teaching Children the Joy of Work

Chores bolster children’s self-esteem and prepare them for adulthood.

   When kids help with tasks around the house, they learn how to contribute value to their community. Biba Kayewich

For the third time, you start unloading the dishwasher. A few more plates find their home in the cupboard before the cries of the toddler in the other room shatter the silent sanctuary you foolishly attempted to construct. Again.

You hurry to the adjoining room. His tower of blocks has again betrayed him with diabolical malfeasance, collapsing into hopeless ruin – much like your hopes of completing any housework. What to do? Continue reading

John Taylor Gatto: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Institutionalised Schooling (1998)

Some of the REAL reasons to get your kids out of the Public, Government controlled system. ~ Editor

John Taylor Gatto

Thank you so much for posting JTG’s speeches. Compulsory schooling totally destroyed the social fabric in my community. I always knew deep down that it was the primary reason for the falling out of so many relationships.

But family, friends, and therapists kept saying to “just get over it… that’s the way child development works.” It wasn’t until reading Gatto’s book ‘Dumbing US Down’ when I finally felt fully validated. I was able to objectively assess relatives and friends who were way too judgmental about school performance. ~ Catherine Harber

Robinson: ‘We don’t want’ Federal Education Funds in NC

“Money, Honey – we don’t want you!”

A Republican candidate for governor, Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson says he would reject federal funding for North Carolina schools.. That’s a popular idea among some conservatives, but it could come with a hefty price tag.

Robinson was asked by an attendee what he could do to fight school bureaucracy at the federal level. He said he’d prefer to see the state opt out of federal education funds. Continue reading

Unschooling: The Radical Education Trend Raising Eyebrows

Some parents are letting their children lead their education

Without direct instruction, will kids pick up reading and math naturally? (Image credit: llustration by Julia Wytrazek)

Since the pandemic, there has been a noticeable surge in homeschooling. Now, a different pedagogical trend called “unschooling” is gaining momentum, sparking controversy and debate online.

In June, spiritual influencer Mami Onami went viral after discussing unschooling or “free schooling” her children. “We don’t teach our children anything,” she said in a TikTok video. “Everything that they learn is in response to either their interest or their questions.” With no set curriculum or school hours, she and her partner “just respond whenever [her kids] wanna know something and do our best to make sure they really get it.” Mami Onami’s declaration has led to backlash on social media, with many commenters questioning her parenting. However, she is not alone in pursuing this alternative route to educating her children. Continue reading

Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, “Won’t someone please think of the children?!” The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you must be virtuous.

Such sentiments are easily ridiculed in cartoons, but unfortunately, they take root in reality like Russian knapweed despite copious evidence undermining their veracity. Consider your own government-school experiences, whether as a student, parent, or interested observer: Continue reading

How to Fix American Education: The Parallel Education System

Millions of Americans have woken up to the fact that their education system is rotten to the core. As elite universities are engulfed by antisemitic riots, their veil of prestige has been torn to shreds. It is by now clear to many that, in the words of Christopher Rufo, the radical left has conquered everything.

What, then, is to be done? Many, Rufo included, are doing their best to stem the tide of revolutionary ideology through direct political engagement. Their hard work is paying off. In recent months, universities are beginning to move away from mandatory diversity statements. This is just the beginning…
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Homeschoolers Don’t Need Government Regulation

Since 2020, the number of families participating in homeschooling has increased significantly, and with it, discussions about regulations. Currently, regulations of homeschoolers are a state-by-state phenomenon, with Pennsylvania and New York among the states with the most regulations and Missouri, Texas, and Oklahoma with the least. Examples of regulations include requiring parents to submit a letter of intent to homeschool prior to removing their children from the classroom, having teaching qualifications, teaching specific subjects, having evidence of vaccinations, schooling each child for a certain number of hours, and more.

One of the many reasons for the push for regulations has to do with the desire to protect children from isolation, educational neglect, and other more-violent forms of abuse. Continue reading

Streitel: Public Schools Have No Respect for the Students or Their Parents

Some of us may remember the Helen Lovejoy character in The Simpsons, who would appear any time some catastrophe befell the town and plaintively wail, Won’t someone please think of the children?!

The joke here, of course, is that as long as you do something in the name of helping children, it must be right, and you must be virtuous.

Such sentiments are easily ridiculed in cartoons, but unfortunately, they take root in reality like Russian knapweed despite copious evidence undermining their veracity. Consider your own government-school experiences, whether as a student, parent, or interested observer… Continue reading

Seese: Did the Founders Understand the Constitution?

Is the above just a stupid question? Did our founders, the ones who hammered out the Constitution of the United States, several of whom became presidents, fail to understand the Constitution of the United States of America? Why would anyone even ask a question like that?

Because either the Founders misunderstood the Constitution they drafted and the states ratified, or the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals is clueless as to the meaning and intent of the Constitution and our founders, as is evidenced by the order to Roy Moore, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Alabama, to remove the Ten Commandments from public premises.

That makes the title question valid. Either the Founders had no idea what they meant, or the federal courts and the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) has invented another document out of what our forefathers wrote, and meant when it was written!  Continue reading

Making a Case for Cursive

Recently, I asked my fifth graders if they enjoyed writing in cursive. Students at the all-boys Catholic school where I work start training in cursive penmanship in third grade, so my students had been practicing it for the better part of three years. I expected them to say that it is boring, that they do not like it, but they all said that they preferred cursive to printing. Continue reading

The Inspiring Front Lines of the 20th-Century Homeschool Revolution

          “We’re having a Revolution uh-huh…”

When she was a young girl, Sandra Day O’Connor began her education at home. Her early years of schooling on an Arizona ranch were sitting at the kitchen table with her mother, learning to read, and taking long nature walks.

I read this, and this scene of serenity, this future Supreme Court Justice, beginning her education at home, formed an image in my mind of what might be possible. Continue reading

The Side of Homeschooling We Don’t Talk About Enough

As a veteran homeschooler, I am well aware of what a marathon this lifestyle can be. There’s no break when you live and work in the same place.

It’s time to take a deep breath and assess the situation. Burnout is a normal part of homeschooling. Everyone experiences it at one time or another, and it’s often associated with feelings of being distracted, overworked, and overwhelmed. Continue reading

Dickens: ‘Merkan Edukashun

         Red words Warning Gaslighting detected. Metaphor of emotional abuse. 3d illustration.

I’m talking about America’s Education, Propaganda, Indoctrination, and Gaslighting System. It’s what’s become of the public school system in America.

I’m using the slang for America – ‘Merka – to accentuate how we trivialize the importance of what we “used to was,” as my Cajun girlfriend often said. We’ve lost our appreciation for our once great republic. I keep writing to embolden and admonish you to find it again before we lose it forever.

The day we lose it is not too far in our future. ~ Boz…
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Bennett: Top Ideas for Imaginative Indoor Kid Fun

Keeping our children entertained and educated indoors can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. However, with some creativity and simple resources, parents can turn their homes into hubs of learning and fun. Metropolis.Cafe shares some indoor activities to keep your kids entertained, stimulate their minds, and spark their creativity… Continue reading

The Only Good One Is a Closed One: No Reform of Government Schools

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW

Currently, more people seem to be waking up to the state of educational institutions. Complaints of indoctrination in schools by both parents and teachers have increased in public debate in recent years, with various discussions relating to topics such as critical race theory and gender ideology.

In addition to political indoctrination, issues such as the drop in reading and math proficiency and policies of prolonged school closures during covid lockdowns have also contributed to this dissatisfaction. As alternatives, more states have passed policies that allow school choice in 2023, and the numbers of children educated through homeschooling grew by more than 60 percent between 2020 and 2022… Continue reading

Annie ~ A 1944 Prescription for Teaching Students the Principles of Good Citizenship

Here’s how to turn students into responsible citizens.

While digging through a folder of items belonging to my grandmother during her high school years, I came across several copies of Weekly News Review, a periodical full of news items and current events apparently geared toward young students… Continue reading