The Difference Between Classical and Traditional Education

Several years ago I got into a conversation about classical education in which my conversation partner asked, “Isn’t that the kind of education that all those overachieving homeschoolers are into?” I had to laugh. Yes, classical education has that reputation. But the high-achieving nature of classical education hasn’t deterred interest. In fact, classical curricula are […]

Why Schools Must Stop Relying on ‘Best Practices’ When Teaching Writing

When it comes to writing, American kids just don’t cut it. Only 27 percent of eighth grade students achieve proficiency in the subject, according to The Nation’s Report Card. That shouldn’t surprise us given the type of writing instruction which takes place in schools. Today’s writing instruction, a recent op-ed from The Hechinger Report explains, […]

Evidence Suggests Some Schools are Finally Freeing Students from the Bonds of Mediocrity

By now, many parents know there is something seriously wrong with the average American school. Time and again, children go into the school system as bright bundles of energy, curious about the surrounding world, and time and again, they stagger through the system frustrated and losing their interest in learning. Unfortunately, parents have firsthand knowledge […]

Teacher: Students Crave Ethics Instruction

High school English teacher Paul Barnwell made two interesting observations in July of 2016 in The Atlantic. The first was that his students have no moral compass. Barnwell discovered this when discussing various ethical issues with his class. His students were, he found, quite oblivious to internationally and historically accepted values of moral living.