Countering Propaganda One Read-Aloud at a Time

It’s time to fill our children’s minds with the good, true, and beautiful. Between gender wars, deviant sexual education, declining academic achievement, and plain old safety issues, today’s schools have turned into landmines for parents and students. But while parents are increasingly seeing the problems their children are facing in school, it’s also hard to […]

The Founding Fathers on Education — and Education Today

I was recently looking through Intellectual Takeout’s archives and once again stumbled upon Annie Holmquist’s article “Middle School Reading Lists 100 Years Ago vs. Today.” Annie’s comparison of how reading lists have changed reveals how students today aren’t held to as high of standards as students 100 years ago, and Annie’s commentary got me curious […]

Control and Ignorance Are the Goals of Public Education … and Parents Are Catching On

A recent viral video from the YouTube channel Fleccas Talks showed several man-on-the-street interviews testing young people in New York City on their knowledge of basic facts. Some of the questions focused on American history and civics, while others were simple, numerical-based ones. The results were depressing, as the following samples demonstrate…

Homeschooling Just Crossed the Tipping Point

In the months before COVID hit, a number of my friends began a new phase of motherhood by starting careers as homeschool teachers. They expressed normal trepidation, concerned they would fail, and by extension, their children would. Then the pandemic hit, homeschooling became the new way of life, and my friends were suddenly homeschool veterans, […]

Teaching History Without Identity Politics

“Our children need to learn more history and civics!” is a regular rallying cry for those who want to see America returned to its moral and common sense roots. That a greater emphasis on history and civics is needed is evident from The Nation’s Report Card, which finds only 24 percent of American high school […]

The Herd of Sheep in American Schools

By now you’ve probably heard of Harvard Professor Elizabeth Bartholet, whose name catapulted into the public’s view when she called for a “presumtive ban” on homeschooling. Ironically, her call for a homeschooling ban came right when the entire nation was forced to homeschool due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

The Three Rs: Let’s Pass Them Along to Our Young People

Room 241, a blog maintained by Portland’s Concordia University, reports these dismaying statistics regarding the current state of the Three Rs – reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic – in America. * More than 30 million American adults cannot read, write, or do math above a third-grade level. * Seventy-five percent of American prison inmates either never […]

Are Computers Contributing to the Decline of Writing Skills?

According to new research from the Department of Education, the switch to computer-based writing tests shows a decided decline in the writing ability of fourth–grade students, particularly for low or average performing students. As Jill Barshay from the Hechinger Report explains, “Last year, more than half of U.S. states gave computer-based writing tests to children […]