Benson: Ahh, Those Racist Homeschoolers!

There was a good article on Liberty Nation recently about how the political left …”desperately wants to keep parents from homeschooling their children.”

The article stated that: “What happens when parents realize the public school system isn’t all it’s cracked up to be and start seeking other alternatives? Ever since the debate over the material being taught in K-12 classrooms erupted, government schools have been under well-deserved scrutiny for injecting far-left ideas regarding race, sexuality, and gender into their curricula. Now, the nation is seeing a backlash from Democrats and their comrades in the activist media with attempts to limit options for parents who have become disillusioned with their children’s learning institutions.” Continue reading

American History: Roots in Religious Zealotry

“The First Thanksgiving, 1621” by J.L.G. Ferris. The Pilgrims of first-Thanksgiving legend were soon followed to the New World by the Puritans, who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

It is the image Americans are comfortable with. The first Thanksgiving. Struggling Pilgrims – our blessed forebears – saved by the generosity of kindly Native Americans. Two societies coexisting in harmony. If Colonial Virginia was a mess, well, certainly matters were better in Massachusetts. Here are origins all can be proud of.

Our children re-create the scene every November, and we watch them with pride through the lenses of our smartphones. But is this representation of life in Colonial New England an accurate portrait of Anglo-Native relations at Plymouth, or, for that matter, in the larger Massachusetts Bay Colony? Of course it isn’t, but nonetheless the impression – the myth – persists. That’s a story unto itself. Continue reading

Wendell Willkie: Deja Vu All Over Again – Or is it Still? (December 8, 1939)

An address given by Willkie at the 44th Congress of American Industry on December 8th, 1939

Willkie on the Campaign Trail

The history of government is the history of two conflicting principles: one is the supreme importance of the State; the other is the supreme importance of the individual. Either the people have believed that the State was merely the voluntary creation of individual citizens, responsible to them and designed primarily to protect their liberties; or else they have believed that the State was an authority in its own right to which individual citizens were subject and which could demand of them the suppression of their own desires and talents. The individual versus the State – that is the theme which more than any other has determined the course of civilization. Continue reading

Lots Of Public School Teachers Don’t Want Their Kids To Go To The Schools They Work In

Over twenty years ago now, my wife and I worked for a Christian home schooling program in Illinois. One day a public school teacher, from someplace in New York, called up and wanted information about the home schooling program we had. In talking to her I tried to ascertain why she was interested in home schooling, seeing that she was a public school teacher. After all these years, I still remember her answer. I never forgot it. She said something like “I work here every day. No way do I want my daughter going to school here.” I thought at the time – what a resounding vote of confidence for the public school system from one of its own. Folks, when even the public school teachers don’t want their kids “educated” in the system they work for, you know there is something wrong. Continue reading

Benson: Public (government) “Education – Ongoing Reconstruction”

I received an email from a friend in the upper South just a day or so ago that was about a statue of a Confederate general that was being taken down. Since this friend doesn’t usually get involved with Southern Heritage issues, I wrote back and explained to him that the political and theological leftists would never be satisfied until all of Southern Heritage and culture was totally erased from our minds and memories.

Then he made an interesting comment. He wrote “First the South and then the country.” He understood what was going on. Indeed, “reconstruction” continues in our day. People don’t always think in those terms, even here in the South, but it’s true. Continue reading

Zibrem: The Home Schooling Solution

Keep them at home…

Technology today present a host of strange evils. Since 2020 it has been the lynch pin of government schooling. Young people are demanded to have devices connected to the internet. All instruction was done via the net during this time in some places.

It was a situation of enforced home schooling. The crucial difference being that the child was being taught by government teachers while being at home. As a result many parents witnessed the great evils being imposed on their children. The occult race war agenda has been in full swing this past decade. Many parents who retain common sense were amazed at seeing it. They have resolved to take their children out of government schools. They have decided to place them in the real home schooling environment. Continue reading

The Anti-Federalist Papers – and more…

In contrast to Hamilton, Madison and Jay who supported ratification of the Constitution of the United States, many others did not. While the former’s works were more logically organized (and eventually won the debate), the Anti-federalist writers were nonetheless articulate. Serious questions were raised which eventually led to some of the Federalist writings that served as answers to allegations of the Anti-federalists.

No serious student of the Constitution can be without both sides of the story. Some Anti-federalist prophecies have strangely come true. Writings by “Brutus” and “A Federal Farmer”, particularly relating to the “necessary and proper” clause (Article I, Section 8, Clause 18), view the future under an unrestrained Congress. Although the “necessary and proper” clause was never meant to be a blanket grant of power, over the years, as the intentions of the Founding Fathers have passed further and further from our memories, all three branches of the federal government have assumed powers that simply do not – and never did – exist. As the states have forgotten how to be a check against a Congress run amok, things are getting worse.

This document has been spell checked and proof-read it several times. Spelling and grammatical errors of the period in which these works were written, have for the most part been left intact. Undoubtedly, we may have missed a dropped character, hyphenation may be inadvertently missing, or other minor flaws may appear.

This work is considered public domain to the extent that the information is historic, and intended for non-commercial, informational purposes. In addition, our purposes in making this entire body of work available are several-fold: First, for the education of the American people so that we might better understand our nations history. Secondly, so that we might be able to use this information as a tool of reference as we contact our elected state and federal officials in order that we might right was has been terribly wronged in our great Republic.

These documents, like the Federalist Papers, themselves, cannot be considered all-inclusive. Many other pro and con pieces appeared in newspapers, in the state ratification conventions, in pamphlets, books, and other sources of the time. But these are considered the premier Anti-federalist writings organized somewhat to coincide with the Federalist Papers.

You will note below, that we have also separately posted the works of one ‘Centinel’  out the works of to focus on for reasons that will become important to this project.

Continue reading

A Black Man Looks At The 1619 Project

Not all black folks have bought into the lie that America was founded only on the institution of slavery. This lie is basically what the 1619 Project tries to portray as the foundation of America.

But Mychal Massie, writing on May 2nd gives the lie to Nikole Hannah-Jones now infamous 1619 Project, which, though wildly inaccurate, is now taught in many public schools as “history.” Mr. Massie is black. Continue reading

Will Christians Ever Wake Up To What Public Education Is Really All About?

Literally for decades now I have watched Christians bend over backwards to defend public education and subtly denigrate those among their brethren that dare to pass up the very questionable “benefits” of public schooling and educate their children in a Christian way, either via A Christian school or home schooling.

Those who have taken the trouble to so some reading and research, (and there are not nearly enough of them), have discovered that public education in this country has been in the business of trying to blunt and dilute the influence of the Christian faith here literally since day one. Continue reading

For the Sake of Our Children, Abolish the Department of Education

ALASTAIR PIKE/AFP via Getty Images

I don’t know if there’s a more reactionary, superfluous arm of the U.S. government than the Department of Education.

(Well, maybe National Public Radio, which has a newsroom that called the Hunter Biden story a “waste of time,” but NPR only gets a small government stipend.)

During the Trump administration, among his most criticized appointees was Education Secretary Betsy DeVos – probably with justification. But in fairness to DeVos, no one could have done that job well, short of turning out the lights and shutting the doors forever. Continue reading

John Adams: A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America

A Defense of the Constitutions of Government of the United States of America is a three volume work by John Adams published in 1787–1788. The work was written while Adams was serving as the American ambassador in London. In Britain and in previous postings in France and the Netherlands Adams had confronted several criticisms of the government systems used by the American states. Adams started the work prior to the writing of the Constitution of the United States and the work is not a defense of that document, but rather of the various state constitutions that were in place in 1787. Continue reading

Woke Teachers Are Ditching the Best Books

Ideology over quality is the rule of the day when selecting summer reading.

A hundred teachers, librarians, and other educators participated in a School Library Journal (SLJ) and National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) poll on summer reading material for middle and high school students.

Summer reading lists are meant to fight the inevitable loss of academic gains that students experience over the nine-week-long break from school. This “summer slide” is a well-documented norm that all students go through despite the best efforts of parents and teachers. Summer reading lists usually incorporate some contemporary easier reads and some classic, more difficult reads. Continue reading

Teacher Makes Excellent Point, “If Educators Can Teach Children About Gender, I Can…”

While our children are still in kindergarten, schools want to teach them about sex, transgenderism, and racism. If that’s the way that they want to play it, then we’re going to fight back and undo the damage.

The comments of one teacher, Kristan Whann, went viral lately after she stated that if they’re intended to teach kids about them, then they can learn that God didn’t make any faults when he created them. Continue reading

Benson: Public School Liars And Deceivers

How often have I heard people say “If only we could get the public schools back to what they were when I was in them they’d be okay.” Folks, you are kidding yourselves if you think that. They were bad when you went to them but you just didn’t notice. Now, what was bad then looks good to you. Twenty five years from now what seems bad will look good – which shows that our thinking has been tampered with and we don’t realize it – to our detriment! Continue reading

Benson: Home Schooling Increases While Public School Enrollment Decreases

Keep them at home…

The AP seems to have had to acknowledge a fact they would rather have buried. According to The New for April 19th there has been a dramatic increase in the number of home schooling families since the Covid outbreak. That planned pandemic was not, however, the only problem parents had with public schools. Continue reading

The Corruption and Debauchery of Thomas Paine

From Patriot to pariah, the Franco dereliction and demise of a graveless Revolutionary War Founder.

“But where says some is the king of America? I’ll tell you Friend, he reigns above…” ~ Thomas Paine (1776)

This week, we observe Patriots’ Day, which commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord — and the opening salvo of the American Revolution immortalized in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” as “The Shot Heard Round the World.” The events of that day are a fitting and enduring case study of the consequences when a tyrannical government attempts to disarm the people. In 1775, tyranny was met with defiance and resulted in the dawn of American Liberty and the birth of a new nation.

While this day is always appropriate for studying the heroic figures of the day, it is also a good opportunity to consider the corruption, dereliction, and demise of one of the most influential advocates for independence ahead of the American Revolution and through its conclusion. This historical figure also reminds us of what can happen when one becomes intoxicated with power and detached from his love for Liberty and the unalienable Rights of Man. Continue reading

Benson: Marxism In American Education ~ Three for the Road…

Anyone who has followed my articles over the years knows that I advocate that parents, especially Christian parents, remove their children from the public school system before they lose them forever.

I recently read an article by a E. Jeffrey Ludwig on the “American Thinker” website from March of 2019. Mr. Ludwig said, in part: “Even in high school I found myself offended by my fellow students who were card-carrying communists in their beliefs and sympathies. In fact, a sizable number of students clung to Marxism as dogma. The high school was Central High School for Boys, a school for gifted boys located in Philadelphia, Pa. Later as I continued my studies in the Ivy League, I saw there was a consistently strong element of intellectuals who were not in the least bit embarrassed to express their interest in communism.” Continue reading

Benson: Parents Waking Up To Public School Indoctrination

There was an informative article in the “New American” magazine for March 28th entitled The Mass Exodus From Indoctrination to Freedom. It was written by Annalisa Pesek and dealt with a new film about families that have escaped those indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools. Continue reading

Peter Amiel: Oath of Allegiance to the United States, 23 June 1778

I, Peter Amiel, do acknowledge the thirteen United States of America, namely New Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free independant, and Sovereign States, and declare, that the People thereof owe no Allegiance or Obedience to George the Third King of Great Britain; and I renounce refuse and abjure any Allegiance, or Obedience to him. Continue reading

A Big, Fat ‘F’ for Gubmint Skools

Our nation’s public schools have utterly failed to properly educate this generation of children.

American students perform poorly on the nation’s report card. Overall, the majority of our students in public school don’t even meet “below basic” standards. We’re far from alone in thinking this is a huge problem.

C. Bradley Thompson, philosophy professor at Clemson University, digs into the actual numbers of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). He illustrates this fact: Continue reading