A personal post – of sorts. WARNING: There is one word in the following text which in fact does violate the purposes of this web-site – however – I am not the perpetrator – the author of the words of a song is. ~ Ed.
Few remember the 1968 Broadway play, ‘HAIR‘. A live performance originally performed at the Biltmore Theater, 261-5 West 47th St. in New York City. I did not see it in New York, but while on R&R in Tokyo in ’69 (from ‘nam) I stayed at a hotel that was also hosting the Chicago cast for performances in that city. Only one performance was held, due to the nudity on stage. The cast and play were subsequently banned from further performances due to pornography laws. I was privileged to spend several evenings in the bar and restaurant with that cast and made some interesting friends, many of who I would meet up with again when I was released from the Army after my 21 months “in country.” Continue reading