Category Archives: Editor’s Classroom

A veteran of Viet Nam, student of history (both American and film), Jeffrey Bennett has been broadcasting for over twenty-eight years as host of various radio-satellite and internet based programs and has been considered the voice of reason on the alternative media – providing a unique and distinctive broadcast style, including topics such as your Financial, Physical, and Spiritual well-being, education, news, Federal and local legislative issues, which will affect our future, political satire (with a twist), and editorial commentary on current events through the teaching of history. Bennett has published numerous books on American History – TRUE history – not re-worked, altered history. Kettle Moraine Productions has also published books for unknown authors, whose dedication to truth – stands alone.

Jeffrey is the founder and CEO of Kettle Moraine, Ltd. Publications, which is the host and developer of numerous websites, including the Metropolis.Café, Dr. Kelley’s Victory Over Cancer, Sierra Madre Precious Metals (previously published under a group of different names) and The Federal Observer – a daily on-line publication, which co-authored and spear-headed a petition, which ultimately caused new legislation to be signed by President Bush within 450 days of the events that rocked our world on September 11, 2001. In addition, Kettle Moraine, Ltd., continues to produce Perspectives on America, a Tuesday though Thursday, two hour broadcast on the Republic Broadcasting Network Network.

Haille’s Comet

Tonight I learned a valuable lesson of what I have long suspected about the failure of education in this nation, both within the Government system – and at home.

As I do several nights a week, I left my office and drove over to a Denny’s which I frequent. What – for the food? No – for the company of a good number of the staff who work at this store. From the cooks to several of the managers and those who I refer to as “my girls.’ Lulu, Ryleigh, Yaselyn and Haille – my Native American friend.

Haille is a young student in College and she was sharing with me tonight the insanity of her “English” class. The instructor has assigned a series of topics to individual students having little to do with the education of “the language.” Haille was assigned “race relations,” while another student was assigned the topic of “global warming.” Continue reading

My history with Stinkin’ Lincoln

A personal post – of sorts. WARNING: There is one word in the following text which in fact does violate the purposes of this web-site – however – I am not the perpetrator – the author of the words of a song is. ~ Ed.

Few remember the 1968 Broadway play, ‘HAIR‘. A live performance originally performed at the Biltmore Theater, 261-5 West 47th St. in New York City. I did not see it in New York, but while on R&R in Tokyo in ’69 (from ‘nam) I stayed at a hotel that was also hosting the Chicago cast for performances in that city. Only one performance was held, due to the nudity on stage. The cast and play were subsequently banned from further performances due to pornography laws. I was privileged to spend several evenings in the bar and restaurant with that cast and made some interesting friends, many of who I would meet up with again when I was released from the Army after my 21 months “in country.” Continue reading

Mask of Dimitrios

“For money, some men will allow the innocent to hang. They will turn traitor… they will lie, cheat, steal and they will kill. They appear brilliant, charming and generous! But they are deadly! Such are men as Dimitrios.”

Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is “arguments over money.” Much of this trouble can be traced to our present “debt-money” system. Continue reading

…and so it would seem…

When the Metropolis Café project was launched in February 2017, my goals were numerous – and remain so, but… too few of the readers (or should I say ‘visitors’?) get it – but then this is the disease of our modern society.

For those who “don’t get it”, the segments of this blog which teach history (Mr. Adair’s Classroom in particular) is not meant to promote anything else but what has been incorrectly taught for the past century and a half. As an example, the cause of the Confederacy had less to do with slavery than you have ever been taught – and I was born in the Nawth! Continue reading


My granddaughter and I have coffee with a good number of Arizona teacher’s nearly each morning. Also, being married to a teacher, I understand what they are going through – economically and otherwise.

We are not fans of Teacher’s Unions – they do little more than to line the pockets of those who run the Unions. We have seen this first hand as well. There are far too many outside influences interacting (controlling) with the Public (non)-Education system today – including and specifically – Government (the Department of Education), politics and Economics – and hence – through no fault of MANY of the teachers – the results are abysmal.

We grow tired of Bond Issues that do no more than provide funds for new schools, new paint, the mopping of the floors, questionable (manipulative) textbooks and window washing.  It is way past time that the TEACHERS (throughout America) were properly cared for – after all – they hold the now and future of our children – and hence – the Nation – in their hands.

At Metropolis Café we support the endeavors and the battles of REAL teachers – everywhere.

We’ll see you at the coffee-shop in the morning. ~ JB
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