Category Archives: A Little Good News Today

This is where we will find success stories – with students, teachers, families – and yes – once in awhile – a particular school, or district which has overcome adversity to provide a winning agenda. You may also find postings regarding proposals POSITIVE changes to and for the education system suggested or presented by both public and private individuals. And in the words of the song by the great Anne Murray – we are looking for a “Little Good News Today!

Oh yes… this is the place you will also find single image posts, which may be quite suggestive in nature – for both positive and/or negative effect.

Malawian Teen Taught Himself How To Build A Windmill From Junk…

…Brought Power To His Village, ALL Learned From Library Books!

William Kamkwamba

We are joining a call from Anonomous who posted a very simple message, they say the media is blacking out the importance of Malawian Teen William Kamkwamba. He taught himself how to build a windmill from junk, brought power to his village, learned from books he read in the library!

He was a simple farmer, he hadn’t see a computer and certainly not many white people in his life. But his mind prevailed and his inventions made lives better. Continue reading

Democracy in crisis: Unshackle schools from test results

… give children the chance to form opinions

Young people need space to discuss and debate topics without worrying about marks or grades. Shutterstock/Monkey Business Images

If political headlines globally are anything to go by, it seems democracy is at risk. Totalitarian views are on the rise. Far-right parties and leaders have gained voters in many countries. And decisions are being made by law courts or by technical experts from international economic organisations. And people, particularly young people, feel they do not have a say. So it’s not surprising then that governments are turning their attention to schools as a potential cure. Continue reading

Texas Students Will Have to Learn Cursive Again Starting This Fall

The continuous invention of gadgets and the advancement of modern technology made many academic practices obsolete and old-fashioned. Many districts and schools in the world have taken off handwriting in their curriculum. They replaced cursive skills and old calligraphy with proficiency in writing on a keyboard. Additionally, many outdoor activities have been taken out and replaced with more screen time, making Generation Z miss out on a lot of stuff. Continue reading

The silent tragedy affecting today’s children

…and what to do with it

I know that many would choose not to hear what I say in the article, but your children need you to hear this message. Even if you disagree with my perspective, please, just follow the recommendations at the end of the article. Once you see the positive changes in your child’s life, you will understand why I say what I say! ~ V.P.

There is a silent tragedy developing right now, in our homes, and it concerns our most precious jewels – our children. Through my work with hundreds of children and families as an occupational therapist, I have witnessed this tragedy unfolding right in front of my eyes. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! Continue reading

Mother Miriam urges parents to pull kids from public school: ‘I don’t know of anything more urgent

During her daily live show yesterday, Mother Miriam challenged parents to uphold their duty as primary educators of their children. She alerted parents to the fact that today’s schools are filled with evil and that it is the first and foremost duty of parents to protect their kids.

“It has to do with you being a proper mom and dad to your children…You, no matter what the situation is, are responsible for the growth of your children in faith,” she said. Continue reading

Harvard Study Shows the Dangers of Early School Enrollment

Every parent knows the difference a year makes in the development and maturity of a young child. A one-year-old is barely walking while a two-year-old gleefully sprints away from you. A four-year-old is always moving, always imagining, always asking why, while a five-year-old may start to sit and listen for longer stretches. Continue reading

Allsup: Why is this post going viral?

As we enter the school year, this. Only this.

What you see above is a post on my Facebook page, Growing Children.

In 3.5 days it has reached more than 251,000 people. My page has only about 3,500 followers, so I think this amounts to going viral. And it’s still going.

It’s going viral because people know that it’s totally unnecessary to sacrifice a healthy childhood on the altar of test-oriented schooling. And they are fed up with academics in preschool, lost recesses and testing, testing, testing. And teaching to tests. And the mindset that learning is about performing for a reward like a trained seal. Continue reading

Don’t Go to College

I can’t pretend to have any insights into the experiences of successful black people, seeing as I’m neither. But I was struck by the video of Robert Smith’s commencement address at Morehouse College, where he announces that he’ll personally pay off every single graduate’s student loans. Unless you’re the personal recipient of Mr. Smith’s benevolence, the best part of that video has to be the chap in the very bottom-left corner of the screen – the one in the Tudor bonnet and horn-rimmed glasses – whose face lights up like an owl that’s just been awarded a lifetime supply of chocolate-dipped barn mice. Continue reading

What If Public Schools Were Abolished?

Out of the Past – But what has changed???

In American culture, public schools are praised in public and criticized in private, which is roughly the opposite of how we tend to treat large-scale enterprises like Walmart. In public, everyone says that Walmart is awful, filled with shoddy foreign products and exploiting workers. But in private, we buy the well-priced, quality goods, and long lines of people hope to be hired. Continue reading

The Cancellation of the Purge…

July 22, 2019 ~ I cannot give this up…

It matters not what the ‘visitation’ or readership is… This project began in January of 2017… and it will survive – and begin its restoration and advancement today.

We will begin the process of re-migration back to this site – but it will be a manual operation, so stay with us. All new postings will be located here. Metropolis Café is still an operational site, and will remain so. It is not due to how many come to this message – but who it affects – and I know that it has affected some individuals who chose to REMOVE their children from the public school system – the real Village of the Damned!

New posts have already been published – all in the same categories which we have maintained on Metropolis Café.

Until such time that the migration back to this site is complete, we invite you to follow this link to: Le Metropolis Café at Federal Observer for previous entries – ALL of which will eventually be back on this site.

Stay tuned and we will keep you updated. ~ Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

Teachers Should Design Student Assessments… but First They Need to Learn How

Assessment literacy must be a priority in teacher training and PD

Having teachers create their own tests is one way to counter the backlash to “overtesting” and give teachers better data to improve instruction. Commercially prepared tests often fail to provide teachers with timely, useful, or actionable data to drive student improvement. In contrast, assessments designed by classroom teachers can better reflect what is taught in class and allow teachers the flexibility to choose the best format—such as presentation, essay, multiple choice, or oral examination—to assess students’ mastery. But as education leaders consider using teacher-designed tests to measure school quality and performance, states and districts have missed a critical step: actually making sure teachers are prepared to design and understand assessments. Continue reading

Wormhoudt’s Words of Wisdom: It All Begins and Ends with Education

The late scholar Gerrit H. Wormhoudt’s book “Opting Out” says Americans must choose alternatives to government-managed schools for their children.

Image Credit: Ernestoeslava from Pixabay

The evolution of the control of educational institutions from entirely private sources to local government schools and then to control by state departments has culminated with the creation of our federal Department of Education. At all levels, government has increasingly exercised bureaucratic power over education in America, from kindergarten through college, and without genuine accountability for results. The consequence has been the growth of an immense educational establishment with an insatiable appetite for political power, for tax dollars, and for control over the shaping of American institutions and the minds and character of its citizens. ~ Gerrit H. Wormhoudt in Opting Out: It All Begins and Ends with Education, pp. 27-28. Continue reading

Seven Ways to Build Your Child’s Vocabulary

If you want your child to have a rich and fulfilling life, one of the best things you can do is help build your child’s vocabulary. Research shows strong language ability is associated with a number of positive things, including happiness, friendships, connections with family, academic success and a satisfying career.

Building your child’s language ability is not something you should wait to do until they’re old enough to go to school. Continue reading

Why Every Parent Should Consider Unschooling

Gillian Lynne. Maybe you’ve heard of her? She’s the choreographer who did Cats and Phantom of the Opera, and she most likely would be diagnosed with ADHD if she was of school age today.

Gillian was fidgety. She couldn’t concentrate. And she was disturbing people. Gillian was considered hopeless by the school system. This was in the 1930s and Gillian was eight. As the story goes, she was sent to a specialist with her mother. After about 20 minutes of dialogue, the specialist told Gillian that he needed to speak with her mother privately. Before leaving, he turned on the radio. Once the pair were in the next room, he said to her mother, “Just stand and watch her.” Continue reading

Juntti: ‘Adulting Day’ At One High School Teaches Teens to Cook, Change a Tire and Pay Billscook, change a tire and pay bills

When I was in high school we had Home Ec and Shop to teach us those daily things. Home Ec also taught us how to care for an ill family member – how to change sheets and make a bed; how to sew things as well as how to keep a house clean and orderly. The shop classes taught woodworking, auto mechanics, etc.

The ADULTING DAY idea is great but it needs to be more of an ADULTING MONTH – including how to change a light bulb, how to fix a leaky faucet, how to clean a plugged drain, etc. All those things that are part of every day life. But then, nowadays, the schools would have to bring in professionals to show them how to do it as most teachers wouldn’t have a clue. I can just see todays youngsters (and adults) asking Google, Alexis, or those other talking tech things to tell them how to do something —other than to spy on all that goes on in your house.

How about teaching our kids how to do something PRODUCTIVE for a change???? ~ Jackie Juntti (Granny) Continue reading