Holmquist: The Recipe for a Happy Nation Requires Religious and Moral Instruction in Schools

A Founding Father’s vision for American education included a strong foundation of religious and moral instruction. As a grade school student, one of my favorite field trips was spending a day attending the one-room school at a local historical site. My friends and I would pack our noontime meal in lunch buckets, dress in aprons […]

Neighborhood Niceties: Using Our Freedom to Foster Community Connections

My entire family was invited to a graduation party over the weekend. Such an invitation is nothing out of the ordinary; what made this invitation unique was that the graduate was a third-generation member of a long-standing friendship – his grandparents were neighbors of my parents for more than 40 years. This invitation would naturally […]

Lost in the Shuffle: The Dramatic School District Decline of the Last 100 Years

While compiling a list of individual, public-school districts in Minnesota the other day, I noticed something curious. My list consisted of around 330 districts … but the district numbers weren’t all consecutive. The list started with Aitkin (District Number 1*), proceeded to Hill City (District Number 2), jumped to McGregor (District Number 4), and then […]

Teach the Basics or SEL?

We’ve reached the home stretch of the school year, and by now, most parents, teachers, and even students understand the lay of the land in their schools. It’s pretty apparent whether classrooms are under control, whether students are learning, and whether teachers are getting burnt out by top-down mandates and demands. Unfortunately, it seems the […]

What a 1945 High School Civics Exam Prep Book Shows Us About Today’s Students

Several days ago, I was handed a pile of old schoolwork and curriculum found in paperwork and memorabilia from my grandmother. Sifting through the stack, I soon pulled out several booklets labeled “Minnesota State Board Questions Certified.” Yellowed with age and somewhat dog-eared, they appear to be workbooks with which students could prepare for their […]

George Washington’s Guide to Being a Gentleman

George Washington, it’s famously said, was “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” Such firsts undoubtedly contributed to his other great achievements, including his election as president of both the Constitutional Convention and the United States. In other words, Washington was not an average man. But his above-average […]

Going Local With the Little Red Microschool

Have you ever heard someone use the phrase “Go Local“? The concept, which encourages supporting local industries and businesses, has grown in popularity over the years with people of all political persuasions. But oddly enough, there’s one area where “go local” has been roundly shunned over the years, and that is education. Oh, sure, people […]