The Unitarians prided themselves on their socialism decades ago. They still do. Rev. R. J. Rushdoony, author of The Messianic Character of American Education took note of the many socialist projects supported by Unitarians, and state-controlled education had to be at the top of the list.
Back in 1847 Karl Marx was hired by a group called the League of the Just (Illuminati) to write a little book called The Communist Manifesto that was to be used in the Socialist revolts in Europe in 1848. Marx’s diatribe was one of the most boring things I’ve ever read. Marx would never have qualified for the “Humorist of the year award.” Yet, as leaden as the Manifesto is, it is important to be aware of the Illuminati’s plans for first European, and eventually, world conquest.
Marx listed ten points that revolutionary cadres should use in taking over a country, any country, in which to display the glories of “scientific socialism.” The tenth point on the Illuminati’s wish list was “Free education for all children in public schools…” As horrendous as this point was, it seems the Unitarians had beaten them to it by at least a decade and a half. So the question then arises–in this instance did the Illuminati learn from the Unitarians–or had some among the Unitarians learned earlier from the Illuminati? Continue reading