Category Archives: Perspectives

Reforming Education: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

Schools closed. Children abandoned. Parents told to pound sand.

Is a repeat defeat for students and parents in the works for this coming school year?

It seems so. What’s not in doubt is it will be another big win for teacher unions. The Los Angeles union demanded a rich array of gimmes before it would consider any return to classrooms, reports Lee Chanian for the Hoover Institution. These included defunding police, shutting down competing charter schools, a 1% wealth tax, and a 3% income surtax on successful people, to name but a few. Is this dedication? For sure. But not to students. Continue reading

Tiffany ROCKS: A Teacher who gets it!

I have worked in the public indoctrination (school) system since 2011. Yesterday, I took a stand for humanity and our beautiful children. These kids are being coerced into a future where they have no rights, brainwashed into not questioning authority, using their intuition or critical thinking skills. They are being muzzled and separated from their friends and taught to define and judge others based on the color of their skin. I refuse to be a part of any of this abhorrent agenda.

I walked in on the first day sans mask. I take my job as a positive role model to children seriously and I will not be an example of a sheep. Miss Tiffany doesn’t muzzle her face and neither should you! I was asked to exit my classroom and put on leave without pay. I implore everyone follow suit! We are so powerful as a collective and we can shift this evil paradigm into the beautiful manifestation that we know is possible! Stand strong in your truth and integrity. God has beautiful plans for us on the other side of fear.

Tiffany Wilder
From her Facebook Page
August 17, 2021

Telling the truth can still get you into trouble!

Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”

She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else laughed.

My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal.

I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals ……..very much. Continue reading

A High School Diploma… For NOTHING!

Would you want to hire someone who couldn’t read, couldn’t write, and couldn’t do math? If so, Oregon’s public high schools will soon have graduates who fill the bill!

Late last month the Oregon legislature and governor passed a law that, in its own words, “prohibits the State Board of Education from requiring for a high school diploma that student show proficiency in any academic content area if student successfully completed credit requirements”.

In other words, as long as the student actually showed up for class and sat there at his desk all year, he doesn’t have to have learned anything to get a diploma. Continue reading

Why Johnny Can’t THINK!

If it seems that young people these days believe absurd things, that they utterly lack both the ability and the inclination to reason logically – well, it’s not your imagination. Today’s college graduates can’t think, or at least don’t think, because they’re not being taught to.

This sad reality, though long suspected, became clear in 2011, with the publication of Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, by scholars Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa. After a four-year study of more than 2300 undergraduates at selective universities across the country, they concluded that a sizeable percentage of them improved little if at all as critical thinkers. Continue reading

Loudon: The Critical Brain Theory is Desperately Needed to Erase the Critical Race Theory

If it were not for human beings, and their brains, the world would not be the same. A great example of that was the world of the dinosaurs. In millions of years, the dinosaur’s ability to think changed very little. In return, their lifestyle, safety, convenience, diet, travel, comfort, diet, protection, exploration, and innovation changed very little.

Then the Homosapien came along. Except for the bible, pyramids, and some other unexplained phenomena, the intelligence of man slowly progressed. An example of learning is that more information and research at the present time can be found in one day than what took a whole year in the 1600s. Intelligence is expanding today faster than the universe is moving outward. Several factors are involved with our astonishing knowledge and information explosion. In fact, according to Moore’s law, computer power, which is one small information source, has been doubling every two years for more than 20 years. The observation of Gordon Moore, the co-founder of Intel, was that the computer was the springboard for intelligence, innovation, free-thinking, and the technological explosion in the 20th and 21st centuries. Continue reading

Thomas Sowell on Black History MYTHS Promoted by the Left

I wish you were my father Sowell. As a young black man living in the ghettos of north America I’m surrounded by black people who blame everyone but themselves. I wish we had real role models here, people who valued hard work and critical thinking. its all so tiresome, always being called white washed for reading books outside of school. ~ G.S.

When you think about it: Centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow did not destroy the black family, but one generation of the welfare state did. ~ T.D. Pearce

When I was working in KCMO in the late 1990’s one of my accounts was the city of KCMO because they couldn’t get good help. The manager there was white and he had been there forever. He told me that because of welfare they were on the third generation of people that had no work ethic and didn’t even know how to push a broom. He stated that he was constantly having to tell them what to do next because they would do only what they were told until it was done and then just stand around. Welfare has ruined the American dream for so many Americans. ~ J. Lichtenberger

This man is more intelligent than our entire congress put together. ~ Chelle

Cancel Culture: Psychiatry, Education, and Moral Relativism = Today’s Children

If you have read many of my articles, especially my most recent ones on Cancel Culture, I have pointed out that, according to the Marxists of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, for Marxism to succeed in taking over the world, Christianity must be crushed because it is the basis of America’s founding documents. Those articles point out the many avenues of attack on America and Christianity, the asymmetric warfare being waged. This article will be about one man’s part in the guerrilla war; actually, just a review of his article on what must be done – under the guise of preventing future wars. And, in his words, “The responsibility for charting the necessary changes in human behavior rests clearly o the sciences working in that field. Psychologists, psychiatrists, sociologist, economists and politicians…Continue reading

CRT or Home Schooling? Get into Fight – NOW!

How To Challenge A School Board in 3-5 Minutes
Did you know that only 5-10% of people vote in school board elections across the country? Even worse, there are empty seats, and uncontested candidates, some of whom need to be kicked to the curb. How is it possible that we have over 56.6 million children attending school in the U.S., with only 5-10% of parents participating in the election of the people who hold the highest power over their education, or shall we say… indoctrination?

Whereas, the home schooling rate has increased four-fold over the past year, some parents aren’t in a situation that allows them to homeschool just yet, and their children remain in public schools. The future generations will be so badly indoctrinated, if parents do not put a stop to this now, and that’s exactly what is happening… (Continue to full article)

De-CRT Your School
The recent uprisings at local school board meetings across the country against critical race theory curricula have emboldened parents who are fed up with destructive, demoralizing educational approaches from our government-run, taxpayer-funded schools.

We rightly reject the idea that this divisive worldview should be the centerpiece of daily instruction for our children beginning at the Kindergarten level and the battle to prohibit this Marxist drivel is a righteous one… (Continue to full article)

Virginia School Board Unanimously Rejects Critical Race Theory and State-Mandated Transgender Policy
The school board of Russell County, Virginia, July 15 unanimously rejected both the teaching of the radical Critical Race Theory (CRT) indoctrination scheme and Virginia Department of Education’s (VDOE) mandated transgender policy.

[A] passionate crowd was in Russell County Thursday evening, where a public hearing was held over a new policy in Virginia that addresses transgender students. … The vast majority of people in attendance were against the Virginia Department of Education’s model policy for treatment of transgender students…. (Continue to full article)

Predictions by Rudolf STEINER 100 Years Ago

CRT Pushback Is Taking Its Toll on Leftists
After years of unchecked indoctrination of their children, American parents may finally have had enough.

American students from grade school through college aren’t learning how to read, write, or solve equations these days. Then again, when would they have time to learn the three Rs when they haven’t even come to terms with their white supremacy or learned about their country’s racist past?

At last, we have some signs that things are changing for the better… (Continue to full article)

Uncle Sam – Who Was He?

‘YES’ on School Choice – But It Requires Parental Involvement

There is a connection between bad schools and lack of parental involvement.

Question my sanity, but I’m considering running in this election to recall California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Here’s a big reason why.

No one doubts that bad K-12 public school teachers exist. There is a phenomenon known as the “turkey trot,” in which bad teachers wind up in the worst schools. Why? Continue reading

School CHOICE Only Option in Divided Nation

Let parents decide what their children will learn, and give parents the freedom to select a school for their child that teaches the worldview and the values that they want.

The issue of critical race theory is raising a more fundamental question about our nation: education.

Education is about more than teaching children to read and write. It is about transmitting values, transmitting a worldview, that will define how our youth think and how they will live. Continue reading

They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children

Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality. In almost all indigenous traditions, the natural world represented the gateway to the cosmos, or higher realms of wisdom, and so new-borns were quickly offered exposure and freedom to explore this lush meta-physical inheritance. In the Americas, some communities would even allow giant eagles or condors to take toddlers on flights of wonder above the canopy of trees — the exaltation and awe induced by these experiences would open psychic gateways in the child’s brain that imbued it with a life-long connection to the ecological neural network of the planet. Continue reading

Smith: America’s End Is One Check-Mate Away

“Blessings on the hand of women! Angels guard its strength and grace. In the palace, cottage, hovel, Oh, no matter where the place; Would that never storms assail it, Rainbows ever gently curled, For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.” ~ William Ross Wallace, 1865

The conservative and Christian parents of America’s multitude of children certainly must wish they had done more in past decades to prevent the ideas of Marx and communism from being inserted into the U.S. public education system, by advocates who infiltrated its halls in its earliest years, as they have seen an exponentially intensified hard assault on our traditional beliefs and principles over the past eleven years, starting with the introduction of Common Core. Now, the new tactic of America’s Marxists centers on the implementation of Critical Race Theory concepts, premises and philosophy within public schools for the purpose of indoctrinating America’s children completely in the Democratic Party’s Marxo-fascist worldview. Continue reading