Thomas Sowell on Black History MYTHS Promoted by the Left

I wish you were my father Sowell. As a young black man living in the ghettos of north America I’m surrounded by black people who blame everyone but themselves. I wish we had real role models here, people who valued hard work and critical thinking. its all so tiresome, always being called white washed for reading books outside of school. ~ G.S.

When you think about it: Centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow did not destroy the black family, but one generation of the welfare state did. ~ T.D. Pearce

When I was working in KCMO in the late 1990’s one of my accounts was the city of KCMO because they couldn’t get good help. The manager there was white and he had been there forever. He told me that because of welfare they were on the third generation of people that had no work ethic and didn’t even know how to push a broom. He stated that he was constantly having to tell them what to do next because they would do only what they were told until it was done and then just stand around. Welfare has ruined the American dream for so many Americans. ~ J. Lichtenberger

This man is more intelligent than our entire congress put together. ~ Chelle

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