Category Archives: A Little Good News Today

This is where we will find success stories – with students, teachers, families – and yes – once in awhile – a particular school, or district which has overcome adversity to provide a winning agenda. You may also find postings regarding proposals POSITIVE changes to and for the education system suggested or presented by both public and private individuals. And in the words of the song by the great Anne Murray – we are looking for a “Little Good News Today!

Oh yes… this is the place you will also find single image posts, which may be quite suggestive in nature – for both positive and/or negative effect.

Homeschoolers Turn Out Happy, Well-Adjusted, and Engaged

Homeschooled children fared better than children who attended public schools in many categories.

Researchers at Harvard University just released findings from their new study showing positive outcomes for homeschooled students. Writing in The Wall Street Journal last week, Brendan Case and Ying Chen of the Harvard Human Flourishing Program concluded that public school students “were less forgiving and less apt to volunteer or attend religious services than their home-schooled peers.” Continue reading

4 Positive Education Trends to End 2021

The exodus from government-run schooling continues

There is a lot to be frustrated about as 2021 concludes. Some places are back in lockdown over rising coronavirus cases, while others are re-imposing previous restrictions and introducing new ones—including my city.

But at this joyful time of the year, I choose to be optimistic and focus on all the good things happening right now, particularly in the world of education. Continue reading

People get ready…: Website Update

…there’s a CHANGE a’ comin’ Don’t need no baggage – ya’ just get on board!

We are way past time to provide our readers with a few needed updates on this site. Over the next few weeks, we will be performing some updating to the site – little if any will affect our readers. The first phase of our conversion is nearing its conclusion. Soon – our OLD email address will also be in place and a few other upgrades which our domain masters lied about. ~ Ed.

Why is it that we are unable to teach children how to read when nearly every single child 100+ years ago could read and write? We do not need more money. We do not need more teacher training. We need to return to what has been proven to work. When we choose to use a curriculum that has been demonstrated with fact and figures to be inferior, then the only conclusion is that it is a deliberate effort to ensure the destruction of your child’s potential. You are going to have to get involved with the education of your children. IF your superintendent will not fix the problem, then fire him. If your school board will not fix the problem, then fire them. Your children’s future is at stake. To save America, we must save one child at a time. It starts with education – at home and at school. ~ Rosemary Stein, MD

Stand by… we’re comin’ atcha!

Homeschooling for Beginners: Top 10 Questions

While I was in the military, my wife decided to homeschool our two boys. After 2 years we asked the boys if they wanted to attend public school and come to find out, they were about one year ahead. The kids attended for a year anyway but didn’t like that type of learning environment and they decided to continue with our homeschooling program. ~ Earl Leighton

Parents Increasingly Fight for Control

Bad policies from school boards have had at least one unintended good effect.

Lately, parents have become more active in the debate around what and how their children should be taught in public schools. Parents are weighing in on curriculum about “systemic racism,” policies about vaccinating children without parental consent, and the front-and-center debate of whether a child needs to wear a mask for the school day. The Left may be pushing wrong policies, but more parental involvement is a good thing.

The political Left teaches that America is racist because it was founded through oppression, prejudice, and white privilege. Kids are being taught how to affix blame using racism, not how to prevent it. Whether it’s called Critical Race Theory (CRT) or some other clever name used to camouflage activism, this indoctrination has been exposed, causing many states to ban the passing on of this mindset. Continue reading

‘YES’ on School Choice – But It Requires Parental Involvement

There is a connection between bad schools and lack of parental involvement.

Question my sanity, but I’m considering running in this election to recall California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom. Here’s a big reason why.

No one doubts that bad K-12 public school teachers exist. There is a phenomenon known as the “turkey trot,” in which bad teachers wind up in the worst schools. Why? Continue reading

The Teacher

NOTE: I found this on Facebook this morning and although I have read it before – I do not know how old this story is – or even if it is real, but I would like to believe that it is, fore I could also tell my own story – about a teacher who came to believe in me. ~ Ed.

As she stood in front of her 5th grade class on the very first day of school, she told the children an untruth. Like most teachers, she looked at her students and said that she loved them all the same. However, that was impossible, because there in the front row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard. Continue reading

Why We Desperately Need To Bring Back Vocational Training In Schools

Even more appropriate today than when first published. ~ Ed.

Instructor helps a student participating in a woodworking manufacturing training program

September 1, 2015 ~ Throughout most of U.S. history, American high school students were routinely taught vocational and job-ready skills along with the three Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic. Indeed readers of a certain age are likely to have fond memories of huddling over wooden workbenches learning a craft such as woodwork or maybe metal work, or any one of the hands-on projects that characterized the once-ubiquitous shop class.

But in the 1950s, a different philosophy emerged: the theory that students should follow separate educational tracks according to ability. The idea was that the college-bound would take traditional academic courses (Latin, creative writing, science, math) and received no vocational training. Those students not headed for college would take basic academic courses, along with vocational training, or “shop.” Continue reading

If you don’t know the story…

… then I would recommend searching on You Tube as his story is something to behold.

His wife Joey passed of cancer several years ago but, what you are about to watch is just one more step in his growth as a marvelous human being… and who knows – this video might give YOU some ideas as to what YOU can do to help the young.

OOPS – I see Rory and Joey’s daughter – Indiana in the classroom. . .

Loudon: Teaching Children How to Think

When I look around at the United States I wonder where did the United States go wrong? What brought us to this terrible state where we have two divisions of government (two separate philosophies) and two separate paths of thinking? Why is it that we have so much corruption, greed, power, money laundering, and forced control.? Why is our government going down the slippery, slimy path of deception and destruction?

Your answer may be different than mine, but I think we both will agree that somewhere in the past, it started with the division and diversion in people’s education, and professional ethics – and their inability to THINK! Continue reading

Do YOU Believe?

August 23, 2008 ~ Thousands of Dallas teachers are talking about the little boy with the big voice who wowed them earlier this week at a big beginning-of-school pep rally at American Airlines Center.

Who is this kid?, they wondered… Continue reading