Author Archives: Jeffrey

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!

I have to tell you, I’m 65 years old and I’m pretty darn good with math. Always have been. In my day I used to get marked down because I didn’t always show my work. I got the answer right, but was marked down for not showing my work. Even at an early age I would challenge my teachers about this. I would ask, “Why do I need to show my work?” They would tell me that they needed to see my work to know I understood the problem. I would tell them that I though getting the answer right was a pretty good indicator that I knew how to solve the problem. Continue reading

Why the Pilgrims Abandoned Common Ownership for Private Property

The first few years of Plymouth colony were fraught with hardship and hunger. Economics had a lot to do with it.

Credit: George Henry Boughton

November 25, 2019 ~ Next year at this time, Americans will mark the 400th anniversary of the landing of the Mayflower in 1620 and the subsequent founding of the Plymouth colony by English Separatists we know as the Pilgrims. They, of course, became the mothers and fathers of the first Thanksgiving. Continue reading

Math: The Latest Battleground in the War Against Truth

In George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984, set in the superstate of Oceania, the government propagates the absurd equation 2 + 2 = 5. Through steady indoctrination, and under the ever-watchful Thought Police, the citizens accept it as an unquestionable truth. The equation symbolizes the extinction of free thought in repressive totalitarian societies: facts, truths and objective reality are subordinated to political will and twisted to serve the authoritarian goals of the Party and its leader, Big Brother.

Something similar is happening in many American schools. An eerie Orwellian shadow is being cast over math instruction. The focus is insidiously shifting from arithmetic, geometry, and algebra to critical race theory, ethnic studies, and intersectionality. Ridiculous as it may sound, an objective field of knowledge is being thrust into the realm of social experimentation. Students are being taught not how to think but what to think. Instead of developing critical thinking skills, today’s math classes stipulate that students hold particular views about the world and instruct them on how they must extinguish what is posited as “wrongthink.” Continue reading

Teacher: Why Schools Waste — and How to Stop It

No one – not me, not you, not Jeff Bezos or Warren Buffett – really knows how to spend money.

Imagine that you’re a teacher. You’re sitting in your classroom and looking at the textbooks from which you are supposed to teach your students.

“If only I could get some better books,” you think. “Something that would engage them!”

As a teacher, you know that the thing stopping you from getting books isn’t that your school doesn’t have enough money. More likely it’s that your school wastes the money it has. Continue reading

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

All the more reason to Home School the children! ~ Ed.

I learned more after I barely graduated from High School. I thought I was dumb, but I was dumbed down, I thought I hated learning, and knowledge, but I craved it. I found I loved to read, and read many books, but a library that dwarfed my record collection. Years later, when I returned to my home town to visit my friends no one had grown, all were the products of the system, fat and happily ignorant of the world. ~ R.M. Ras

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Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control

Growing up, I was a quiet kid who kept to himself and loved to write, draw and found I was really good at playing music. No one ever taught me that I could continue doing these things at a university or that I could possibly make a living doing it.

Instead, I was taught to get a job, maybe with the local Hallmark factory, keep drawing, and maybe someone would notice me. It was years later that I realized what some of my options were but I had put up my pen and paper and chased after a good paying job. Continue reading

MORE than one-man’s opinion!

We are witnessing a blatant, organized attack on America through schools that are teaching our children to hate America.

These “educators” need to be fired immediately. These anti-American Marxists & Maoists within our school systems should be taken out in the back 40 and tarred and feathered.

Those amerikkans so intent on tearing apart America and destroying America’s Founding, culture and heritage and the Republic itself are traitors to the Country and should be viewed and treated as such. Continue reading

Fighting Schools to Save Education

This week an older reader, Ed, sent me an email lamenting the current state of education in our country. He gave several examples, including “I remember when I was about nine years old, my dad who didn’t finish the Sixth Grade had to help my brother with Eighth Grade spelling.”

Ed’s email took me back six decades to the elementary school in Boonville, North Carolina, which I attended in grades 1-6. Continue reading

Recognizing Three Elements of True Learning

A smile came to my face as I drove past a school this morning. No longer was it a desolate ghost town; instead, I had to navigate a long line of cars and buses waiting to turn into the parking lot to drop children off.

While it’s good to see kids going back to school, I can’t help but wonder what type of things those little ones will learn as they sit in class. How can parents who faithfully bring their children to school recognize whether a child is being educated and working toward becoming a successful adult, or is simply being steadily propagandized instead? Continue reading

Woke teachers want Shakespeare cut from curriculum

‘This is about White supremacy’

The crown teachers once put on William Shakespeare now lies uneasy upon his head as the English playwright comes under assault from teachers who fault his unwoke attitudes regarding race, sexuality, gender and class. For the new breed of teachers, Shakespeare is seen less as an icon of literature and more as a tool of imperial oppression, an author who should be dissected in class or banished from the curriculum entirely. Continue reading

Top 10 hypocritical SCHOOL RULES during Covid

Although Covid is no worse than the flu, the latter of which has suddenly disappeared from existence in America, students and school faculty alike who are attending “in-person” are forced to endure all the stupidity and idiocy that comes with quarantining the healthy. There’s a reason every student and teacher in America must wear a mask to school, and it’s not about Covid safety — in fact, it has nothing to do with Covid protection at all. This is very shocking to most people, especially those who believe that our entire medical system is designed to help you. Continue reading

When Charles Dickens fell out with America

Photography was in its infancy in the 1840s. These portraits date from 1860

On his first visit to America in 1842, English novelist Charles Dickens was greeted like a modern rock star. But the trip soon turned sour, as Simon Watts reports.

On Valentine’s Day, 1842, New York hosted one of the grandest events the city had ever seen – a ball in honour of the English novelist Charles Dickens. Continue reading

Public Schools Refuse to Open. Give the Taxpayers Their Money Back

In many school districts across the nation, public school teachers still don’t want to go back to work. Private sector workers have long been hard at work in kitchens, at construction sites, and in hardware and grocery stores. Meanwhile, from Seattle, to Los Angeles, and to Berkeley, California in Human Behavior, Teachers’ Union representatives insist they simply can’t be expected to perform the on-site work in the expensive facilities that the taxpayers have long been paying for. Continue reading

Most American Schools Are Damaging Your Child

If your child wishes to study STEM or law, college remains a necessity. Otherwise, it isn’t.

All around the world, young adults making their first foray into college and the real world are struggling with depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders

I have been telling parents for decades that sending a child to almost any college is playing Russian roulette with his or her values.

But it is a different version of Russian roulette. In the traditional version, only one of the gun’s six chambers contains a bullet. In the college version of Russian roulette, 5 of the 6 chambers contain a bullet. If your child attends almost any university in America (or Canada or anywhere else in the English-speaking world), the odds are that your child’s decency, intellectual acuity, faculty of reason, character and moral compass will be damaged, perhaps permanently. Continue reading