Author Archives: Jeffrey

The Corruption and Debauchery of Thomas Paine

From Patriot to pariah, the Franco dereliction and demise of a graveless Revolutionary War Founder.

“But where says some is the king of America? I’ll tell you Friend, he reigns above…” ~ Thomas Paine (1776)

This week, we observe Patriots’ Day, which commemorates the battles of Lexington and Concord — and the opening salvo of the American Revolution immortalized in Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Concord Hymn” as “The Shot Heard Round the World.” The events of that day are a fitting and enduring case study of the consequences when a tyrannical government attempts to disarm the people. In 1775, tyranny was met with defiance and resulted in the dawn of American Liberty and the birth of a new nation.

While this day is always appropriate for studying the heroic figures of the day, it is also a good opportunity to consider the corruption, dereliction, and demise of one of the most influential advocates for independence ahead of the American Revolution and through its conclusion. This historical figure also reminds us of what can happen when one becomes intoxicated with power and detached from his love for Liberty and the unalienable Rights of Man. Continue reading

Benson: Marxism In American Education ~ Three for the Road…

Anyone who has followed my articles over the years knows that I advocate that parents, especially Christian parents, remove their children from the public school system before they lose them forever.

I recently read an article by a E. Jeffrey Ludwig on the “American Thinker” website from March of 2019. Mr. Ludwig said, in part: “Even in high school I found myself offended by my fellow students who were card-carrying communists in their beliefs and sympathies. In fact, a sizable number of students clung to Marxism as dogma. The high school was Central High School for Boys, a school for gifted boys located in Philadelphia, Pa. Later as I continued my studies in the Ivy League, I saw there was a consistently strong element of intellectuals who were not in the least bit embarrassed to express their interest in communism.” Continue reading

Benson: Parents Waking Up To Public School Indoctrination

There was an informative article in the “New American” magazine for March 28th entitled The Mass Exodus From Indoctrination to Freedom. It was written by Annalisa Pesek and dealt with a new film about families that have escaped those indoctrination centers we refer to as public schools. Continue reading

Peter Amiel: Oath of Allegiance to the United States, 23 June 1778

I, Peter Amiel, do acknowledge the thirteen United States of America, namely New Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode Island, Connecticutt, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free independant, and Sovereign States, and declare, that the People thereof owe no Allegiance or Obedience to George the Third King of Great Britain; and I renounce refuse and abjure any Allegiance, or Obedience to him. Continue reading

A Big, Fat ‘F’ for Gubmint Skools

Our nation’s public schools have utterly failed to properly educate this generation of children.

American students perform poorly on the nation’s report card. Overall, the majority of our students in public school don’t even meet “below basic” standards. We’re far from alone in thinking this is a huge problem.

C. Bradley Thompson, philosophy professor at Clemson University, digs into the actual numbers of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). He illustrates this fact: Continue reading

Beaman: An Uncomfortable Piece of History for Liberala

President Woodrow Wilson and Edward Mandell House

One of the worst stock market crashes and deepest recessions in our history occurred after WWI, starting during the last months of the Wilson Administration and extending into the Harding years. Harding’s Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover, urged government sponsored construction and other projects, paying for them with financing provided by government bonds, meaning debt or expropriation of future earnings.

Harding disagreed & instead lowered taxes and decreased regulations. Voila, within 18 months, the recession had corrected.

Hoover was an engineer, by schooling, and was likely a technocrat. Harding died and was succeeded by Calvin Coolidge who set about paying off the national debt, that because of Democrat Wilson’s War to Make the World Safe for Democracy, had soared to a staggering $4 billion. By the time Coolidge left office, it was down to $2 billion. Continue reading

This Country Has A Big Problem – Public Schools!

During the latter half of the 1970s my family and I spent two years in Kanawha County, West Virginia during an event called the Kanawha County Textbook Protest. This protest started in 1974 when the county school board, with the exception of one courageous lady on it, Alice Moore, tried to foist off a set of textbooks on the children that was nothing more than unbridled humanist and leftist propaganda.

The parents in the county rebelled against this. They kept their kids out of the public schools and they picketed those schools for the best part of a month. They created a furor that, at that time was heard all across the country and even in parts of Europe. The public school establishment from Washington on down finally managed to put a stop to it, but not before it had given them a black eye. Then they sought to portray the book protesters as nothing more than ignorant hillbillies. Does this sound familiar today? Continue reading

There’s Nothing More Tribalistic than War

Collectivist thinking will not go away on its own. If we want the next generation to see each other as individuals rather than tribe members, we need to teach them a better way.

As the Russia-Ukraine conflict continues to unfold, the rhetoric surrounding the war seems to get stronger by the day.

Just when you think the politicians have exhausted their supply of condemnations, they come back with more for our consumption. The remarks are, in many cases, deserved. Putin’s actions are deeply immoral, and they ought to be named as such.

But, as so often happens in war, the target of these verbal assaults has quickly become blurry. Some days “Putin” is the problem. Other days it’s “the Russian aggressors” or simply “the Russians”.

Unfortunately, this blurriness has not been confined to rhetoric. Around the world, Russian products are being removed from stores, not because they have anything to do with the war, but simply because they come from a certain country. “Russia must be punished,” we are told, “because of its egregious acts.” Continue reading

A Microcosm of the Yankee-Marxist Mindset: The Dahlgren Papers

Any who have studied the history of the War Between the States aka the War of Northern Aggression have probably heard of the infamous Dahlgren Papers. The Dahlgren Papers were a set of orders found on the body of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren after he was killed in Judson (Kill-Cavalry) Kilpatrick’s bungled attempt at a raid on Richmond, Virginia in 1864. This was supposedly a raid to attempt to free federal prisoners of war. One writer said it was a “Moe, Larry, and Curly kind of caper.”

Whatever it was, Lincoln personally authorized it. The idea of a raid on the enemy’s capitol in wartime is not a particularly alarming one. Jubal Early tried it on Washington in 1864 and almost pulled it off. Had he a bigger force than he had he might have gotten away with it. However, Jubal Early did not have in his coat pocket a set of orders instructing him to murder Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet “on the spot.” Ulric Dahlgren had such a set of orders in his possession, and therein lies the Yankee dilemma (and worldview). Continue reading

Meeting with Barry Goldwater taught him a lesson…

“You’ve been there before, right?”

The driver’s question shook the candidate out of his reverie.

The young man didn’t make a habit of using a car service, but with his campaign manager in a meeting, other workers putting up and repositioning signs and his wife needing the family car, a limo was the best way to ensure the candidate arrived at this important meeting on time.

“Excuse me?”

“You’ve been there before, right?”

“Nope… first time!” Continue reading

The Never Ending Battle Over Public School Textbooks

In going through books in my research library, some of which I am going to be forced to get rid of, due to severe space limitations in our new living situation, I came across a book I didn’t even remember. It was one written by James C. Hefley called “Textbooks on Trial” and it dealt primarily with the efforts of Mel and Norma Gabler to get decent textbooks approved for kids in Texas public schools way back in the 1960 and 70s. It was published in 1976, while the West Virginia Textbook Protest was still fresh in people’s minds and my family and I were still in West Virginia. I recall my wife and I hearing Norma Gabler speak at a God and Country rally back in the early 70s. Continue reading

Homeschooling Through High School

Why not? Whether you’re experienced or inexperienced, whatever your situation, you already know why you want to homeschool your kids through high school. Now, what about how?

We have been homeschooling our three sons since the eldest, now a sophomore at a neighboring state university, was in the seventh grade. So you can see that most of our experience is with the adolescent years. We have a ninth and an eleventh grader still at home.

First of all, relax. Teenagers are just young people. Continue reading

Invasion of the Classroom…

My wife retired nearly a dozen years ago as a full time High School teacher, however her special needs were still in demand from several Districts in our area, hence – she is still teaching as a full time substitute. There are times she has been contracted to fill a specific position for many months at a time.

This past week she was subbing for an English class in our local High School and the screen she was posting in the classroom (above) all of a sudden had a “news-flash” pop up. Since when does a News headline have the right to “come into”  and interrupt the classroom? Who is spying into the schools?

March 28, 2022

Edwin M. Stanton, Would-Be Dictator

Engraved portrait of Edwin M. Stanton, Lincoln’s secretary of war

It would seem, from his commentary about others, that Lincoln’s Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, had an inflated concept of his own abilities and a diminished view of the abilities of others. He was definitely not a practitioner of the Christian virtue of having a meek and humble spirit (James 4:6). He quite often spoke abusively of Lincoln and others in the administration. He referred to Lincoln at one point as “the original gorilla.” After becoming Secretary of War his disposition toward Lincoln did not improve. At one point he said to Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt, “Well, all I have to say is, we’ve got to get rid of that baboon at the White House!Continue reading

The Double-Edged Legacy of Andrew Jackson

Editor’s NOTE: It is rare that we publish a piece of this type, as it is in fact an advertisement for an upcoming auction – BUT – the links to various images are well worth looking at such pieces of history. ~ Ed.

One of the lessons many of us learned at an early age from Thumper in the Disney movie “Bambi” was, “If you don’t have somethin’ nice to say, don’t say nuthin’ at all.” Andrew Jackson is a president for whom it becomes challenging to say nice things! On the one hand, to admirers, he appears as a quintessential symbol of American accomplishment, the ultimate individualist praised for his strength and audacity. On the other hand, to his detractors, he appears vengeful, self-obsessed, a combatant and a tyrant, described in terms, at least prior to Donald J. Trump, as “coming closest to an American Caesar” as any president we have encountered.

Some of Andrew Jackson’s most significant impacts on our history as a nation include: Continue reading

Propaganda, Corporatism, and the Hidden Global Coup

Le Bon and Goebbels teach us about modern State and NGO-sponsored Propaganda during COVID

Knowledge of the theory and practical implementation of mass formation psychology can and is being used by propagandists, governments and the World Economic Forum to sway large groups of people to act for the benefit of the propagandists’ objectives. Although a major crisis of some sort can be extremely useful for propagandists to take advantage of (war, hyperinflation or public health for example), these psychological theories can and often are applied even without strong evidence of a compelling crisis. For this to be effective, the leader just has to be sufficiently compelling. Continue reading

The Parent Trap: Why the School Wars Still Rage

From evolution to anti-racism, parents and progressives have clashed for a century over who gets to tell our origin stories.

A stand in Dayton, Tennessee, during the July, 1925, Scopes trial. Photograph from Getty

In 1925, Lela V. Scopes, twenty-eight, was turned down for a job teaching mathematics at a high school in Paducah, Kentucky, her home town. She had taught in the Paducah schools before going to Lexington to finish college at the University of Kentucky. But that summer her younger brother, John T. Scopes, was set to be tried for the crime of teaching evolution in a high-school biology class in Dayton, Tennessee, in violation of state law, and Lela Scopes had refused to denounce either her kin or Charles Darwin. It didn’t matter that evolution doesn’t ordinarily come up in an algebra class. And it didn’t matter that Kentucky’s own anti-evolution law had been defeated. “Miss Scopes loses her post because she is in sympathy with her brother’s stand,” the Times reported. Continue reading

Crockett: Not Yours to Give

~ Prologue ~
One day in the House of Representatives, a bill was taken up appropriating money for the benefit of a widow of a distinguished naval officer. Several beautiful speeches had been made in its support. The Speaker was just about to put the question when Mr. Crockett arose:

Mr. Speaker — I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased, and as much sympathy for the suffering of the living, if suffering there be, as any man in this house, but we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right, as individuals, to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity; but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due the deceased. Mr. Speaker, the deceased lived long after the close of the war; he was in office to the day of his death, and I have never heard that the government was in arrears to him.
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