3 Missteps of the Education System According to Mike Rowe

Putting shop class BACK in session should be number 1 on the list…

Everybody loves Mike Rowe. His matter-of-fact sense of humor, his humility, and his willingness to get involved in the many work sites featured on his “Dirty Jobs” show make him an endearing figure.

But Rowe is also very intelligent. He has his finger on the pulse and problems of America in a way that many others often don’t recognize. Take the recent interview he did with Nick Gillespie of Reason in which he discussed how the missteps of the education system produced a generation of entitled young people who turn up their noses at blue collar or low-paying work. Continue reading

Harnessing Creative Brilliance in Children With Learning Disabilities

In the vibrant tapestry of human expression, art stands out as a medium that transcends words, allowing souls to communicate in colors, shapes, and movements. For children with learning disabilities, delving into the arts unlocks a universe of possibilities, providing them with a medium to express themselves and a bridge to connect, grow, and redefine their potential. Continue reading

Former Public School Teachers Find Happiness In Entrepreneurship

Education entrepreneurs are finding joy in launching their own innovative learning programs and are spreading that joy to their learners.

Jennifer Hunt works with students at Salt + Light Academy in Kansas. Photo: Kerry McDonald

I spent much of last week in the greater Kansas City area visiting microschools and learning pods, and talking to founders, ahead of the Heartland Hybrid & Microschools Summit, hosted by Kansas Policy Institute.

All of the seven learning environments I visited in Kansas and Missouri were founded within the past three years and all of the founders are former public school teachers who quit and created these alternative programs. They all expressed greater levels of personal and professional fulfillment. Continue reading

A Solution to the Problem of Failed Public Schools

It may be true, as the late, great Andrew Breitbart famously said, that “politics is downstream of culture.” But both are downstream of education. Nothing is more important to our families or to the future of our country than the moral, social, psychological, and intellectual development of our children.

In that regard, the pandemic lockdowns created quite a conundrum for traditionally conservative and “red-pilled” parents. They were on the front lines of the school reopening movement, demanding that children – who were at virtually no risk from covid – be allowed to attend school in person (and without masks). Yet once the public schools did reopen, those same parents found that their children were being exposed to a level of sexual and political indoctrination never before seen. Continue reading

Here’s Why John F. Kennedy Once Passionately Argued To Keep The Electoral College

The days of New York City’s Tammany Hall and the Windy City’s “Chicago Machine” may be technically over, but that doesn’t mean Democrats have given up trying to rig and steal elections in a neverending power grab that would make Mayor Daley blush. Not by a long shot. In fact, you can bet the farm that virtually any cockamamie proposal put out there by anyone with a D beside their name is specifically designed to do one thing and one thing alone – get votes.

Oh, I know they like to pretend they’re all about “virtue” and “values” and helping the “disenfranchised,” the downtrodden, and the disaffected, but these modern day Bolsheviks have “more power” scrubbed into their DNA, and it defines EVERYTHING they do. Continue reading

Schrock Taylor: Now Is the Time for All Good Parents To Come to the Aid of Their Children

Now that parents with school age children are homeschooling – whether they want to or not – I would like to offer some ideas towards teaching important educational skills at home. There is so much that parents can accomplish while families are in these unique “lock down” situations.

You all are very lucky. I hope that you understand that. You may never again have such an opportunity to teach your own children; to influence your children. You may never again have these chances to correct mistakes the schools have made; to fill any gaps that schools have left. Continue reading

George Washington’s Guide to Being a Gentleman

George Washington, it’s famously said, was “First in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” Such firsts undoubtedly contributed to his other great achievements, including his election as president of both the Constitutional Convention and the United States.

In other words, Washington was not an average man. But his above-average nature didn’t happen overnight. At age 14, he copied out more than 100 maxims of good behavior in his school book, likely intending to implement them in his own life. Many of these are still applicable today. Following them can help modern men be true gentlemen who stand head and shoulders above the crowd in both character and conduct. Continue reading

UPDATE: Choosing the Best Education at Risk of Arrest

The chilling story of the Romeike family

NOTE: What you are about to read will sicken you. Joe Buy Deng and his crew have opened the Borders of this country to the largest number of future Demon-Cratic voters, but do NOTHING to protect those who have come to this country and conducted themselves as loving, caring, contributing human beings. ~ Editor

If you’re like most parents, you want the best for your children, especially when it comes to education.

But to what lengths would you go to achieve that best? Would you be willing to risk arrest by the government in order to choose the best education for your child? Continue reading

Little Girl Laments Education System’s Failure After Finding Her Class Doesn’t Know Who Napolean Was

She was surprised by her classmates’ lack of knowledge about Napoleon Bonaparte while discussing the Hogwarts house the conqueror would belong in.

While some of us loved to study history in school, many found the subject rather boring. Even though it teaches us about the significant impact past events still have on us, several children are not a fan of history. A little girl found this fact very surprising as she discovered that her classmates didn’t know about European history. Continue reading

OPINION: Dear Parents – Please Stop Asking Teachers To Give Your Kids Homework

Say WHAT???

If your kid’s teacher isn’t assigning homework, it’s for a good reason.

If I could change one thing about my past teaching, it would be homework. As in, I would never assign it. I’m just not convinced that the positives outweigh the negatives, and I’m not alone. Many teachers (even entire districts) are getting on the no homework train. Not everyone agrees, and some of the most vocal opponents of homework bans are parents. In fact, many parents seem to positively associate homework with teacher and/or school quality. I have school-age kids, and I can understand the discomfort around uprooting tradition.

But since when has “that’s the way we’ve always done it” been a good reason to continue with a practice? Fellow parents, it’s time to take a long, hard look at homework. Continue reading

Why Schools Are Ditching Spelling Tests

Gone are the days of memorizing a word list and taking weekly spelling tests. Recently, an emerging trend has been observed across schools nationwide, moving away from traditional spelling tests. This shift in approach raises questions about the value these tests and how they actually work. Teachers are recognizing the limitations of spelling tests and exploring alternatives. Continue reading

Carl Sagan Saw US Schools Were Ruining Kids Decades Ago: ‘Something Terrible Has Happened

Despite the extravagant spending, our schools are failing our kids. Carl Sagan saw it. John Taylor Gatto saw it. And we all see it today.

My wife and I recently met with the principal of the school our daughter attends to discuss her education future.

My daughter, who turns 12 in a few days, wants to go to a different school in the fall, largely because many of her friends – who are a year ahead of her – are graduating to new schools. (And also because her teacher, whom she adored, took a job in a different district.)

When we stepped into the principal’s office, she offered us chairs. She was warm, knowledgeable, and helpful, and I got the feeling she knows my daughter and wants what is best for her. I suspect my daughter will return to the school for one more year, but it’s a conversation we’ll have together. Continue reading

Why Every Home Needs Burgeoning Bookshelves

A house full of books is a house full of blessings, so don’t be afraid to let them pile up

Books offer countless benefits for every period in one’s life. (Biba Kayewich)

A few years ago, another bookshelf made its way into my bedroom. As the ample built-in bookshelf that had already graced the area was starting to acquire a sort of double-stacked look, and extra books were finding their way into cupboards and other piles around the room, the purchase definitely qualified as a necessity.

The new bookcase alleviated shelf constraints … for a while. But soon I found myself buying a third bookcase. Unfortunately, the shelves on that latest addition are now rapidly becoming less empty, and it may take some creative thinking to find room for the next bookshelf that’s likely to join my fleet down the road. Continue reading

Krblich: Did Lockdowns Finish Off Public Schooling?

We moved to a good school district. The area was growing. Built for families like ours, all of the public schools in the area received “A” or “8/10” ratings. There were two very expensive and very fancy private schools in the area. It was an idyllic place to raise children.

In retrospect, we had a few frustrations with the public schools. Some of the curriculum seemed ridiculous, the math in particular. The apps used to communicate with the teachers were barely functional. It was somewhat difficult to track what the kids were learning, but the teachers had no complaints, so we didn’t make any either.

In March 2020, the world changed. The entire school experience became a series of apps on a screen. Classes met daily in the morning on Zoom. All of the curriculum was hastily added to Schoology during the initial two-week lockdown. I still want to call it School–ology. We became intimate partners with the printer and scanner. They were necessary to scan and upload completed assignments. Continue reading

Countering Propaganda One Read-Aloud at a Time

It’s time to fill our children’s minds with the good, true, and beautiful.

Between gender wars, deviant sexual education, declining academic achievement, and plain old safety issues, today’s schools have turned into landmines for parents and students.

But while parents are increasingly seeing the problems their children are facing in school, it’s also hard to know how best to deal with them. Parents can take their children out of public schools … but private school or homeschool isn’t always an option. Parents can try to stay in touch with school administration and teachers, making sure to opt their child out of something they believe is inappropriate … but such moves aren’t always viewed kindly by school staff. Continue reading

Anghis: America’s Education System Is Under Attack


America used to have a stellular education that was 2nd to none in the world. Today we have 3rd World countries that have better education systems than we have. The 3rd world nation concentrates on math, literature, writing, and all the other important thing in life whereas our system concentrates on pro-nouns and political correctness, and gender studies.

If you study it out you‘ll find that pro-choice is the most important position to take or you’ll Be canceled in a heartbeat. One of the most common examples of censorship found on college campuses today is that of silencing pro-life views.

Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins recently spelled out the trend in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, highlighting nine ways pro-life students’ efforts to share their beliefs are shut down. Continue reading

25 Classic Novels That You Should Read

There are a lot of novels out there and choosing which to read isn’t always easy. But there are classics that we believe that everyone should read at least once. That is why we made a list of 25 classic novels that you should read. Keep reading to find out which books made our list!

We know that not everyone is a fan of classic novels. But that doesn’t mean that all of them should be avoided. As you read more books, you realize how influential some of these classic books are. We know for a fact that once you start reading these classic novels, you won’t be able to put them down. Continue reading

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: Exploring Enriching After-School Activities

After-school activities are more than just ways to keep your child occupied once the school day is over. They play a pivotal role in shaping a child’s personality, instilling values, and building a diverse set of skills. During busy work seasons, it becomes especially important for parents to ensure that their children are engaged in productive activities that enrich their lives in multiple dimensions.

This article aims to go beyond the traditional notion of after-school programs that focus mainly on academics. In this article from Metropolis.Café, we will delve into a variety of enriching alternative activities that not only support academic achievements but also contribute to all-round character development. Continue reading

Holmquist: Middle School Reading Lists 100 Years Ago vs. Today

Author’s note: Research into old curriculum and an unexpected unearthing of a middle school reading list from Edina Public Schools prompted me to write this article back in September 2014. It was published right before the weekend, and to my surprise and delight, was going viral by the time I returned the following work week – something it continued to do in the years following as new individuals would find and share it widely.

The popularity of this piece didn’t stem from the fact that its observations were extraordinary; instead, the interest it generated likely occurred because it touched on something everyone suspected, but could never solidly prove. I present it once again as a testament to the falling education standards today’s students are subjected to. ~ A. Holmquist
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This Could Devastate Christian Education

(Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

The LGBTQ lobby has targeted Christian schools for destruction, using the so-called “Equality Act” to force all Christians schools, pre-K through college, to accept all aspects of the LGBTQ agenda … or be stripped of accreditation and face lawsuits and persecution by the U.S. Department of Justice.

The bill passed the House in 2019 and 2021. It was reintroduced in the 118th Congress on June 21, 2023, in the House of Representatives and Senate. And now HR 15 already has 212 Democrat co-sponsors in the House. All they need is six Republicans to pass this bill.

With Congress back in session, HR 15 is a high priority for LGBTQ advocates. If this bill is signed into law, it would be a devastating blow to religious freedom and Christian education in America that would be very difficult to recover from. It’s not too late to stop it. ~ Mat
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