How Blacks Enslaved and Colonized, Just Like Whites

The narrative today is that all of white America must practice penitence for the past sins of their forefathers. It doesn’t matter a whit that for many whites, the likes of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln weren’t even their forefathers; it is estimated that 40% of Americans can trace an ancestor to Ellis Island, which was open only between 1892 and 1954. But by the racist standards of the left, white skin is white skin, regardless of where it originated or when it arrived here. Black immigration to America since the Civil War tells a similar story. At least 4 million black Africans have immigrated to the United States since 1980 alone, accounting for as much as 15-20% of the entire black population in the United States.

But all whites should be punished by all blacks for crimes committed over 150 years ago because … racism. Institutional racism. Structural racism. Systemic racism. Foundational racism. Apparently, COVID was racist. CNN shared a recent story about environmental racism. What’s next, being nice and treating everyone decently is racist? OOPS. Continue reading

1638-1639: The Oath of a Freeman…OR?

The following description and image has been provided by Heritage Auctions through a recent offering. ~ Ed.

[Mark Hofmann, forger]. The Oath of a Freeman. Printed broadside comprising a forgery of the first document printed in English North America. [The Oath of a Freeman. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Stephen Daye, circa 1638-1639 but Salt Lake City, Utah: Mark Hofmann, March 25, 1985]. Text arranged in 28 lines within an ornamental border, measuring approximately 5.875 x 4.125 inches (149 x 105 mm), with uneven edges and several tears. Docketed on verso, “Oath of a freeman” in ink in a 17th century-like hand [Mark Hofmann’s], small hole affecting “h” in “Oath” imitating iron gall ink oxidation. Housed in a polyester folder within an elaborate linen case with cover label, produced by the Library of Congress.

The Oath of a Freeman is thought to have been printed by Stephen Daye in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1638 or 1639. Daye was a locksmith by trade; he set up the press in America when the first printer died on the journey across the Atlantic. Continue reading

Teachers Told to Hide Curricula From Parents, Create Phony Materials

Facing public outrage over racialist indoctrination of children, government-school teachers in Missouri were instructed to hide the extremist content they were using and create fake materials to deceive parents about what was being taught. The incident has now become a national scandal as the district goes into damage-control mode. Continue reading

1495 ~ Performing a Historectomy on America

Published in the ‘American Journal’ on the first generation Federal Observer, January 14, 2002

If you want to destroy a house, undermine the foundation. If you want to destroy a nation, do the same. If you want to debase people who are defined by ideas, destroy the ideas. If you want to bring down a society that is sustained by its history, perform a historectomy.

First, let me make clear that I am not referring to a hysterectomy, or removal of the uterus, but a historectomy, or removal of our history. Continue reading

Deceive The Parents ~ Just Like You’ve Always Done!

For decades I have been telling people to remove their kids from the public school system because it is a corrupt institution that indoctrinates kids rather than educating them. The material I will deal with here proves that contention.

Someone sent me a copy of an article by Art Moore, that dealt with this. I will quote some of what he had to say here. He said: “Amid complaints from parents that their children are being ‘indoctrinated’ a Missouri school district is advising English teachers to create a fake curriculum and keep the real one hidden. Continue reading

Teaching History Without Identity Politics

“Our children need to learn more history and civics!” is a regular rallying cry for those who want to see America returned to its moral and common sense roots.

That a greater emphasis on history and civics is needed is evident from The Nation’s Report Card, which finds only 24 percent of American high school seniors proficient in civics, while only 12 percent of them are proficient in American history. Continue reading

It’s time to take a wrecking ball to the leftist education edifice in America

As the Biden/Harris/Obama wrecking crew seeks to destroy America, our federal system provides an effective response: The states must resist in every possible way. While there are many different items on the resistance menu let’s look at education.

For decades, the left has exercised a laser-like focus on capturing education and molding it to their design. They have been successful. If you can teach children how bad America is and promote a leftist agenda as the only answer. you are getting close to home in terms of turning the country towards a hard-left haven. Continue reading

The Benefits of Plunging Public Kindergarten Enrollment Rates

Children not enrolled in public kindergarten are not ‘missing.’ Their parents know exactly where they are.

Public school enrollment has consistently declined across most states this academic year, and there are new signs that the trend will continue this fall. On Thursday, New York City’s education department reported that kindergarten applications for the 2021/2022 school year dropped 12 percent, from 63,000 to under 55,500 applications. Continue reading

Five Ways to Avoid the ‘Planned Mediocrity’ in Schools

It’s been one short year since parents suddenly found themselves the chief overseers of their children’s education due to the pandemic.

“Short” isn’t the word to describe it, I can almost hear many parents retort, relief in their voices as they realize that soon they will be off the hook, for the responsibility of their child’s education will be back in the hands of the experts at school.

But before you rejoice, let me suggest that things have changed in the past year. No longer are parents clueless about what their children are learning, how they are learning it, or what approaches to learning work best for each child. Parents have seen it all, and therefore have little excuse to go back to the autopilot mode of pre-pandemic days. They are now the experts who have even more awareness of what’s best for their children. Continue reading

Indoctrination Coming for YOUR Kids

America’s public school students are the soon-to-be target of a grant program from the U.S. Dept of Education that plans to introduce children to the Marxism-inspired Critical Race Theory and the debunked 1619 Project, and a knowledgeable critic of both is asking parents when enough is enough.

According to an exclusive National Review story, the U.S. Dept. of Education has announced grant funding is available for programs in U.S. history and civics classes that “incorporate racially, ethnically, culturally, and linguistically diverse perspectives.” Continue reading

Books and Those Who Read Them Are the Real Endangered Species

In the February 2021 issue of Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, Professor Mark Brennan declares, “My students look at me in amazement when I tell them I read 8 to 10 hours per day. I look at them in amazement when they tell me they play video games 16 hours straight.” Brennan then went on to wonder if his book reading habits qualify him for “endangered species” status. Continue reading

American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt Slavery

Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration.

To pick an easy example, it would have been fairly uncontroversial even five years ago to say that men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports, regardless of what they might subjectively “identify as.” And yet, this is now a subject contention across a number of sports, including mixed martial arts and powerlifting. What’s more, having the wrong opinion and expressing it publicly might make you the subject of a public shaming, up to and including losing your job and being de facto blacklisted from your industry. Continue reading