Martin Luther King, Jr.,’s History Lessons

King understood the nation’s challenges as part of a continuous narrative. Today, a narrow view of America’s past could imperil its future.

On March 25, 1965, at the conclusion of the brutally consequential march from Selma to Montgomery, Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered a speech titled “Our God Is Marching On!” He spoke to a crowd of twenty-five thousand people on the grounds of the Alabama state capitol, in view of the office window of the segregationist governor George Wallace. The address is not among King’s best-known, but it is among the most revelatory. King argued that, in the decade since the bus boycotts in that city, a new movement had emerged and an older order was starting to fall away. Continue reading

Who Gets the Blame When Schools Shut Down?

Somehow, it is teachers who are held responsible -more than government failures or even COVID-19 itself – for pandemic-era school closures.

Illustration by Nicholas Konrad – The New Yorker

On Wednesday, January 5th, the Chicago public-school system shut down classes for all of its three hundred and forty thousand students, amid a surge of Omicron cases and a deadlock between the city’s administration and its teachers’ union, the latter of which is demanding a more comprehensive COVID-19 safety plan. Later that day, Leana Wen, a former Planned Parenthood president and Baltimore health commissioner, who is now a professor of public health and a frequent pandemic-era television commentator, tweeted a video clip of her latest CNN spot, filmed from her living room. She wrote, “Would it be ideal if all schools had daily tests & great ventilation? Sure, but that’s not reality. . . . Schools must be open.” She also pointed out that bars, restaurants, and sporting arenas had not closed down. Among those who replied to her tweet was the comedian Judah Friedlander, who asked Wen why she did not use her public platform to urge the government to close down restaurants and other venues (and make payments for business owners’ lost revenue), as that would slow the spread of the virus and improve schools’ chances of operating safely. Wen answered, “Lack of political will and public backing. Public health policy needs to be practical. Don’t call for something that’s not going to happen.” Continue reading

Homeschooling for Beginners: Top 10 Questions

While I was in the military, my wife decided to homeschool our two boys. After 2 years we asked the boys if they wanted to attend public school and come to find out, they were about one year ahead. The kids attended for a year anyway but didn’t like that type of learning environment and they decided to continue with our homeschooling program. ~ Earl Leighton

George Mason’s Powerful Words About Liberty

George Mason considered a bill of rights so important that he refused to sign the Constitution and led the opposition to its ratification without one.

George Mason, “the father of the Bill of Rights.”

December 11 marks a milestone most Americans are woefully ignorant of. It is the birthday of George Mason, “the father of the Bill of Rights.”

Mason wrote the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which Clinton Rossiter called “among the world’s most memorable triumphs in applied political theory,” which The Declaration of Independence echoed a few weeks later. Charles Maynes wrote that,

Mason’s revolutionary step was…reversing, in writing and in a supreme governmental document, the traditional relationship between citizen and state. Throughout history it had been the citizen who owed duties to the state, which in turn might bestow certain rights on the citizen…Mason argued that the state had to observe certain citizens’ rights that could not be violated under any circumstances. Mason thus set the United States apart from past constitutional practices. Continue reading

Parents and Teachers are Derelict in Teaching Children Thinking Skills

There is a chasm in our low income, minority neighborhoods in many cities in the U.S. It bothers me to hear about the porous border and 2,000 lbs of fentynal found in one batch last week. Drugs coming from several holes in the border, gang wars, juvenile detentions, drug deaths, murders, 4,000 young Russians coming across the border, critical race theories, historical statues being torn down, defunding the police, and disregard for laws. That is why we need some changes that I wrote about this week. ~ Dr. Mel

In many cities across America, especially in ethnic and Afro-American families, very little or nothing is done to help children learn thinking skills. In many areas, gang wars, groups inciting violence, neglecting children, and disregard for discipline and education are creating a situation that will have long-lasting effects on the welfare and economies of many cities, counties, and states. Continue reading

THE KITCHEN MILITIA – The Renewed Line of Defense for Education

The alarm sounds throughout the countryside. As the alert is heard, one by one, two by two, the patriots respond. They are a loosely organized, ragtag band, without official leaders or official orders. Some gather in small groups, others work alone. But, armed with an overpowering idea of truth and an urgency to protect their children, they are determined to expose and drive back their foe. Continue reading

Schools or Indoctrination Centers? The Answer Should be Obvious

As time goes on we are learning more and more about how public schools are pushing this Marxist oriented Critical Race Theory garbage. And I call it garbage because that is what it is The agenda for this is to cause hate and division between the races so they will never be able to come together and realize who their real enemies are and what those enemies are doing to all races. Continue reading

America the Illiterate

We live in two Americas. One America, now the minority, functions in a print-based, literate world. It can cope with complexity and has the intellectual tools to separate illusion from truth. The other America, which constitutes the majority, exists in a non-reality-based belief system. This America, dependent on skillfully manipulated images for information, has severed itself from the literate, print-based culture. It cannot differentiate between lies and truth. It is informed by simplistic, childish narratives and clichés. It is thrown into confusion by ambiguity, nuance and self-reflection. This divide, more than race, class or gender, more than rural or urban, believer or nonbeliever, red state or blue state, has split the country into radically distinct, unbridgeable and antagonistic entities. Continue reading

YES – Get Them Out NOW!

The Public School Report
The craziness continues in our public schools as we go into Christmas. There are fresh reports of Critical Race Theory (CRT), LGBT indoctrination, and even porn madness.

In New Hampshire, a teachers union is in litigation to block a state law that bars the teaching of CRT. Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (the union in question), claimed that the law was too vague and made teachers afraid that they were going to lose their teaching license for simply teaching history. “We must teach both our triumphs and our mistakes, whether it’s enslavement, Japanese internment or the treatment of those with disabilities,” she hedged.

This disingenuous statement is a classic bait-and-switch when it comes to the CRT argument. CRT is not just “history.” It is a worldview, a lens through which everything is taught. CRT seeks to view everything through the light of systemic racism and white supremacy. You can teach history without Critical Race Theory. Teachers have done it for centuries… (Continue to full article)

Student populations are plummeting, and it’s not just because of COVID
The next crisis of our public schools will be their depopulation.

Enrollments have begun dropping across the country — in some places rapidly. This will be hard to comprehend for those of us who recall schools adding temporary classrooms to absorb the millennials.

Of course, many private schools are seeing record numbers of applications after the public schools in Democrat-run states and municipalities showed disregard (or even disdain) for children by locking them out of their buildings, quarantining them because one child coughed, and forcing even 4-year-olds to wear masks. Homeschooling is seeing record popularity… (Continue to full article)

School District Of Philadelphia Allowing Students To Identify As ‘Non-Binary’ Without Parental Consent
The student’s self-identified gender preference will then be used in school-specific applications like Google Classrooms and internal systems like school and district records, as well as report cards. Students will be allowed to change their own gender themselves, including declaring themselves non-binary, without a parent’s or guardian’s permission, and without providing legal documentation recognizing the change… (Continue to full article)

‘Stop the woke!’: DeSantis introduces bill banning CRT in schools and ‘corporate-sanctioned racism’ in private businesses
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday introduced the Stop WOKE Act, a bill to ban critical race theory teaching in schools and workplaces across the state.

The bill would codify a ban put in place by the state Department of Education earlier this year on the teaching in K-12 schools, as well as enact new restrictions on private workplaces.

The new statute will be introduced during the next legislative session… (Continue to full article)

Mom Says Son Vaccinated in Exchange for Pizza at LAUSD Without Her Consent
Maribel Duarte says her 13-year-old son, a student at the Barack Obama Global Prep Academy in South LA, brought home a vaccine card after having accepted the COVID-19 vaccine at school.

She says he said yes when someone offered it in exchange for pizza.

“The lady that gave him the shot and signed the paper told my son, ‘Please don’t say anything. I don’t want to get in trouble.'”… (Continue to full article)

Letter comparing parent protests to domestic terrorism triggers funding fallout
The nation’s leading school board advocacy group is facing a critical loss of funding and membership after sending a letter comparing parent protests and threats to domestic terrorism.

Why it matters: The National School Boards Association has since apologized, but the fallout could be seven figures in annual funding. At least 17 state affiliates have severed ties with the group — and some are even considering establishing a competitor… (Continue to full article)

Get Your Children OUT of the Public School System!

Yes, Virginia, Critical Race Theory is in Your Schools—and in Schools Across America
As parental concern mounted over racial indoctrination in local schools during the recent Virginia gubernatorial race, a mantra emerged from the Democrat camp and the media: Critical Race Theory had “never been taught” in Virginia schools. That’s from then-Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe, who in case anyone missed the point, added that the concerns about CRT were nothing but a “racist dog whistle.” The media agreed. Critical Race Theory is “not part of classroom teaching in Virginia,” reported the New York Times. Axios managing editor Margaret Talev said on CNN’s “Inside Politics, “let’s just say for the record in case anyone doesn’t know, they don’t teach Critical Race Theory to kids in kids’ K-12 schools… (Continue to full article)

Texas school district uses armed agents to arrest parents in their own homes
The Round Rock Independent School District (RRISD) in Texas is using force against parents who speak out against its policies by using its own armed agents to arrest them.

“The battle lines are clear: on one side, the Biden administration, public school bureaucrats, and their armed agents; on the other, parents and families who oppose school closures, mask mandates, critical race theory, and corruption.”

“Public school officials have demonstrated a willingness to use police power to silence and intimidate their opponents.”… (Continue to full article)

Federal investigators launch civil rights probe into Southlake, Texas, schools
Southlake, a diversifying suburb, has been at the center of a growing political battle over the ways schools address issues of race, gender and sexuality.

The U.S. Education Department’s civil rights enforcement arm is investigating allegations of discrimination at the Carroll Independent School District in Southlake, Texas, the agency and the school district confirmed Wednesday.

The department’s Office for Civil Rights notified the suburban school district’s officials last week that it had opened three investigations into complaints about discrimination against students based on their race, gender and national origin. The agency declined to provide details on the allegations and doesn’t comment on pending investigations… (Continue to full article)

School Boards Gone Rogue
Who would have ever thought, just a few years ago, that our local school boards would turn into tyrants trying to crush us underfoot? School boards!

Who would have ever thought a school board president—and his father, for crying out loud!—would go around stalking parents who objected to a school board policy, collecting private information on them and making it publicly accessible? What kind of personal information? Social Security numbers! They won’t have time to protest anything, once the scam artists see those SSNs. Oh—and also divorces, finances, and even family trees. Mr. President and his father even went so far as to hire private detectives to dig up more dirt on dissenting parents. You won’t object to our board policies and get away with it!!! (Continue to full article)

Texas School Says It Will Bring Back Paddling To Discipline Misbehaving Kids
Parents have their own ways of disciplining their kids. And once they are inside the school premises, teachers also have their own technique on how to make sure that the students follow the rules. But this does not involve physical punishment.

For teachers, discipline can be a difficult concept to teach. Some teachers believe that this part should be left to the parents. Well, not so for a certain school in Texas. Apparently, the school has been having a problem with misbehaving students. After all their efforts, they believe that it’s time to adopt an old-fashioned approach – corporal punishment… (Continue to full article)

We’re Taught to Revere Schoolteachers. So Why Are They Paid So Little?
Top professional athletes regularly sign multi-million dollar contracts, with signing bonuses and lucrative product promotion deals.

Why do professional athletes make so much more money than, say, professional teachers? Do people really value sports more than they value education? Teachers provide a service that is generally accepted as contributing real value to the development of society. Some people view sports, however, as superfluous. They think of it as something that society could function well without. It doesn’t seem to make sense that work deemed important by most people could be valued far less than that which may be unnecessary or seen as frivolous to many.

This is similar to a paradox of old… (Continue to full article)

How Governments Seized Control of Money

In discussions surrounding of the world’s monetary systems today there is usually one thing almost everyone can agree on: that money should be controlled by the organizations we call “states” or “sovereign states.” Nowadays when we say “the US dollar” we mean the currency issued by the US government. When we say “the British pound” we mean the money issued by the regime of the United Kingdom.

This assumed need to have state-issued money has not always been the reality, of course. Indeed, the history of the rise of the state is a history replete with efforts by states to replace private-sector money with state-controlled money. Continue reading

School Board Tyranny ~ Part 3

I believe the icing on the cake is the Biden administration’s weaponizing his DOJ to attack parents with the threat of ‘domestic terrorism’ charges if they continue to oppose the tactics of school boards to indoctrinate our kids into the homosexual lifestyle and the critical race theory. The debate between Attorney General Garland and Senatore Tom Cotton,[1] Senator Ted Cruz,[2] and Senator Josh Hawly[3] should have every American scratching their heads as to the character of Garland. They are also thanking God that he didn’t make it to the Supreme Court. He is as uninformed as Biden is. He didn’t know about the letter his department-issued. Was not aware of any violence by the parents towards the school boards, ignored the actual physical violence by the school boards security against the parents. Continue reading

War Plan Green

America planned a war with Mexico called War Plan Green,what was behind this?

During the 1910s, relations between Mexico and the United States were often troubled. . In 1912, U.S. President William Howard Taft considered sending an expeditionary force to protect foreign-owned property from damage during the Mexican Revolution that was taking place. Continue reading

Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pensilvania

Advertisement to the Reader.

Author, Benjamin Franklin, 1749

It has long been regretted as a Misfortune to the Youth of this Province, that we have no ACADEMY, in which they might receive the Accomplishments of a regular Education.

The following Paper of Hints towards forming a Plan for that Purpose, is so far approv’d by some publick-spirited Gentlemen, to whom it has been privately communicated, that they have directed a Number of Copies to be made by the Press, and properly distributed, in order to obtain the Sentiments and Advice of Men of Learning, Understanding, and Experience in these Matters; and have determin’d to use their Interest and best Endeavours, to have the Scheme, when compleated, carried gradually into Execution; in which they have Reason to believe they shall have the hearty Concurrence and Assistance of many who are Wellwishers to their Country. Continue reading

Anghis: School Board Tyranny – Part 2

One of the most amazing things that some school boards are doing is allowing graphic homosexual books in the library that kids can check out. These books have illustrations of homosexual acts and even talk about gang rape. One school took it up a notch and took elementary school children to a gay bar! Public schools attempting to indoctrinate children with woke ideologies have been a problem for years. But Broward County, Florida, is reportedly taking things to a whole new level of crudity.

On Wednesday, Broward County school board member Sarah Leonardi tweeted pictures of a field trip she took Wilton Manors Elementary students on. The problem was the destination of the field trip was a gay bar.

“I was SO honored to be invited to chaperone @WiltonManorsES’s field trip to the incredible Rosie’s!” she wrote. “The students and I had a fun walk over and learned a lot about our community!”

In one picture, young students in masks can be seen outside the bar with three adults. Another image shows the young children sitting at tables inside the gay bar. Continue reading

Betsy Ross’s husband’s diary turned up in a garage. Here’s what it tells us about the flagmaker

An image of the diary of John Claypoole, third husband of Betsy Ross (DAVID EDGE/David Edge)

It began with an unmarked, unremarkable box tucked in a corner of a garage in California. Inside, under miscellaneous letters and old high school yearbooks, was a smaller shoe box. Inside that, under old coins and a numismatist pamphlet, lay the 240-year-old diary of sailor John Claypoole, a Revolutionary War prisoner of war and later the third husband of the flagmaker known as Betsy Ross. Continue reading

Kids at School Are Asked to Give Details of Their “Sex Lives

A new county youth survey in Fairfax County, Virginia, will ask kids as young as 12 years old whether they have ever had sex, how old they were at the time, and how many persons they have had sexual intercourse with.

According to WJLA, the 2021 Fairfax County Youth Survey will be a cooperation between Fairfax County Government and Fairfax County Public Schools. It will survey students in the eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades. The survey is voluntary and anonymous. Continue reading

Anghis: School Board Tyranny – Part 1

We are seeing something in America that we have never seen on such a scale before. Our leftist so-called ‘educators have taken a page out of Lenin’s playbook and decided that it is only the school board that has the right to decide what children in public schools are taught and that parents have no right to any input at all. Terry McAuliffe has even stated that parents have no right to input into what their kids are taught. In the Virginia gubernatorial debate on Tuesday evening, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe insisted that parents should have no role in directing the education of their children and doubled down in a subsequent media interview. Continue reading