Author Archives: Jeffrey

Remote education is rife with threats to student privacy

Students are being forced to disclose sensitive information online. urbazon/Getty Images

An online “proctor” who can survey a student’s home and manipulate the mouse on their computer as the student takes an exam. A remote-learning platform that takes face scans and voiceprints of students. Virtual classrooms where strangers can pop up out of the blue and see who’s in class.

These three unnerving scenarios are not hypothetical. Rather, they stand as stark, real-life examples of how remote learning during the pandemic – both at the K-12 and college level – has become riddled with threats to students’ privacy. Continue reading

The Kids Aren’t All Right…

One year ago, Lena Carson was pulling straight A’s at the city’s Creative and Performing Arts Magnet school, located across the river from her parents’ home. She also swam at the local YMCA every day in preparation for the annual state competition and enjoyed the everyday social life of a teenager.

Today, she is sitting at home. Again.

It has been nearly a year since she was able to walk into CAPA, to which she had to earn admission through a portfolio of her work, and interact with her teachers or friends. Continue reading

A Broken Union (1851-1861)

“Tragic Prelude,” a circa 1937 work by John Steuart Curry, depicts abolitionist guerrilla fighter John Brown holding a rifle in one bloody hand and a Bible in the other and standing over the bodies of Union and Confederate soldiers. The painting hangs in the Kansas Statehouse in Topeka.

Editor’s note: The past is prologue. The stories we tell about ourselves and our forebears inform the sort of country we think we are and help determine public policy. As our recent president promised to “make America great again,” and our current “president” is systematically destroying what is left – this moment is an appropriate time to reconsider our past, look back at various eras of United States history and re-evaluate America’s origins. When, exactly, were we “great”? ~ Ed.
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Do YOU Believe?

August 23, 2008 ~ Thousands of Dallas teachers are talking about the little boy with the big voice who wowed them earlier this week at a big beginning-of-school pep rally at American Airlines Center.

Who is this kid?, they wondered… Continue reading

Is Remote Learning Causing A Mental Health Crisis Among Teens And Children?

Depression, anxiety, weight gain and even loss of toilet training are on the rise in kids as the pandemic drags on.

Paige Gagerman spends most of her days during remote learning in her bed at home. Courtesy of Paige Gagerman / WBEZ

At the beginning of the school year, Paige Gagerman was highly motivated. The Deerfield High School junior got dressed each day and set herself up for a day of school at her desk, or the kitchen. But now in second semester, Paige sits in bed with her sweatshirt hood over her head. Remote learning has worn her down. Continue reading

The sadness which we weave for our children…

A lesson for today – and forever!

My heart is so broken right now. As I sit here at Chick-Fil-A watching my kids play I almost feel guilty writing this post because I don’t want to take my eyes off my kids for a second. But as I am sitting here watching the kids, I notice a mom and a little girl come sit at the table next to me. Continue reading

What’s at Stake in the Fight Over Reopening Schools

A person holds up a sign that says “Masks are disposable. Teachers aren’t!”

Just remember – neither should our children be!

In Chicago, sharp disagreements about when and how public schools should reopen brought the city to the edge of a strike.Photograph by Max Herman / NurPhoto / Getty

As tens of thousands of Americans continue to die of covid-19, a new debate has emerged over whether public-school students, their teachers, and all of the staff necessary to make schools function should return to school buildings. In the United States, forty-two per cent of students are exclusively attending “virtual” school, thirty-five per cent are attending in-person school, and twenty-two per cent have a combination of in-person and remote learning. But there is mounting pressure from elected officials and some—mostly white—parents to jettison remote learning and fully resume in-person schooling. Continue reading

School Pushing Propaganda On Elementary School Students To Further Divide Country

An elementary school in Cupertino, California is asking students to rank themselves, literally by “power and privilege.”

The rankings include white, Christian, middle-class, cisgender, and more. Students were asked to “deconstruct” their identities in regards to race, family income, and yes, even sexuality.

Several families brought issues with this project to the school’s principal. Parents felt that their children were being taught racism and made to feel separated instead of unified by empowerment through education. Continue reading

The Harlem Hellfighters: The Incredible Story Behind the Most Decorated US Regiment in WWI

No matter what you think about America entering World War I, and no matter what color your skin, you can celebrate the heroic Harlem Hellfighters. They were among the best.

In his Commencement Address at Washington, D.C.’s Howard University in June 1924, almost six years after World War I ended, President Calvin Coolidge paid tribute to African Americans who had fought in it:

The colored people have repeatedly proved their devotion to the high ideals of our country. They gave their services in the war with the same patriotism and readiness that other citizens did. The records of the selective draft show that somewhat more than 2,250,000 colored men were registered. The records further prove that, far from seeking to avoid participation in the national defense, they showed that they wished to enlist before the selective service act was put into operation, and they did not attempt to evade that act afterwards.
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Erasing classic literature for kids

When I was a boy about 11, I committed a crime that changed my life.

I stole a book. I was a book thief.

I found it in another kid’s desk and began reading, hiding it behind some boring textbook, and couldn’t give it up…

And when the last bell rang, I hid it furtively under my jacket as if it were some rare, precious and struggling bird, and walked home.

It’s still with me. I’ll never give it up. Continue reading

The Undeniable Sean Connery

The following has less to do with history or education, but a superb Profile of a very gifted actor. Do enjoy this – as I have. ~ Ed.

Behind the actor’s characters, you sensed something hard, immutable, and crystalline that belonged to him alone.

Sean Connery looking at the camera with a cigarette in his hand. Photograph by John Downing / Getty

With the passing of Sean Connery, who has died at the age of ninety, we have lost perhaps the very last movie star who was known and revered for playing himself. Continue reading

John Jay: The Nation’s most forgotten Founding Father

On December 12, 2017, one of America’s most prominent, yet forgotten, Founding Fathers would have turned 272 years old. John Jay, a native of New York City, had among the most impressive resumes in American history, especially among the Founding Fathers who never became president. Jay served in the Continental Congress, as a diplomat representing the United States in the Treaty of Paris, an author of the Federalist Papers, America’s first chief justice, acting secretary of state under George Washington, and governor of New York. Continue reading

January 30, 2021: History Lesson of the Day

On April 23, 1910, a year after leaving his presidential office, Theodore Roosevelt gave what would become one of his greatest rhetorical triumphs. The most famous section of his speech still resonates and inspires, even today.

It is not the critic who counts.

(Video-Text) united States Constitution · Amendments · Bill of Rights

I am an old fashioned (‘Old School‘, that is) kind of teacher and as I was growing up – all we had to study this phenomenal work – was The Constitution of the united States of America (not a typo) itself – the WRITTEN word, BUT in these modern times we have the audio AND video variations of those words. Put your mind into this – and LEARN what the basis of our government was – and IS – meant to be. ~ Ed.

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