John Jay: The Nation’s most forgotten Founding Father

On December 12, 2017, one of America’s most prominent, yet forgotten, Founding Fathers would have turned 272 years old. John Jay, a native of New York City, had among the most impressive resumes in American history, especially among the Founding Fathers who never became president. Jay served in the Continental Congress, as a diplomat representing the United States in the Treaty of Paris, an author of the Federalist Papers, America’s first chief justice, acting secretary of state under George Washington, and governor of New York. Continue reading

January 30, 2021: History Lesson of the Day

On April 23, 1910, a year after leaving his presidential office, Theodore Roosevelt gave what would become one of his greatest rhetorical triumphs. The most famous section of his speech still resonates and inspires, even today.

It is not the critic who counts.

(Video-Text) united States Constitution · Amendments · Bill of Rights

I am an old fashioned (‘Old School‘, that is) kind of teacher and as I was growing up – all we had to study this phenomenal work – was The Constitution of the united States of America (not a typo) itself – the WRITTEN word, BUT in these modern times we have the audio AND video variations of those words. Put your mind into this – and LEARN what the basis of our government was – and IS – meant to be. ~ Ed.

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Lessons for Today, Tomorrow and Forever

Not only is the speaker a gifted and brilliant actor, but a man of wisdom who, in this series of edited videos shares with you – your lesson plan for LIFE. It would seem to me that once a student enters both High School AND (if they choose to do so) College – THIS is what should be shared with the Student FIRST ~ Ed.

Hank Aaron: Home Run King Who Defied Racism… Dies at 86

Publisher’s Note: I awoke Friday morning to the news that one of my boyhood hero’s had passed on to the great Field in the Heavens. I spent most of my youth during the summers where I had been born – lees than an hour from Milwaukee – sitting on the lawn in front of my Grandfather’s home – with Uncle Charlie, where we would listen to Hank, Lew, Eddie, Warren and the rest of my favorite team “play ball.” Save me a seat in the Heavenly Bleachers and I will be along soon enough Mr. Aaron. RIP ~ Jeffrey Bennett

He held the most celebrated record in sports for more than 30 years.

Hank Aaron was among the greatest all-around players in baseball history, earning his home run record in the face of hate mail and even death threats.Credit…Mark Rucker/Transcendental Graphics, via Getty Images

January 22, 2021 ~ Hank Aaron, who faced down racism as he eclipsed Babe Ruth as baseball’s home run king, hitting 755 homers and holding the most celebrated record in sports for more than 30 years, has died. He was 86.

Playing for 23 seasons, all but his final two years with the Braves in Milwaukee and then Atlanta, Aaron was among the greatest all-around players in baseball history and one of the last major league stars to have played in the Negro leagues. Continue reading

Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools

Walter once said he hoped that, on the day he died, he would have taught a class that day. And that is just the way it was, when he died on Wednesday, December 2, 2020. ~ Thomas Sowell

On the major social and political issues of our time, Walter Williams was one of America’s most important and provocative thinkers. He was black, yet he opposed affirmative action. He believed that the Civil Rights Act was a major error, that the minimum wage actually creates unemployment and that occupational and business licensure and industry regulation work against minorities and others in American business. Perhaps most importantly he had come to believe that it has been the welfare state that has done to black Americans what slavery could never do: destroy the black family. Walter Williams expressed all of these provocative ideas and more in this public television documentary produced by Free To Choose Network. Continue reading

President Jefferson in the White House

She was a new bride in the fall of 1800. Immediately following her wedding in Philadelphia Margaret Bayard Smith and her husband traveled to Washington to make a new home. He had just started the Washington Intelligencer newspaper. Mr. Smith and his newspaper supported Thomas Jefferson in his bid for the presidency in the election of 1800. After his election and throughout his eight years as President, Jefferson often invited the Smith’s to the White House or visited their home on Capitol Hill. Continue reading


During a prank, a student stuck a paper on his classmate’s back that said “?’? ??????”, and asked the rest of the class not to tell the boy.

Thus the students began laughing on and off…

Came afternoon math class started and their teacher wrote a difficult question on the board.

No one was able to answer it except the boy with the sticker.

Amid the unexplained giggles, he walked toward the board and solved the problem.

The teacher asked the class to clap for him and remove the paper on his back. Continue reading

Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down

In this video we examine how public schools and the mainstream media have contributed to the growth of a passive citizenry, thus paving the way for the rise of tyranny. We then look at the role anti-authoritarians play in a free and flourishing society.

Child Abuse: Masked schoolchildren are harmed physically, psychologically, behaviorally and suffer from 24 distinct health issues

A first-of-its-kind study, involving over 25,000 children, reveals that masks are harming schoolchildren in many physical and psychological ways and have a negative effect on their behavior, focus and interest in learning. These negative effects are censored from social media, under-reported by the media, and ignored by government officials. Continue reading

Walter Williams ~ An Unlikely Proponent of Secession

There’s no disputing the void that has been left behind since economist Walter Williams passed away in December. Williams had a remarkable ability to convey free market economic concepts in a way the masses could easily digest. Big shoes to fill indeed.

Walter Williams’s Sympathy toward Secession
One overlooked aspect of Williams’s work was his sympathy for the strategy of secession. It may surprise some of us that an African American could even support such an idea. The commonly touted narrative on secession, after all, is that only supporters of the secessionist old Confederacy would even think about supporting secession today. Attempts to connect secession to racism and slavery are common. Continue reading

Proud Progressive Book Banners

Leftist speech suppression isn’t happening just in social media but in K-12 education.

What does one do when one’s worldview is simultaneously vacuous and intellectually bankrupt? In today’s America, one eliminates anything that challenges it. Thus, under the banner of #DisruptTexts, radical leftists masquerading as school teachers are endeavoring to remove classic literature from school syllabuses, lest their students get exposed to ideas deemed off-limits by America’s wannabe totalitarians. Continue reading

Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology

Assessment from a Former Teacher.

The left uses a combination of propaganda and suppression to push kids into the ensnaring grip of socialism and anti-patriotism. (Photo: skynesher/Getty Images)

Your children are being indoctrinated. The education system designed to teach them how to think critically has been weaponized by the radical left to push an anti-American agenda. As someone who has worked in education for four years, I have seen firsthand how your children are being ensnared by the left and their teachers. Continue reading

The Tragedy of Black Education Is New

Note: Walter E. Williams, Ph.D., a columnist, whose work was published by many websites around the nation – including those of Kettle Moraine Publications, was a Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Economics, George Mason University until his death on the day which this column was originally published. ~ Ed.

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What it found was an utter disgrace.

In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math.

In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math.

In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Continue reading

The Orchestrated Socialist Deception While Parents Slept

As of today, our country and its government have officially turned socialist. It is painfully apparent that the American fighting spirit for “justice and the American way” was just a myth.

How have Americans accepted socialism, the lockdowns, and election fraud so easily? From a former teacher’s perspective, it was easy. The communist indoctrination and orchestrated deception run deep and go back so many decades that by the time half of the adult population has caught on, it is too late.

How were highly paid professors, public school teachers, and administrators able to mold the minds of America’s children while their parents “slept,” lulled by the expensive and convincing propaganda that America has the best education in the world? Television, Hollywood, and smart devices were the “best” baby-sitters in the world. Continue reading

K-12: What’s Our ‘Stamp Act‘?

When Will It Be Enough?

You would think we would finally take a stand when it comes to our children. You would think we would be driven by a primal need to protect. But you might think again. There is a blue bubble over the elementary school in an otherwise pleasant semi-rural community. And the children there are under the most insidious attack.

One resident revealed what had happened to his child. Minding his own business, he was randomly, physically attacked in the playground by the school bully. His child was 6, the bully was 7 or 8 years old. The bully walked up to the younger child, kicked, punched and screamed at him. His child tried to protect himself and screamed back, “Get off of me!” When the bully showed no intention of getting off or of mitigating the attack, the younger child hauled off and kicked the bully in the leg, leaving a mark. The bully fell back and started crying and wailing, dramatically and pointedly (“Ready for my close up, Mr. Demille.”) victimized. Continue reading

American Education System Has Totally Failed in One Key Area

Let’s move on from the 2020 election for a second. In four years, we’re going to have another presidential election and many more after that. In the interim years, we have the midterms. And while this cycle will continue, the Democratic Party’s leftward lurch will probably become more explicit. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wasn’t successful in clinching the Democratic nomination in 2016 or 2020. He has a following. He has a devoted base, but black Democrats in the south were the firewall against a total socialist takeover. That will not last… Continue reading

Teacher: “Stroking Egos Does Nothing for Students. Raising Expectations Does.”

Armed with a bachelor of science in elementary education, I charged into my career as a teacher. I was immediately exposed to students at three levels of public schools:

1. A rather wealthy district with an average IQ of 120.

2. A classic, middle-class school.

3. A school that is best described as a mini United Nations.

In the “UN” school, approximately 25 percent of students were new immigrants, 30-35 percent were American-born blacks, and the remainder were 40-45 percent Caucasian. The economic structure ranged from welfare to upper middle class. Continue reading