CALIFORNIA: Shocking Grade School Mandates Send Parents Over The Edge

The time is long past due to get caught up with that which I have been ignoring. ~ Editor

Parents in disagreement with California’s first-in-the-nation COVID-19 vaccine mandate for elementary students staged a protest on Monday at the state Capitol.

At this time the vaccine has only been approved for children aged 16 and older. (This has been updated since the original publication of this column. ~ Ed.) Continue reading

Structural Racism? Try Public Schools

Persisting in collectivist education practices is systemic racism at its core.

Public schools have long been in a downward spiral when it comes to giving all students a good education. There are many reasons for this: lack of parental involvement, poor and dishonest teachers, and misuse of standardized tests. Perhaps the biggest indicator of this plummet is the poor performance of black children. Continue reading

The ADHD Overdiagnosis Epidemic Is a Schooling Problem, Not a Child One

Today, children are being diagnosed with, and often medicated for, ADHD at an astonishing rate.

Childhood exuberance is now a liability. Behaviors that were once accepted as normal, even if mildly irritating to adults, are increasingly viewed as unacceptable and cause for medical intervention. High energy, lack of impulse control, inability to sit still and listen, lack of organizational skills, fidgeting, talking incessantly—these typical childhood qualities were widely tolerated until relatively recently. Today, children with these characteristics are being diagnosed with, and often medicated for, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) at an astonishing rate. (Continue to Dr. Kelley’s Victory Over Cancer…)

The Other F Bomb: Our Education Crisis

… is for failure.

Last week, I happened upon an article reporting over 40 percent of Baltimore’s high school students had a 1.0 grade point average or less. In other words, 40 percent of these students were practically flunking their course load.

That shocking figure led me to look at statistics from U.S. News and World Report, compiled before COVID-19 closed down the schools. Baltimore has 166 public schools and over 77,000 students. Private schools in the city teach another 17,000 students. In the public schools, over 90 percent of the students are minorities, and 58 percent of all students are deemed low income. Only 15 percent of high school students tested as proficient in reading, only 8 percent in math.
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Homeschooling Just Crossed the Tipping Point

In the months before COVID hit, a number of my friends began a new phase of motherhood by starting careers as homeschool teachers. They expressed normal trepidation, concerned they would fail, and by extension, their children would.

Then the pandemic hit, homeschooling became the new way of life, and my friends were suddenly homeschool veterans, all settled in and progressing with their curriculum while everyone else scrambled to get their act together. Continue reading

Reforming Education: Chasing the Wrong Rabbit

Schools closed. Children abandoned. Parents told to pound sand.

Is a repeat defeat for students and parents in the works for this coming school year?

It seems so. What’s not in doubt is it will be another big win for teacher unions. The Los Angeles union demanded a rich array of gimmes before it would consider any return to classrooms, reports Lee Chanian for the Hoover Institution. These included defunding police, shutting down competing charter schools, a 1% wealth tax, and a 3% income surtax on successful people, to name but a few. Is this dedication? For sure. But not to students. Continue reading

A very Special Holiday

Navajo Code Talkers Day was established through a presidential proclamation by President Ronald Reagan on August 14, 1982.

August 14, 2021 marked the very first Navajo Code Talker Day as an official holiday in Arizona. During WWII, 400 Navajo men used their language to create a special code that was used to compose and transmit messages. The code was never broken. These Navajo men participated in every major Marine operation in the Pacific Theater. During the bloody fight for Iwo Jima they fired off more than 800 messages in the heat of battle that were crucial to victory. The code talkers are credited with saving hundreds of thousands of lives and shortening the war. Continue reading

Tiffany ROCKS: A Teacher who gets it!

I have worked in the public indoctrination (school) system since 2011. Yesterday, I took a stand for humanity and our beautiful children. These kids are being coerced into a future where they have no rights, brainwashed into not questioning authority, using their intuition or critical thinking skills. They are being muzzled and separated from their friends and taught to define and judge others based on the color of their skin. I refuse to be a part of any of this abhorrent agenda.

I walked in on the first day sans mask. I take my job as a positive role model to children seriously and I will not be an example of a sheep. Miss Tiffany doesn’t muzzle her face and neither should you! I was asked to exit my classroom and put on leave without pay. I implore everyone follow suit! We are so powerful as a collective and we can shift this evil paradigm into the beautiful manifestation that we know is possible! Stand strong in your truth and integrity. God has beautiful plans for us on the other side of fear.

Tiffany Wilder
From her Facebook Page
August 17, 2021

Telling the truth can still get you into trouble!

Our teacher asked what my favorite animal was, and I said, “Fried chicken.”

She said I wasn’t funny, but she couldn’t have been right, because everyone else laughed.

My parents told me to always tell the truth. I did. Fried chicken is my favorite animal.

I told my dad what happened, and he said my teacher was probably a member of PETA. He said they love animals ……..very much. Continue reading

Cong. Louis T. McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation, May 23, 1934

Quotations from several speeches made on the Floor of the House of Representatives by the Honorable Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania. Mr. McFadden, due to his having served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years, was the best posted man on these matters in America and was in a position to speak with authority of the vast ramifications of this gigantic private credit monopoly. As Representative of a State which was among the first to declare its freedom from foreign money tyrants it is fitting that Pennsylvania, the cradle of liberty, be again given the credit for producing a son that was not afraid to hurl defiance in the face of the money-bund. Whereas Mr. McFadden was elected to the high office on both the Democratic and Republican tickets, there can be no accusation of partisanship lodged against him. Because these speeches are set out in full in the Congressional Record, they carry weight that no amount of condemnation on the part of private individuals could hope to carry. Continue reading

Parents Increasingly Fight for Control

Bad policies from school boards have had at least one unintended good effect.

Lately, parents have become more active in the debate around what and how their children should be taught in public schools. Parents are weighing in on curriculum about “systemic racism,” policies about vaccinating children without parental consent, and the front-and-center debate of whether a child needs to wear a mask for the school day. The Left may be pushing wrong policies, but more parental involvement is a good thing.

The political Left teaches that America is racist because it was founded through oppression, prejudice, and white privilege. Kids are being taught how to affix blame using racism, not how to prevent it. Whether it’s called Critical Race Theory (CRT) or some other clever name used to camouflage activism, this indoctrination has been exposed, causing many states to ban the passing on of this mindset. Continue reading

How Nixon and FDR Used “Crises” to Destroy the Dollar’s Links to Gold

Since August 15, 1971, the US dollar has been completely severed from gold. President Richard Nixon suspended the most important component of the Bretton Woods system, which had been in effect since the end of World War II. Nixon announced that the US would no longer redeem dollars for gold for the last remaining entities that could: foreign governments. Gold redemption had been made illegal for everybody else, so this action finally ended any semblance of a gold standard for the US dollar.

In Crisis and Leviathan, Robert Higgs showed how in the twentieth century the US government grew in size and scope primarily during crisis periods like wars or economic depressions. The powers gained during those periods were often advertised as “temporary,” but history shows that governments rarely relinquish powers. This “ratchet effect” applies to the way Nixon “temporarily” suspended gold redemption in 1971 – the resulting regime of unbacked fiat dollars remains in effect today. Continue reading

Charles Dickens, America & The Civil War

If you look at lists or letters or diaries mentioning reading material from the mid-19th Century in America, you’ll likely find a book or two by British author Charles Dickens – if that reader enjoyed novels. Popular on both sides of the Atlantic, Charles Dickens penned numerous short tales, serialized stories, and novels during his life, many delivering commentary on social struggles, reform movements, and life’s dark side through entertaining stories.

I’d always wondered about Dickens’s tales, had read an excerpt or short story here and there in high school and college classes, and realized his stories were popular during the Civil War with soldiers and civilians. However, it wasn’t until 2016 when I had a book-signing at Riverside Dickens Literature Festival that I got brave and started really exploring these stories. I wasn’t disappointed… So far, I’ve enjoyed reading or listening to several unabridged stories by Dickens – including Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, A Christmas Carol, and (currently) A Tale of Two Cities. Film adaptions have introduced me to Our Mutual Friend and David Copperfield, and I hope to enjoy those books in the future too.

This year, as I was preparing for another year at Dickens Festival, I wondered what Charles Dickens thought about the American Civil War and his views on the American struggle for abolition and social reforms. Continue reading

The History We Do NOT Wish to Revisit!

“I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history.

If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. Kitty wasn’t so lucky. Her family chose to stay in her native Austria. She was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And she was watching.

“We elected him by a landslide – 98 percent of the vote,” she recalls.

She wasn’t old enough to vote in 1938 – approaching her 11th birthday. But she remembers.

“Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.”

Not so… Continue reading

PLEASE… Get your kids out of this mess – NOW!

The System has reached the end of it’s purpose…

Oregon Quietly Passes Bill Removing Reading and Math Requirements for Graduation

Oregon Governor Brown

From the story: Brown, a Democrat, did not hold a public signing or issue a press release regarding the passing of Senate Bill 744 on July 14, and the measure, which was approved by lawmakers in June, was not added into the state’s legislative database until more than two weeks later on July 29, an unusually quiet approach to enacting legislation. (Washington Examiner).

Shockingly, the governor’s spokesperson insulted minorities, saying they are the reason for the lack of standards. From Jazz Shaw: As to the delay in updating the database, there was at least an answer provided to the media.
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Virginia County School Board Votes Against Implementing State’s Required Transgender Policies

A Virginia county school board elected not to enact transgender policies mandated by the state that looked to “address common issues regarding transgender students.”

The Augusta County School Board called a special meeting Thursday to vote on whether it would change its policies in order to reflect transgender policies required by the Virginia Department of Education. The DOE’s policies state how educators should refer to and accommodate transgender students. Continue reading