Category Archives: Common Core-Uption
…and you wonder WHY?
Arne Duncan said it best……..”this is not a battle for education it is a battle for social justice” Wake up. The goal is to dumb down ALL children to the lowest denominator so it appears as if ALL kids have been educated by this Communist education reform they are and have been trying to implement for years. Sad to say many of our Presidents, including Ronald Reagan and both President Bush’s have been a part of it. Reagan signed an agreement (as did other Presidents) to bring Russian education into the US. The Ford Foundation has been funded by the US government for years to promote the “comfortable” merge of Russia and the US. . . . We are being stripped of our country and our they want our children. They know our children are progressives (Communists) future. ~ Karen Bracken
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U.S. Student Test Scores Plummet Again in Year 4 of Common Core
If there was any doubt that the Common Core standards have been harmful to American academic achievement, that doubt should be erased by the 2019 results from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), the Nation’s Report Card. Continue reading
Good Public-school Teachers Under Siege
Public schools do hold good teachers who want to follow the best education practices and who object to the indoctrination of the LBGTQ agenda, but they are being penalized.

Him and Her – or They and Zee?
When the National Education Association (NEA) partnered with a radical homosexual and transgender group known as the “Human Rights Campaign” to create “welcoming schools,” a lot of public-school teachers felt uncomfortable, if not outraged. But when the groups sent out a mass e-mail encouraging teachers to ask young children what “pronouns” they prefer — he, she, they, z, tree, and so on — that was a bridge too far for many.
In a video produced as part of the campaign, two transgender children discuss their preferred pronouns with each other. One of the children prefers the plural pronoun “they,” while the other, who claims not to be a boy or a girl, prefers “zee.” Seriously. After that, the two children discuss the alleged need to “educate” their own teachers, especially substitutes, on the supposed importance of using the newly invented pronouns that students choose for themselves. Continue reading
Looking Back: History teaches it all
Madeline Scotto went through a lot of math teaching methods. At age 100, she was still teaching at Brooklyn’s St. Ephrem’s School.
Get Progressive Educated Idiots Out Of Education
“This particular American society” is one that is driven, molded and manipulated by Progressive ideologies that have been embedded in all of our institutions, public and private, over the last one hundred years or more.
Unfortunately, the current self-perpetuating system in America and even in most Westernized countries, is Progressivism, which is just another form of collective socialism. It is a flawed, bankrupt system that emphasizes the collective and de-emphasizes the individual, the former being the very antithesis of the foundation of American freedom. Becoming an educator is a process of being indoctrinated in this current self-perpetuating system. Continue reading
Common Core: The Road to Planetary Serfdom
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” ~ Proverbs 22:6
Author Alex Newman’s first experience with American government education, having grown up abroad, was when he moved back to Florida and attended the University of Florida. When taking a course in American History he found that it was being taught by a raving feminist. Instead of teaching the class American history, they learned about the history of feminism and Marxism.
Overwhelmed with his experience, Newman searched the internet and found out about conservative educator and leader Phyllis Schlafly.
Newman shared his findings at Phyllis Schlafly’s Eagle Council XLVIII, September 13 – 15, at the Marriott St. Louis Airport, Saint Louis, Missouri. Continue reading
First Common Core High School Grads Worst-Prepared For College In 15 Years
This is the opposite of what we were told would happen with trillions of taxpayer dollars and an entire generation of children who deserve not to have been guinea pigs in a failed national experiment.
For the third time in a row since Common Core was fully phased in nationwide, U.S. student test scores on the nation’s broadest and most respected test have dropped, a reversal of an upward trend between 1990 and 2015. Further, the class of 2019, the first to experience all four high school years under Common Core, is the worst-prepared for college in 15 years, according to a new report. Continue reading
Communist Core-Uption
School Swingset Designed by using Common Core Math
C’mon – have a good laugh today!
It’s every young person’s dream come true: ‘no more grades in school!’
Since some children find letter grades “offensive,” public school teachers are now grading with “colors, numbers and symbols”
Because some students are apparently getting “offended” or having their feelings hurt by receiving B’s on their tests instead of A’s, public schools in Wisconsin are reportedly abandoning the traditional grading system in favor of assigning students “colors” and “symbols” instead.
This newfangled “target-based grading system,” as they’re calling it, means that the days of using actual metrics to determine student scholarship are over. Now, random images and pretty colors will govern public education. Continue reading
Mis-education: An inside job…
College board president behind SAT ‘adversity score’ was also the mastermind of the controversial K-12 ‘Common Core’ curriculum changes that has children just learning for a test

College Board president David Coleman
The man behind the new plan to assign adversity scores to every student who takes the SAT is the same person who championed the controversial Common Core K-12 curriculum standards that remain a point of contention among parents, teachers and political leaders in many states.
David Coleman, president of The College Board, which administers the SAT, was the ‘architect of Common Core’ – which several states dropped after its adoption due to pressure from local communities and educators, according to Fox News.
Proponents of Common Core say the method was meant to establish a baseline of curriculum standards for K-12 education, with a focus on math and English language arts literacy.
It implemented broad new standards for how much a student should know and be able to do at the end of each scholastic year, leading to what critics said was ‘teaching to the test’ – or a system in which teachers are under so much pressure to get their students to perform well on the test that other educational priorities fell by the wayside in favor of test preparation. Continue reading
The Perfect Plan to Destroy America — NATIONALIZE EDUCATION
A ‘tour de force‘ from this writer. Be prepared… Ed.

Donna Garner
~ Author’s Notes ~
This article was originally published on August 7, 2013, and it has turned out to be very prophetic. Now we are seeing the disastrous results from America’s students having been soaked in Obama’s Common Core for at least nine years.
Obama’s plan was to destroy America as we know it, and we are seeing the “fruits” of his plan all around us. Our culture is now surrounded with Gen X, Gen Y, and Millennials who are spouting ideas that shock those of us who respect and honor America’s historical history and its primary documents such as the U. S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. As Puritan John Winthrop so wisely stated on April 4, 1630 as he was on his way to establish the Massachusetts Bay Colony, “We shall be as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us.” Continue reading
K–12: Fake, like Adulterated Milk
In the 1800s, adulterated milk was common.. Milk produced by swill herds, as muckraking journalist Robert Hartley wrote in 1842, was “very thin, and of a pale bluish color,” the kind nobody in his right mind would buy. So distillers added flour, starch, chalk, plaster of Paris, or anything else they could get away with to make the milk look healthy. This adulteration only increased the bacteria in milk that we today would consider undrinkable. Continue reading
’nuff said for one night!
Schoen: Mediocre Schools Breed Mediocre Workers
We have been reporting the failure of America’s government schools for decades. Did you know that all schools now follow UNESCO’s worldwide Common Core. You read that right: Common Core is a UNESCO program, and is supported by Microsoft. In 2004, Bill Gates entered into an agreement with UNESCO to provide software for World Wide Common Core. I call it Communist Core! Continue reading
Federal Report Finds U.S. Department of Education a Massive Failure
A new report raises questions about how the U.S. Department of Education monitors the performance of its wide-ranging elementary and secondary education programs.
The department currently receives $38 billion for its major K-12 education programs. Yet the assessment says those programs are plagued by “complex and persistent” challenges, many of which have been identified previously, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the official “congressional watchdog” charged with ensuring taxpayer dollars are spent efficiently. Continue reading
Florida Eliminates the Common Core ~ Once and for All
FLORIDA REPUBLICAN GOV. Ron DeSantis issued an executive order Thursday that officially eliminates any lasting vestige of the Common Core State Standards — a set of academic benchmarks that most of the country adopted before becoming the standards became a political lightning rod.
“I have heard parents from across the state loud and clear and they all agree that it’s time to finally end Common Core,” DeSantis said in a statement. “Our executive order today aims to ensure that Florida has the best academic standards in the nation and we eliminate Common Core.” Continue reading
Common Core: Cabbalist Corruption of Culture
“Oh those devious bastards. THEY are developing new and improved ways to f**k up our children’s minds.”
One of first times I ever dipped my toes into the fever swamps of conspiritard-land on teh Interwebz, was from reading the writings of Nancy Levant, Joan Veon, Alan Stang and a number of other columnists and authors over at NewsWithViews. That was my first encounter with what I thought was the most ludicrous idea I had ever encountered: that the end goal of the NWO and the system of public education in the USA Inc., was to comfortably merge the USA and the USSR. Continue reading
The Common Core of Education Failure: The Language & Literacy Disaster
Literacy failures continue to compound with each generation as mis-educators focus on everything except the core problem: The Devastation of Language and Literacy.
The vast majority of Americans no longer Hear, Speak, Spell, Read, or Write English with competency, let alone with skill. The destruction of Americans’ ability to precisely understand and use their own language is at the root of every problem that faces our nation: school failure; dearth of general knowledge; limited horizons; shallow, inaccurate thought processes; poor communication skills; unemployability; criminality; and the development of this shallow, polarized society in which we live. Still teachers are wasting precious educational time, and damaging young brains, with flashcards and sight word memorization. Continue reading