“Blessings on the hand of women! Angels guard its strength and grace. In the palace, cottage, hovel, Oh, no matter where the place; Would that never storms assail it, Rainbows ever gently curled, For the hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.” ~ William Ross Wallace, 1865
The conservative and Christian parents of America’s multitude of children certainly must wish they had done more in past decades to prevent the ideas of Marx and communism from being inserted into the U.S. public education system, by advocates who infiltrated its halls in its earliest years, as they have seen an exponentially intensified hard assault on our traditional beliefs and principles over the past eleven years, starting with the introduction of Common Core. Now, the new tactic of America’s Marxists centers on the implementation of Critical Race Theory concepts, premises and philosophy within public schools for the purpose of indoctrinating America’s children completely in the Democratic Party’s Marxo-fascist worldview.
In May of 2014, I noted in ‘A Tool for America’s Transformation‘:
“Friedrich Hayek, renowned economist and historian, explained in 1944 that the socialists everywhere were the first to recognize that the task they had set themselves required the general acceptance of a common and definite set of ‘values’. In striving toward their singular worldview, they created most of today’s instruments of indoctrination.”
Just like the battle against Common Core that is still ongoing in many areas of the country, as it is continuously rebranded and re-introduced as “something new” by our country’s radicals, so too Critical Race Theory (CRT) is just one such instrument in a long line of many anti-American programs designed to turn our children into Good Lil’ Commies.
In reality, CRT comes out of Hegelian thought and is closely tied to the Critical Legal Theory that originated in the Institute for Marxism, now commonly known as the Frankfurt School, in 1937. And at its heart was an unremitting assault on Western institutions, norms and principles that was designed to tear it all down.
However, fortunately many great Americans are now fully aware of what is currently transpiring, and although the nation’s conservative men are doing a fairly decent job in attempting to stop this vile assault against America’s founding principles and the republic, it has been the mother’s of America that have shown themselves to be the powerful lionesses and guardians of their children’s freedom and liberty, as several recent statements from strong, intelligent patriotic women, such as Lily Tang, Tatiana Ibrahim and Xi Van Fleet and many others, exhibit in a powerful fashion that should serve as examples for all America.
Lily Tang escaped Communist China and made her way to Texas at age twenty-three, and so she speaks with some authority, as she explained the following in an April editorial:
“While CRT and Maoism are not identical ideologies, they share five features in common. The first is the development of a quasi-religious following of zealous youth devoted to unrestrained destruction of what is old to advance that which is new. Whereas Mao called for traditional Chinese culture to be destroyed, CRT calls for “dismantling systems of oppression”, which, like Mao’s definition of “the old”, is subjectively dependent on what they define as oppressive. The second feature is that both ideologies reduce complex problems to the classical Marxist dichotomy: society is constituted of those who ‘oppress’ and those who are oppressed. CRT divides society into oppressor class (White) and the oppressed class (people of color). Third, the processes in CRT training are similar to those in Struggle Sessions: writing self-criticizing letter, apologizing for being born White, public shaming, instilling guilt and hatred. Fourth, both ideologies are taught to school-age children without parental consent. The students are made to feel ashamed and guilty about their family history going back generations. Children are taught and trained to be ‘social justice warriors’ by advocating for racial equity, which is about wealth redistribution. Fifth, the chaos, violence, identity politics and social division conjured up by both ideologies open the way for political factions to systematically divide and conquer until usurpation of the existing political system is one check-mate away.”
Likewise, having witnessed Maoist Communism up close and personal, Xi Van Fleet, who survived Mao Tse-Tung’s Cultural Revolution — with millions of Chinese murdered and starved to death — to arrive in America at 26 years old, also speaks with some authority, in her recent speech delivered to the Loudon County Public Schools Board, that noted the parallels between the Chinese Cultural revolution, as she explained in part:
“You are now teaching, training our children, to be social justice warriors and to loathe our country and history. Growing up on Mao’s China, all of this seems very familiar. The [Chinese] Communist regime used the same critical theory to divide people. The only difference is they used class instead of race. … We were taught to denounce our heritage, and the Red Guards destroyed anything that is not communist — statues, books and anything else. We were also encouraged to report on each other, just like the Student Equity Ambassador program [currently part of the Biden administration’s initiative] and the bias reporting system. This is indeed the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. The Critical Race Theory has its roots in cultural Marxism. It should have no place in our school.“
Ms Van Fleet further noted:
“I just want Americans to know that their privilege is to be here living in America — that is just the biggest privilege. I do not think a lot of people understand. They are thinking they are doing the right thing, [since to] ‘be against racism’ sounds really good. But they are basically breaking the system that is against racism.”
The next day, Ms Van Fleet told Fox News, “To me, and a lot of [Chinese-Americans], it is heartbreaking that we escaped communism and now we experience communism here.”
My Goodness! Such Patriots! If only the bulk of natural born American citizens held such a love and understanding of America as these two wonderful American Patriots, who are not American by birth but have become American through their love of freedom and liberty and their own fine, well-developed and intellectual understanding of America’s founding and Her principles.
And following in a fine exemplary fashion, on June 3rd, Tatiana Ibrahim unloaded an eleven minute verbal barrage against the Carmel Central School District Board (Carmel, NY) that stunned everybody in attendance and left board members scrambling for cover, as they unsuccessfully attempted to stop her from speaking:
“I think that the Board of Education and those sitting on the panel are thieves. I think they’re liars and have committed treason against our children. My message to this district and the members of the Board of [Education] — stop indoctrinating our children. Stop teaching our children to hate police. Stop teaching our children that if they don’t agree with the LGBT community that they’re homophobic. You have no idea [of] each child’s life. You don’t know what their family lifestyle consists of. You don’t know the makeup of their life. You have children, like mine, who [are] Muslim and I’m Christian.”
At one point, as Ms Ibrahim continued to castigate the board members for trying to impose their Marxist worldview on her children, she mentioned some names that led to objections and a warning that directed her to not use names in regards to specific incidents and issues at hand, to which Ms Ibrahim responded:
“Why are we not allowed to say names? Why am I not allowed when they purposefully expose themselves on social media; talking about calling for the death of a former president, or saying that any child who doesn’t believe in Black Lives Matter should be canceled out. Is this what my tax dollars are paying for? You’re teaching my children and other children that if they believe in God Almighty, they’re part of a cult. These educators put their names out there. … You’re teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers. Do you want the proof? I have the proof. Is that what scares you? The proof? That a parent actually [is] standing up against all of you? Is that what scares you? To call out the names of these people?
You work for me. I don’t work for you. You have a duty. We are entrusting our children to you. We teach our children morals, values. When they grow up to commit crimes and end up in prison, and kill a police officer — It’s our fault? No, It’s your fault.
You’re emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them. You’re demoralizing them by teaching them communist values. This is still America ma’am. And as long as I’m standing here on this good ground Earth of God, I will fight. This is not the last of me you will see. I’m retired; I’ve got nothing else better to do.
We can do it peacefully or we can take it to the highest court because you know and I know I’m not the only parent fighting.”
Even the teachers are joining the fray, as one Fairfax County teacher, Lilit Vanetsyan, made an impassioned plea at the Loudon County School Board meeting on Tuesday June 8th for people to fight back against this CRT mess, as she summarized the fight and the stakes in a poignant manner, stating:
“Parents, the longer you wait and don’t hold your child’s schools accountable gives these guys more time to dictate what’s best for your child’s physical, mental and emotional health. Don’t be afraid to speak out for your child’s mental and emotional health. Don’t be afraid to speak out for your kids because they are voiceless and they rely on you. You should be afraid of them rooting for socialism by the time they get to middle school.
Teachers, it may seem that our careers have come to a dead end, but I’m here to remind you, we don’t work for the school board. We work to mold the next generation of well-rounded American patriots. So don’t give up because it is up to us.
Students, you are on the front lines of these indoctrination camps. Challenge the staff when you are presented with a ludicrous statement and do not allow anybody to tell you that you cannot accomplish anything because of your skin color or to hate yourself because of your skin color. Students, it is up to you to be the next generation of victims or victors.
Finally, to the board, this isn’t over … [as they cut her microphone].”
Critical Race Theory takes away all personal responsibility for one’s own situation, while asserting success comes from privilege and failure from oppression, naming all white people “white supremacists” when a year or two ago such a vile insult was reserved only for neo-Nazis. It goes further to actually endorse reverse racism and discrimination against white people in order to achieve equity for people of color, without any way to know when a balance has finally been struck, or who gets to decide when equity has finally been achieved for all. In essence, it redistributes white people’s possessions and assets to people of color and makes them second class citizens while granting privilege to only those people of color who climb aboard the Marxist bandwagon, while other black people may be deemed “too white” or “Uncle Toms” if they espouse conservative ideas.
Essentially, in this new era of Mao Rising within America at the Democratic Party’s behest, discrimination against all people, but especially white people, is encouraged, just so long as doing so advances the Democratic Party Communists’ power.
America has been so exceptional a nation across history, and the mechanisms of the Constitution enabled Her to rise above Her flaws and set all Her people on a course towards real freedom and liberty, but somehow progressive Democratic Party Communists have succeeded in using those same mechanisms as a means to destroy Her. Critical Race Theory is fatalistic and it leads America into a dead end and Her own demise.
Critical Race Theory tells us that America’s accomplishments and all Her promise and potential were never real and now we must replace Her with something entirely new, namely the vile and evil death-dealing ideology of Marxism.

Get your children OUT of the System – NOW
However, no one who loves America should accept this so-called “anti-racist” unenlightened, backward, illiterate gutter-tripe CRT and its associated Marxist gibberish that is more racist than anything we have witnessed in many long decades in our country. Like China’s Cultural Revolution, if not stopped here and now, CRT will evolve to a point where people are denied livelihoods or even killed outright for deviating in the slightest from the Democratic Party Marxist/Maoist party line platform, or for being insufficiently enthusiastic over the Party agenda, while “equity” will always mean oppressing the imaginary modern day “oppressors”, namely all white Americans in opposition to Democrats.
CRT is only one assault against the country, but taken on the whole in conjunction with all the other mechanisms being employed by America’s Commies, it is certainly driving us along a dangerous path to our ruin.
The enemies of the Marxist agenda – and as such CRT – are seen by the Democrats to be all those who support and defend Western civilization in general and the ethical theories and truths of concepts associated with America’s middle and upper class property owners and property in general, God — especially in regards to Jesus and Christianity, free will and individual sovereignty, and conventional morality as it pertains to manhood and womanhood, the nation state and humanity itself.
America is in the fight of Her life for Her very survival against those who would completely erase and totally eradicate every last vestige of Her early traditions, founding principles, America’s history to date and the republic. She is fighting against those who want America’s history to be revised, rewritten and handed new starting point at January 6th 2021. Stopping these domestic enemies requires banning CRT, just as Idaho and Florida and other states are doing, as all conservative and Christian Americans, along with other Believers in a Divine Power, teach their children in homeschools or good, honorable and principled private schools, while we all work to reform the U.S. school system and purge it of people who hate America and would drive Her republic and Her people to their deaths, preparing for the worse and praying for the best along the way.
June 13, 2021

Justin O. Smith ~ Author
~ The Author ~
Justin O. Smith has lived in Tennessee off and on most of his adult life, and graduated from Middle Tennessee State University in 1980, with a B.S. and a double major in International Relations and Cultural Geography – minors in Military Science and English, for what its worth. His real education started from that point on. Smith is a frequent contributor to the family of Kettle Moraine Publications.