Finley: Higher Education Is Education No More

(ALL INTERNAL RIGHTS, LIMITED EXTERNAL RIGHTS) A polar bear family near Baffin Island in the Canadian arctic. Photo credit: John Rollins

A critically important but main-stream-media censored report on the science of climate change was published in The Washington Times on October 20, 2019. It was titled “University dumps professor who found polar bears thriving despite climate change.”

This one small concrete case is emblematic of what is happening across the entire spectrum of taxpayer funded higher education today.

What this one small case study shows is that when true scientific researchers, following scientific methods, obtain findings inconsistent with leftist false ideological narratives – the false ideological narratives remain in the university but the researcher is fired and left out in the cold.

The message from taxpayers to the Political-Educational-Complex must be: Return to the ideals and values of traditional education or lose funding.

Forget the slogans “Save the Polar Bears.” Promote the slogans “Save Traditional Higher Education.”

Gordon E. Finley, Ph.D. is Professor of Psychology Emeritus at Florida International University in Miami.

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