Big Brother Or Eugenics?
Our American children are being conditioned to blindly accept a planned global economy. That means American ideals as patriotism and love of country must be deleted from what is taught to our children. Traditional education and the definition of family must go. Competition and rugged individualism must be erased from their personalities. But how will the globalists stop parents from teaching American ideals to their children? Students will be challenged everyday at school. Psychological and conditioning techniques are being used in the classroom to instill a more docile, compliant global citizen that reflects team efforts, group goals, and empathy. A global citizen controls their emotions and a compliant global citizen doesn’t ask questions and does what they’re told. Parents are now “engaged” in their child’s education. They are going along, to get along.
Data in the new Census will be collected on every citizen. Every aspect of your life is recorded. (Data will NOT have to be collected door to door anymore, because the data will be collected electronically with the merging of all U.S. departments into one Census. An algorithm will be devised to compare inputs (cost) and outputs (wages) that will tally your human capital, worth to the economy.) This data will be evidence based and used by your government to be sure EVERYONE is in compliance in education, health, and work. (Source: HR 4174) Children will be molded from birth in the Womb To Workplace mold that the all knowing and all seeing government knows best. As the aging baby boomers die, a new set of values and beliefs will take their place. Compliance, obedience, and acceptance are the goals of social and emotional learning, SEL, and the techniques to determine “talent or abilities” are being scored in every school.
Your School, Informer and Collector Of Data
Data is used as a temperature-taking-device to see where your child’s values lie. The new definition of teacher in the classroom and daycare center is “informer and collector” of data (information collected) on your child that will form a complete personality profile for the government starting pre-natal. (Source: Can The Motherlode Of Federal Data Hurt You?; And, Poking A Stick In The Eye Of Social and Emotional Learning; And, Pennsylvania proposed law to screen every 6th grader, and every grade thereafter, for mental health depression)
This is how the government will gain personality/psychological profiles on all children in America. (Note: Realize that Facebook is being sued for illegally harvesting psyche profiles of 87 MILLION adults by Cambridge Analytica.) Source: DC attorney general sues Facebook over alleged privacy violations cambridge analytica scandal)
Key to this data mining reveals core personality traits and motivations that drive behavior. Personality traits are the target for change and the experimental research into eugenics in our American schools. (See Part 3 below.)
So, parents are told children need to have resilience and grit. They must control their emotions and fit into the group. Data will be collected on every child in which the teacher designs a personality profile. Universal screening under social and emotional learning leaves no child unscathed. (The target is UNIVERSAL for ALL students.) Every emotion and action (behavior) a child makes is reported. A personality profile is made with checks and remarks made about the decisions of “intervention” as needed beyond the universal conditioning for everyone. Re-cycling a child into more interventions would be needed if a child resists change in Tier 2 or Tier 3 interventions. This creates the uniform perfect specimen for the global workforce who thinks and acts in harmony.
Teachers are trained in fidelity by special education leaders. The definition is frightening:
“Delivering an intervention with fidelity means delivering it EXACTLY the way it was designed, and in the way it was IMPLEMENTED during research studies that have validated its effectiveness. Important components of fidelity include: content, dosage/schedule, and group size.
If a child is reluctant to the interventions, they are recycled and a second intervention is delivered with “greater intensity.” (Source)
Relating this notion to Pavlov and Skinner and the current behavioral techniques, if you take away “free will” (constant punishment or forced restraint) you take away the desire (freedom) to fight back or you cannot make your own decisions over a period of time. (See Iserbyt, The Death of Free Will)
Remember the experiments that Pavlov performed on tethered and salivating dogs. How long would it take for a child to give in and not protest when authority figures (teachers) continue the reward/punishment agenda for any minuscule behavior at school? Teachers are now called “intervention scientists.” Americans do have a “freedom complex” and to squash that value IS the goal. (Most traditional teachers have already been removed from the classrooms of America and forced out. Source: Teaching Inside the Tech Curtain, Link 1 And Link 2.
In Pennsylvania, the historical, psychological state assessment, Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, was withdrawn because of my federal complaint in violation of federal law for testing attitudes and values. The top behavioral scientists of the world combined their expertise to develop the EQA. (See Common Core Global Communion, Tempest in a Test) The goal area “Adapting To Change” was originally called, “Methods of Coping With Freedom.” The name was changed several times including “Coping With Change” and were titles for the experimental goal over the years. The goal has now been glossed over again by deceptively changing the name of the goal to “Emotion Regulation, Grit or Resilience.” But the first label, “Methods of Coping With Freedom,” explains exactly what the goal really meant.
A unique story headlined out of New York explains these techniques to perfection from the Hudson Yards Success Charter School. Parents wrote a letter to Eva Moskowitz, who is owner of several Success Charter Schools and former City Council member. The parents’ letter states: “broke our children’s spirit and erased their self confidence in less than 3 weeks“. Some of our children are getting physically sick, experiencing meltdowns, vomiting, having nightmares and/or having sleepless nights and are unable to concentrate etc. Some of our children have even requested to be homeschooled although they had been award winners and popular last year.”
Resilience or grit has new meaning when used in this example because resilience means kids are pressured to be able to cope, accept their new environment. Their daily lives at school are mass manipulated by teachers using behavioral conditioning. In other words, “methods of coping with freedom” means coping to your new environment without protest. Artificial stress is used to force the child to “adapt to change” or accept that they no longer have any power over this situation. The idea of freedom has been crushed. The child will give up. This is where the individualist, the creative, the loyal, the sensitive, the emotional, and any decisive child will be targeted, Soviet style.
Looking at the standards used in West Virginia notice in the graph under Personal and Workforce Skills, that the student is being pressured to “go along with the group, even under stress.” The student must work collaboratively. They must “willingly align their personal beliefs and goals to the goals of others,” forcing the student to change using peer pressure and stress as a positive goal. The standard concludes that the student “derives personal satisfaction from achieving group goals.” Group goals are the opposite of individualism. This objective creates artificial stress on the student. What if the standard conflicts with what the student believes or what the student has been taught at home? What is the roll and responsibility of a teacher to facilitate changing of these beliefs and attitudes? What does interact “productively” as a member of the group mean?
Are we creating depressed children? Are teachers acting as clinical psychologists? Does this effect the student’s personality? Yes, yes, and yes!
Response to Intervention (RTI) and Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) under the banner of MTSS, Multi-Tiered System Of Supports, are the techniques that are developed to be used for behavioral change. (Note: The meaning of positive to the Patriot, is NOT positive to the Globalist, which means a child can be targeted for specific behavioral change while training your child to be a global citizen.) With this in mind, it’s not hard to imagine the emphasis on changing specific characteristics of people or entire population groups.
In order to identify the need for change in a child, data on their personalities must be collected. The behavioral changes made through psychological interventions, a la Pavlov/Skinner, will identify the genetic markers in personalities. Who are the Eugenicists? James Heckman and Angela Duckworth are the lead change agents and DNA manipulators in your child’s future.
Personality + Eugenics = the New Molded Man
Part 3
“…there is a major debate regarding genetics and the role of the nervous system in the development and change of personality. By starting with the construction and general functions of the nervous system, it will provide a foundation to dive deeper into the controversy surrounding the nervous system, specifically the brain and its role in personality and behavior.” (Source: Human Behavior and the Influence of the Nervous System)
Neural Research is being developed relating the vast and complex connections between the nervous system and human personality perfecting the “perfect” human capital for the global economy. The nervous system, the brain, directs behavior.
Eugenics is defined as the of science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race.
There is major exploratory research in the links between social science, genetics, and the economy. The leadership in this research are two Principal Investigators, James Heckman, University of Chicago and Angela Duckworth, University of Pennsylvania, known for the Character and Grit Lab.
Their research group is called The The Research Network On The Determinants Of Life Course Capabilities And Outcomes. Heckman won a Nobel Prize in Economics and is also well known for his empirical research in labor economics, particularly regarding the efficacy of early childhood education programs. Duckworth is the creator of the grit scale and non-cognitive measurements and co-author of Economics and The Psychology Of Personality Traits.
Heckman states specifically that, “Early Childhood has a high rate of return,” and “the earlier the investment, the greater return in economics,” known as the “Heckman Curve.” His own research suggests “childhood interventions can be helpful, and that conscientiousness is more malleable than IQ. Openness — a broad trait that includes curiosity — is also connected to test scores and grades. IQ still matters, of course. Someone with an IQ of 70 isn’t going to be able to do things that are easy for a person with an IQ of 190.” (Source: Heckman’s idea of starting EARLY, means that children will be conditioned pre-kindergarten to age 21, to accept their position in the labor force as a monetary piece of human capital. And, Pay for Success.)
Heckman’s research statement follows:
“The network focuses on developing an integration of social science and genetics, with psychological, economic, and social traits and outcomes. Specifically, we wish to combine biologically-appropriate models of genes into the formal models of individual choices and outcomes. Using these models, we will reexamine long-standing questions on the relationship between nature and nurture.”
“the evidence presented here suggests that the systematic empirical and theoretical study of personality is likely to be very fruitful for economics. Personality traits are predictive of socioeconomic success. They can be influenced by interventions and investment more readily than IQ, at least after the early years. A deeper understanding of personality traits promises to enrich economic theory and to understand the sources of, and solutions for human inequality.”
The research in the concept of “nature vs. nurture” substantially found that personality traits are mostly inherited. The Heckman/Duckworth formal research has focused on how interventions at school can determine genetic change. The trend of inequality and genetics will be tied to interventions within education.
In December, 2018, a conference was held by the Research Network On The Determinants Of Life Course Capabilities And Outcomes to address “Genes, Schools, and Interventions That Address Educational Inequality: Can the Science Of Treatment-Effective Heterogeneity Unite Diverse Perspectives?” The conference brought together experts in genetics, economists, sociologists, psychologists, and education. (Source: Genes, Schools, Interventions)
The following questions should raise eyebrows as to exactly what this type of research will be used for. And, is Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Learning the prototype to collect personality traits for genetic research to find which interventions will definitely change the DNA structure of a child;
* What, if anything, do results from genetic research and sociological research imply about the effectiveness of educational interventions?
* How can intervention designs be used to test hypotheses about the mechanisms linking genotypes with complex human phenotypes, including gene-by-environment interaction hypotheses?
* How can intervention designs be used to test hypotheses about who is advantaged or disadvantaged by school structures?
* How can discoveries about mechanisms of genetic effects be used to identify intervention targets in diverse school settings?
* How can integrating genetic data (e.g., measured genotypes, genetically-related samples) into intervention studies improve estimates of overall effects and advance understanding of heterogeneity of treatment effects?
“The goal of the conference will be to develop a White Paper with methodological recommendations for how intervention research could integrate genetic and sociological data, and how genetic or population-based studies could integrate light-touch experimental interventions.”
Every school in America is instituting the benign-seeming strategies called social and emotional learning which is perfectly aligned with the use of eugenic intervention models developed by Heckman Economics and Duckworth’s Character Lab. This concept of investing in human capital according to the demands of labor markets is perfectly aligned with the use of the Heckman/Duckworth eugenic models in education. Social and emotional learning has new meaning. Grit has new meaning associated with genetic research. Assessment of human capital will now have dollars signs on every resume detailing the worth of that individual to the economy.
Heckman and Duckworth have gone steps further to address Eugenics in the womb. Yes, babies.
“This workshop will explore the complex role of the mother’s body, and her lineage/history, as a moderating influence on interventions that seek to improve fetal development and long-term health/human capital outcomes. It will cover a range of themes, from evolutionary biology to epidemiology to the history of science, aimed at illuminating the challenges and opportunities for interventions targeting this earliest stage of development with the theoretically greatest potential for returns.“
Repeat…and for the greatest potential for returns!!!
A controversial post on an education blog In Ed Week entitled Grit, Galton, and Eugenics, Lauren Anderson, professor at Connecticut College questioned and criticized Duckworth’s research statement in her opening paragraph, in which only one scholar is quoted, Galton, which Ms. Anderson queries:
… as Galton (1892) suggested, “the inclination to pursue especially challenging aims over months, years, and even decades is distinct from the capacity to resist ‘the hourly temptations,’ pursuits which bring momentary pleasure but are immediately regretted.”[6]
This quote may seem fairly innocuous to those who don’t know from where it comes: the second edition of Hereditary Genius: An Inquiry into Its Laws and Consequences. For a sense of the text in question consider this synopsis provided by its author, famed scientist and eugenicist Sir Francis Galton:
“The natural ability of which this book mainly treats, is such as a modern European possesses in a much greater average share than men of the lower races. There is nothing either in the history of domestic animals or in that of evolution to make us doubt that a race of sane men may be formed, who shall be as much superior mentally and morally to the modern European, as the modern European is to the lowest of the Negro races.” (Source: Kauren Anderson)
This gives you the intent of the direction this experimentation appears to be going with questionable goals…“your place in the caste” through Eugenics.
Big Brother Can Filter Any GENETIC Data As Raw Material
Consider the population group of the mischievous behavior of boys. Young boys can definitely be a target in these experimental trials at any age, even babies. Check out the Functional Assessment Observation Tools that are used to collect data:(Source: Why Is Baby Boy, Albert experiments included in these behavioral observations? See last page. (Source: John Watson Experiments, Pavlovian Conditioning.)
Collected behavioral traits and “boys will be boys” observations can be identified, tallied, and conditioning interventions implemented. Changing toxic masculinity (competitive, aggressive, strong) can be a prime goal for interventions in young males. Of course, PBIS and RTI will do the job at school by changing the instinctive masculine qualities of men. The #MeToo Movement has upped the ante. This is a new chapter for the human species…males will no longer be the lovers, protectors, warriors, or fighters. They will have been neutered mentally and genetically. (Sources: Traditional Masculinity Harmful and Gillette joins the #MeToo movement to emasculate men starting early.
Remember, that the data collection by the government in the expanded state longitudinal data systems are regarded “Womb to Workplace.” The Data Systems have already been expanded, merged, and standardized for identification, research, and retrieval. Your children have a unique national ID. FERPA allows DNA strands to be accessed WITHOUT parental consent. Grants are being showered onto schools to implement PBIS and RTI to train teachers how to do the manipulative behavioral techniques and conditioning through social and emotional learning and data collection for the federal government. Data is shared whole-heartedly. This is a huge federal-feeding frenzy. (I released the first documentation about data mining personality profiles and psychological interventions in Pennsylvania creating Psychometric Dossiers collected by school personnel in 2014. Source: Moratorium On Data, 2014.
It’s the data. They MUST have the data FIRST to implement the PERSONALITY experiments. Data mining is surging. Parents are asleep, yet, the data will affect every child in America. The data mining and conditioning continues today.
Disgust will not change the forward motion of this train. Your action is required. Please share this information to every parent and friend you know.
Please read this letter that requests a meeting with President Trump.
And then Sign HERE.
It is worth the time for every American to read the links that I have embedded in this article …if you want America to continue being America in the very near future. Sign now and pray.
© 2019 Anita Hoge – All Rights Reserved
Written by Anita Hoge for News With Views ~ February 25, 2019

Anita B. Hoge, lecturer, educational researcher, parent.
~ The Author ~
In 1990 a federal investigation was completed against the Pennsylvania Department of Education, after filing a federal complaint against the Educational Quality Assessment, EQA, & the US Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress, NAEP, under the Protection of Pupils Rights Amendment. Forced the Pennsylvania EQA to be withdrawn. Forced the US Department of Education to do their job to investigate the psychological testing of children without informed written parental consent. NAEP was never investigated because the Department said I didn’t have standing, although documents had proven that NAEP did experimental research & used different states to pilot their agenda by embedding their test questions into the Pennsylvania EQA as well as other state tests.
Subject & main researcher for the book, Educating for the New World Order. My story is told about an incredible journey into the devious & deceptive operations of our government to change the values, attitudes & beliefs of American children to accept a new world order. The first to document the expansive data collection operation of our government establishing micro-records on individual people in the United States. Experimentation, illegal testing, & data collection is exposed.
Lectured all over the Unites States in the 90’s about illegal & controversial testing, curriculum, & collection of data by our government. Arranged & lectured town hall meetings all across the state of Pennsylvania to withdraw affective student learning outcomes to stop Outcome Based Education. In January of 1992, parents in Pennsylvania won the battle against OBE when the Independent Regulatory Review Board had requested that the State Board of Education remove all outcomes which dealt with attitudes, habits, traits, feelings, values, & opinions which are difficult & subjective to measure & that the remaining outcomes be defined & coordinated with academic requirements that can be measured. The battle continues.