Benson: Marxism In American Education ~ Three for the Road…

Anyone who has followed my articles over the years knows that I advocate that parents, especially Christian parents, remove their children from the public school system before they lose them forever. I recently read an article by a E. Jeffrey Ludwig on the “American Thinker” website from March of 2019. Mr. Ludwig said, in part: […]

School Board Tyranny ~ Part 3

I believe the icing on the cake is the Biden administration’s weaponizing his DOJ to attack parents with the threat of ‘domestic terrorism’ charges if they continue to oppose the tactics of school boards to indoctrinate our kids into the homosexual lifestyle and the critical race theory. The debate between Attorney General Garland and Senatore […]

American Education: Child Indoctrination, Struggle Sessions and Debt Slavery

Seemingly overnight, a large segment of America has gone insane. We’re not talking about the culture of paranoia and safety that has metastasized in the wake of COVID-19 hysteria. We’re talking about the ideological shift, particularly on cultural issues, that has occurred since the start of the Obama Administration. To pick an easy example, it […]

Ten Headlines That Should Terrify Parents About K-12 Public Schooling

Following the events in the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, many schools pushed out advice that talking about both sides was no longer an option. One guidance that circulated among educators was titled “There’s Nothing Virtuous About Finding Common Ground.” Translation of this document amounts to the fact that open debate, pros and cons lists, […]

Homeschooling More Than DOUBLED During the Pandemic

Many families took one look at their school district’s remote or hybrid learning offerings this fall and said “no, thank you.” That’s the message gleaned from national and state-specific data on the surging number of homeschooled students this academic year. Prior to the pandemic and related school closures last spring, there were just under two […]

School Choice and the Value of Religious Diversity

Institutions that shape public policy should beware of discrimination against traditional Christians. Today’s culture wars have disturbing historical precedents, both in the U.S. and abroad, reflecting fundamentally contrasting approaches to managing the tradeoffs between unity and diversity and to the very role of the nation-state in a free society. This explains the recent uproar over […]

Homeschooling as a vast unplanned experiment

Our hope is that untold parents abandon government education post-pandemic… While the nation squares off in conflicts between the left and the right about when the country should reopen, parents everywhere have been coping with what Kevin Carey of the New America think tank called “a vast unplanned experiment in mass homeschooling.” For many parents […]

Thanks to Shutdowns, Many Will Learn That Public Schooling Isn’t All That Essential After All

While some of America’s most demagogic politicians try to exploit the COVID-19 outbreak, some Americans are trying to make the most of their de facto state of house arrest. Government-imposed lockdowns have resulted in the shutdown of a number of schools across the nation. During this period some schools have gone online, while others have […]

Harvard Law Prof Calls for Ban on Homeschooling

“It’s ‘Dangerous‘ to Leave Children with Their Parents 24/7!” It’s ironic at a time when 56 million children in the U.S. are being homeschooled as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic that Harvard Magazine would publish an article calling for a ban on homeschooling. The article by Erin O’Donnell, headlined The Risks of Homeschooling, sets […]

Good Public-school Teachers Under Siege

Public schools do hold good teachers who want to follow the best education practices and who object to the indoctrination of the LBGTQ agenda, but they are being penalized. When the National Education Association (NEA) partnered with a radical homosexual and transgender group known as the “Human Rights Campaign” to create “welcoming schools,” a lot […]

Another Take: The Teacher Strikes Aren’t About Pay…

They’re About Mobilizing Democrats Democrats and their allies among the teacher activists are following the playbook outlined by Saul Alinsky in ‘Rules for Radicals.’ Teachers all over the country are going on strike. They say they want higher salaries and education funding and the tax increases necessary to pay for them. But there’s a bigger […]

Dickens: Is ED Really Red?

I started wondering about this recent movement of teachers and their attempt to change fiscal policies toward education. Why the association with this particular colour? There are other powerful colour associations. I was also curious about the reasons. I’m not a teacher, but I am interested. Why not choose one of these colours instead? The […]


My granddaughter and I have coffee with a good number of Arizona teacher’s nearly each morning. Also, being married to a teacher, I understand what they are going through – economically and otherwise. We are not fans of Teacher’s Unions – they do little more than to line the pockets of those who run the […]