Category Archives: Profiles

Biographical commentary on famous people – of note – and maybe not so.

Pvt. Samuel W. Cole; Co. C, 95th Illinois Infantry

It is hereby certified that the records of this department indicate that:

Samuel Cole enlisted August 13, 1862 for service in the Civil War and was assigned to duty as a private of Company C, 95th Infantry, for a period of three years. He was mustered into the service September 4, 1864 at Rockford, Illinois.

The remarks on the muster out roll show the following: Mustered out August 17, 1865 at Camp Butler, Illinois.

Description at time of enlistment: Age, 20 years; Height, 5 feet, 71/2 inches; Hair, brown; Eyes, gray; Complexion, fair; Native, Ohio; Occupation, farmer.

C. E. Black
The Adjutant General Continue reading