Category Archives: Mr. Benson’s Classroom

Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of The Copperhead Chronicle, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Metropolis Café to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with this project.

America’s Humanist Seminaries: Public Schools

Recently I read an article by Gary North having to do with public schools – always an area of concern for me. Ever since the days of the textbook protest in Kanawha County, West Virginia in the mid-1970s, I have had a major concern about public schools and what they do to the children of America.

Mr. North’s article started off this way: “Challenge: Which institution would I defund 100%? I would eliminate all funding for education, including all of the military academies.”

I usually read North’s articles when I can find them because he always gives you insights you probably would not come up with on your own – things most of us ought to be thinking about that hardly ever seem to occur to us. And Mr. North’s take on public education is pretty much the same as mine. Continue reading

Pro-life teacher forced to show PP presentations in class

A court ruled late last November that a school could force a pro-life teacher in Oregon to facilitate classroom presentations by Planned Parenthood.

Pro-life activist Bill Diss turned to the Life Legal Defense Foundation after Benson High School officials in Portland tried to force him to facilitate Planned Parenthood recruitment in his classroom in 2012. Alexandra Snyder of the Foundation says the judge totally ignored her client’s convictions.

“Mr. Diss is very strongly pro-life,” Snyder tells OneNewsNow. “That’s a part of his Catholic faith. It’s an integral part of who he is. Those are his deeply held beliefs – and the court completely disregarded the value and sincerity of those beliefs.” Continue reading

The Government School System and John Dewey

Part I ~ Comrade Dewey and Cultural Genocide

John Dewey

Cultural genocide, the planned and willful destruction of a culture (in this case a Christian culture), is accomplished in many ways. The orchestrated destruction of a culture is accomplished by the tearing down of the flags and symbols of that culture and the destruction of its historical monuments and the replacing of its names with others of a more socialist intent.

It is also accomplished by the mid-education and intentional dumbing down of the children of that culture so they know less than their grandfathers about their history, heritage, faith, or anything for that matter. This is often done via institutions of “learning” that are subtly used to, in effect, make children dumber than they would be otherwise, while taxing their parents to pay for the intentional ignorance. Continue reading

Public Schools Work For Bureaucrats – Not For Kids!

On January 16th I read an article by James Ostrowski about public schools in Buffalo, New York and why they are not making the grade (no pun intended).

Mr. Ostrowski is a trial and appellate lawyer in Buffalo, New York and also the author of a book called Progressivism: A Primer on the Idea Destroying America. He also has a website. I have not had a chance to read his book here mentioned, but it sounds like it would be a good one.

Mr. Ostrowski, in the Lew Rockwell article, commented on the public schools in Buffalo, New York, and you can, by extention, multiply his commentary on public education in Buffalo because it would also apply to most other cities and towns across the country. The problems he discussed are not unique to this one city, but rather reflect the general trend nationwide. Continue reading

Benson: The Dumb-Dumb Factory

The situation with what we charitably call “public education” continues to get more and more bizarre, and more folks are beginning to ask the question: “Is what my kids are getting in public school really education?” Well, no, it’s not. It’s not even close.

I talked to a friend recently that has his two youngest kids in public school in the town he lives in. They are in the 5th and 6th grades. I asked him about the books the kids brought home for homework. He told me they didn’t bring the books home from school hardly ever. What they did bring home for homework was worksheet type material, but rarely a book. He has no clue to the content of 95% of the books his kids use. I asked him “What does that tell you?” His reply came quickly, “They don’t want parents to see the books.” How right he is. They don’t. In his case, he is the kind of father, who, if he saw something off key in one of his kid’s textbooks he would go to the school and ask questions and he would expect real answers, not progressive platitudes. Continue reading

The Theology of the Public School System

The late theologian and author, R. J. Rushdoony noted in his book “The Philosophy of the Christian Curriculum” that: “The function of education is thus to school persons in the ultimate values of a culture. This is inescapably a religious task. Education has always been a religious function of society and closely linked to its religion.” Rushdoony has thus told us that education finds its foundation in religion. Therefore, all education, whether its promoters will admit it or even realize it, is theological in nature. Men educate according to their beliefs, their theologies, if you will.

Awhile back Lawrence M. Ludlow wrote an article which called “State-Run Schools: The New Caesaropapism.” This term means basically a state-controlled religion. Mr. Ludlow wrote that: “In many ways, today’s state-controlled schools have replaced caesaropapism–or state-controlled religion–as a means by which rulers enforce their hegemony over citizen-subjects.” Ludlow briefly tells us how government schools came to dominate the American scene after 1850 and how they “helped to transform Americans into the passive and obedient beings they have become.” Continue reading