Category Archives: Mr. Benson’s Classroom

Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of The Copperhead Chronicle, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Metropolis Café to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with this project.

Benson: Public Schools Are Little More Than Promoters Of The Leftist Agenda

(So what else is new?)

You would think by this late date that most thinking parents would long ago have realized what the public school system in this country is really doing to their children. Sadly, this does not seem to be the case. People continue to feed their kids into these mis-education monsters and then can’t figure out why their kids come home with severe emotional problems.

If there were only a small handful of us writing about this stuff I could figure out why so few listen but there are literally hundreds of articles out there on the internet about what goes on in public schools, so many I can’t begin to mention them all. In any given article the best you can do is quote a few sources and hope that moves some people to start researching on their own. Those who are not willing to at least try to find out what their kids are being spoon fed are probably hopeless–and their kids will end up being even more so. Continue reading

Benson: Are Socialists Running “OUR” Public Schools?

An assessment in three parts

The title of this series is a rhetorical question. Sort of like asking “will the sun rise in the east tomorrow?” The material I have presented in the last few articles should have answered that question. When you look at the involvement in and promotion of public education by people like Horace Mann, Robert Owen, and John Dewey you have to realize that there has been socialist promotion of public education literally since day one. To deny that is to deny history.

That being the case, what should the response of Christian parents be? Should they just go along with the “system” and hope it doesn’t totally ruin their kids? Should they try to reform it and get it back to the “good old days” when it was only less socialistic by degrees? Should they study to find out what really makes this system tick and then expose it and the people that run it? Continue reading

Benson: Socialist Education in America

Dewey’s ideas were apparently judged as crucial to the revolution as any weapon in the arsenal of the Red Army.” ~ Paul Kengor

That America’s public education system is rooted and grounded in socialism has become more and more evident in recent years.

Commentator Charles Morse noted on March 25, 2002 in an article wherein he stated: “That the prevailing philosophies and methodologies of American public education are leftist is not up for debate. Leftists have dominated the federal Department of Education, most state Departments of Education, the teachers’ unions, many teachers colleges, and education foundations for several decades. Many rank and file teachers know this, and have observed the catastrophic results, yet the situation is so rotten that they dare not speak out…On December 5, 1928 The New Republic published an article written by self-described socialist John Dewey, the revered father of so-called progressive education, in which he revealed the true nature of the leftist education agenda. In the article, Dewey spoke of “the marvelous development of progressive educational ideas and practices under the fostering care of the Bolshevist government.” That’s where Mr. Dewey sought to take public education in this country and where his spiritual descendants have indeed taken it. Continue reading

The Founding Fathers of the Public (government) School System in America

Horace Mann

Alex Newman has written an excellent article in the February 4th issue of The New American magazine entitled From Educational Excellence To Mediocrity in which he brings up several issues I have also dealt with in the past.

He noted that the Puritans in Massachusetts were “outliers in America” in the area of having the government start to enact governmental education laws. For all the good things the Puritans may have done, in this one critical area, the promotion of governmental education laws was a horrible mistake. In fact, labeling it as a grievous error would not be an exaggeration.

Mr. Newman has written: “The first giant step away from traditional, classical, Christian education toward socialistic and humanistic indoctrination and the dumbing-down of American education began under Horace Mann. In 1837, again in Massachusetts, Mann was appointed as the first-ever ‘Education Secretary’ of an American state. And as a Unitarian who rejected the Bible as the inspired and inerrant Word of God, Mann had big ideas about reforming the highly successful educational system that existed at the time. His efforts would ultimately lead to the fundamental transformation of education in America, putting it on course to end up where it is today.” Continue reading

Public Education ~ The New Marxism For Our Day

Karl Marx

Back during the “conservative” Reagan administration we got the federal Department of Education. Reagan was supposed to kill it, but he didn’t because he realized where his bread was buttered. I wonder if even he realized where the idea for that federal department came from. Most folks don’t have a clue. However the idea of a federal department of education was not new with Reagan, or even with Carter before him.

The idea wasn’t new with either one of them. It goes all the way back to 1932, and possibly before that.

In 1932 American Communist Party leader William Z. Foster wrote a book, Toward Soviet America and in it Comrade Foster listed several objectives to be forwarded to make this country into a Soviet America. Continue reading

Benson: Socialism And The 14th Amendment

The 14th Amendment

Moral decline is one of the main fruits of apostasy. It is always accompanied by a decline in the level of personal responsibility. However, because responsibility is neglected does not mean that it has been eliminated. If rejected, it will be transferred elsewhere. If a formerly responsible people decide, one way or another, to abdicate their responsibilities and adopt a “Let Eroge (the State) do it” then you can rest assured that “George” will do it, and those that abdicated their responsibilities will live to regret what George does. Read First Samuel, chapter 8, in the Old Testament Scriptures.

After the shooting phase of the War of Northern Aggression had ceased and federal power grew, the States lost power. Now, in these latter years of insanity we live in, state governors, in order to maintain their popularity with a jaded electorate that wants everything done for them, have jumped on the “federal funds” bandwagon! Continue reading

Spivey: To my Brothers and Sons of Confederate Veterans

“To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we submit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which made him glorious, and which you also cherish. Remember it is your duty to see that the true history of the South is presented to future generations.” ~ Lieutenant General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander-in-Chief, United Confederate Veterans, 24 April 1906.

I joined the Sons of Confederate Veterans for three reasons.  The first was to honor my ancestors who served under the greatest of men, General Robert E. Lee, in the Army of Northern Virginia.  The second was to honor and protect the memories of, and monuments to, every Southern soldier, sailor, and marine that served the Confederate States of America in her struggle against the tyranny of a power-hungry Federal government.  The third was to help perpetuate the truth about what led the Southern States to secede from the Union and what really caused Americans to slaughter each other by the tens of thousands in the War of Northern Aggression.  I remain, and shall remain, a proud member of the SCV.  That being said, I feel that the Sons, as a whole and generally speaking, are guilty of not fulfilling the charge given us by Lieutenant General S. D. Lee one hundred and twelve years ago. Continue reading

The “Civil Rights” Races ~ March 3, 1865

Claude Bowers in his notable book The Tragic Era that I have mentioned in some of these articles made note of the Union League Clubs.

John Chodes, author of Segregation–Federal Policy or Racism? (Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina,) noted the Union League on page 26 of that book. He said: “The Union League began as a political club in New York in 1863 to revive the sagging patriotic spirit of the Northern states during the War for Southern Independence. It’s philosophies were similar to the Radical Republicans so it fused with and became part of Republican vote-building machine for blacks in the post-war South…The Union League’s expenses were covered by the sale of confiscated white Southerners’ property, thus inciting the volunteers to harass the people in time of peace by unlawful seizure to provide the means of paying themselves. This further alienated whites from blacks.” In other words, the Union Leagues were “legal” Yankee/Marxist thieves.” Continue reading

If You Think Problems With Government Schools Are New – You Better Think Again

Many seem to think that problems with the content of what passes for education in public schools is, somehow, a recent development, maybe a problem for the last twenty years or so, but certainly no longer. If you are one of those folks you need to rethink your position and gain a little perspective in this area. Public schools have been a major problem for longer than any of you have been alive. That statement may shock some, but the evidence is out there if you are willing to pursue it. Continue reading

Always Ready to Invest Money in Treason…

John Brown, 1859

In 1858 abolitionist/terrorist John Brown was appealing for funds for his terrorist activities. Even terrorists have to pay for the chaos they create. The subject of this article, Rev. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, noted, upon receiving Brown’s plea for funds that “I am always ready to invest money in treason, but at present have none to invest.” So, for Higginson, the treasonous intent was clearly there, even if they money to support it wasn’t.

Most who have studied our history seriously already know that, in his terrorist assault on the Federal armory at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, John Brown had the support, both moral and financial, of a group called The Secret Six. These men were very well-known and well connected Northeasterners (New England and New York) who were radical abolitionists (as opposed to common-sense abolitionists). Continue reading

Benson: Non-Socialist College Students Hardly Have a Chance Anymore!

Hillsdale College

It seems, on many, if not most, college campuses in this era of extreme cultural Marxism (political correctness) the only way for conservative and patriotic students to survive is to keep their heads down and their thoughts totally to themselves about anything political–and cultural as well. There is no one on campus that will go to bat for them if they dare to utter anything but the most recent interpretation of Leftist dogma.

American Enterprise Institute scholar Samuel Abrams wrote a report on this that was published by The New York Times, of all papers. Continue reading

Benson: Only the Left is Left at College

Anyone who has followed the college scene in the last several decades has to realize that most college campuses in our day are so far to the left they are almost over the edge. Some of the leftist sponsored programs at some college campuses are strictly exercises straight from La-La Land and I often wonder if some of the students involved realize the ramifications of this cultural Marxist drivel and how it will impact their lives, and even the lives of their children. Obviously they don’t because they continue to “wallow in the cultural Marxist garbage” thinking they are making the world a better place when all they are really doing is playing the part of useful idiots for their leftist manipulators. Continue reading

Benson: March Into College and Turn Left!

Anyone in this benighted age who tries to tell me colleges and universities do not have a very decided Leftist bent is someone I will probably tell to go and whistle Yankee Doodle. I have worked at two of these “institutions of learning” over the years and have seen firsthand the direction they travel in and try to push their students in. And this is not just in the Left-leaning northeast but all over the country, even here in the South, although far too many Southern folk seem to have a problem grasping that fact. Continue reading

Benson: Pink Indoctrination Posing As Education

“Free education for all children in public schools” has been the rallying cry of the Left, both in this country and others, for over a century and a half. If there is actually anyone still left that wonders why the political and theological Left has such a passion for promoting public “education” let me say this. Public education, as presently constituted, is an ideal platform from which to promote Leftist indoctrination of future generations. It’s made to order and the Left has been exploiting it for longer than most of us have been alive. Those wishful thinkers that want to reform public education to get it back to the “good old days” have yet to figure this out. Continue reading

Benson: Education As Civil War

Civil war via “education” (mostly public education) was declared on the American public long, long ago, back in the 1830s, as a matter of fact.

You had a certain intelligentsia in this country (and other places) in the early years of the nineteenth century that had a vision for the united States that did not include that which was envisioned by those who came here to escape religious persecution or for a better life for their families, and, by extension, for their descendants. This intelligentsia was composed of “an artistic, social, or political vanguard or elite.” In other words, these were the people that were going to show and tell the rest of us how to live–whether we wanted what they had to offer or not. Continue reading

Benson: Now It Really Begins

Now it has begun–the total censorship of conservative, pro-Southern, patriotic sites off the internet. Trump’s comments about censorship notwithstanding, the Deep State has begun a purge on the internet of anything they don’t agree with. They totally ignore Trump’s comments about checking into it if censorship prevails. Maybe they are really not afraid of what he can or will do. That fact alone should tell you something. You have to wonder what their plans for Trump are (nothing good, that’s for sure!) in the days preceding the mid-terms.

Alex Jones has been banned off lots of places in the internet, Twitter among them, but they can’t ban me off Twitter because I don’t use it. However, they are in the process of seeking to render my blog spots all but useless. I don’t know how many of you will receive this, probably not all on my list, but here goes anyway. Maybe some who do get it can pass it on to their lists. Continue reading

Benson: Lest We Forget

It has been forty four years ago this month, if my timeline is correct, that government (public) schools reopened in Kanawha County, West Virginia to a very slim group of students. Most of the students were kept at home by parents who had major (and understandable) problems with the textbooks their kids were supposed to use that year and they were not about to subject their kids to what many of them felt were pornographic texts.

I’ve seen copies of what was in some of the books. The parents were right.

This whole situation set off a major struggle over who really controlled what passes for public education in this country–and just to give you a subtle hint–it ain’t the parents. Even with Trump’s new education secretary, it still ain’t the parents. A public school system run by the state will never be under the control of the parents, no matter what you may hear at the parent-teacher meetings. Continue reading

How John Dewey ‘Deadened the Souls‘ of America’s Children

If Horace Mann set out education’s goals, it was John Dewey who provided the progressive methodology.

             John Dewey

The story of American public education begins with Horace Mann. It was Mann who popularized the idea that American schools should teach all students, be non-sectarian, and tax-supported. A little less than a half-century passed between Mann’s death and the advent of John Dewey.

That half-century may well be the most dynamic period of American History. In Horace Mann’s world, schools were small, scattered, and teachers had to teach a small number of widely-varied students in one-room schoolhouses. By 1900, there were still many rural schools, but the United States was quickly becoming an urban nation. Continue reading

Benson: History That Gets Left Out – On Purpose

Quite often the “history” books in public schools are “interesting” as much for what they leave out as for what they include.

Over the years many of us have seen “history” books that talk about Abraham Lincoln, the “great emancipator.” This was supposedly the man who “freed” the slaves (he didn’t). This was the man who supposedly had a fond spot in his heart for all black folks (actually he was a flaming racist). Even today, blacks continue to revere his name as those he were Moses leading them through the Red Sea. Actually, Lincoln did lead them (and most of the rest of us), through the Red Sea. We just don’t have the sense yet to realize that he drowned us all in the process. Continue reading

Benson: The Abolitionists Were Really Globalists

Frederick Douglas ~ American

We’ve all read about the Abolitionists and about their supposed noble endeavors to “free” the slaves. Most of what we read about these people would lead us to believe that’s the only thing they were all about – that freeing the slaves was their total agenda and once that was done, like old soldiers, they just sort of “faded away” never to be heard from again. Suffice it to say that narrative is slightly less than accurate—for obvious reasons. We are not supposed to be aware of what else the Abolitionists were involved in, lest we be alerted to what their game really was. The Abolitionists were really the globalists of the 19th century – and some of them were among the foremost terrorists of the 19th century. Continue reading