Category Archives: A Little Good News Today

This is where we will find success stories – with students, teachers, families – and yes – once in awhile – a particular school, or district which has overcome adversity to provide a winning agenda. You may also find postings regarding proposals POSITIVE changes to and for the education system suggested or presented by both public and private individuals. And in the words of the song by the great Anne Murray – we are looking for a “Little Good News Today!

Oh yes… this is the place you will also find single image posts, which may be quite suggestive in nature – for both positive and/or negative effect.

Allsup: Ten Tips for Parents and Teachers About Healing Stories That Help Kids Cope

Digging through the trash barrel, item by item by porch light, searching for the missing leg, I realized that a miserable, crying child can motivate a parent to do almost anything. A leg had had broken off my daughter Nora’s little figurine, a toy policeman carried from a foreign land by a big brother for the little sister who was now inconsolable because it had been dropped and broken and its leg could not be found. Anywhere.

Then, mid-trash barrel, a memory came to my mind. The now one-legged doll sparked a memory, an image of Joe, the husband of my childhood ballet teacher, with his crutches and his neatly rolled and pinned pants leg hanging loosely where his knee and lower leg had been before he had gone to war. Continue reading

Dobson urges Christians to flee public schools

This is what the PUBLIC EDUCATION SEWER SYSTEM teaches those who are subjected to the (F)eduation Indoctrination system. It is why I am posting Dr. James Dobson column below. ~ Jackie Juntti

Dr. James Dobson Renowned pro-family advocate Dr. James Dobson is inciting Christian parents across the United States to pull their children from public schools and protect them from the progressive anti-Christian teaching by homeschooling them and putting in church-run schools.

The founder and president of Family Talk says he is “shocked” by the declining values held by the generation of young American adult voters (18 to 34-year-olds) – Millennials who have been promoting the immoral agenda they have learned over years and decades past … one that works to erode the Christian faith of today’s youth, according to a WND report. Continue reading

Dept. of Ed. Could be in its Last Days

Conservatives have called for the abolition of the United States Department of Education (DOE) for many years – an idea that one expert on education believes is something that could happen in the near future.

For some time, Neal McCluskey, who serves as the Associate Director with the Cato Institute’s Center of Education Freedom, has highlighted the fact that the existence of a Department of Education is not supported by the U.S. Constitution.

With the Trump administration now in power, McCluskey is confident that there are opportunities for discussing the future of the DOE. Continue reading

Why American Mothers Must Fight Common Core to Save Our Children

No matter one’s political affiliation or belief – THIS is one of the most powerful arguments against Common Core that you will ever read. The attached research in Part II of this posting will leave you convinced that the time for change is long past due. ~ J.B.

An Open Letter to Ivanka Trump

Dear Ivanka,

We must meet. We have much to share. I recognize in you a quality I share myself – the natural, instinctive, and protective mother. This is something the progressives have been gnawing away at for years. The push for women to work outside the home, leaving their very young for others to raise, has left new mothers struggling with huge issues about getting to work on time, rushing to and from day care, feeding times, social activities, and what to do with a sick baby. Deciding how to balance, job and family, has become a front and center issue especially when you, first daughter to President Trump, have now pushed for universal daycare and paid pregnancy leave at the workplace while speaking at the Republican National Convention. The monetary aspects of free daycare and being paid while at home with your newborn is definitely helpful, but, the rewards of being a working mom does not soften the heartbreak of leaving that new baby with someone else to care for – I am sure you’ve felt this.

There is no doubt that ALL mothers feel the same pain when it comes to leaving their children to go to work. Continue reading

Allsup: Wonder, Not Pressure, Supports Learning

Five-year-old children need play, not pressure. Then, at six and seven, they need learning infused with joy, wonder, movement, colors, music, and satisfying work that makes real things. Adults who learned this way thrive. They are in no way behind those who faced pressure. So, why? Why do governments (this is not the teachers’ idea) pressure little children to learn according to a tight, unrealistic schedule? My story about teaching without pressure will be published this year. A Gift of Wonder, A True Story About School As It Could Be, invites readers into our classroom as my students and I travel through grades one through six. Please plan to join us to experience education that is uplifting. Sign up to follow Growing Children to receive a notification when A Gift of Wonder is published. Continue reading

Share if You Think Every School Should Have a Year-Round Organic Gardening Program!

For the body and the mind – THIS is growth!

A few years ago the children at our school grew, harvested and, ultimately, ate a giant, two-pound carrot.

Our organic gardening program at the Waldorf School of Cape Cod has come a long way since then. We now have a unheated Sunhouse and a program where middle school gardeners lead first through fifth graders as they learn to build soil, plant, transplant, tend, water and harvest food year round. Our harvests are transformed by our school chef into amazing meals served at lunch. Continue reading

Linderman: The Two Heads of Education

My life began the moment I broke out of my cell of doubt created by the public school system! Every summer vacation I felt like my sentence had ended, and the only sad thought was that it would begin again, in just a few short months, when school started again. Most kids feel the same way; they hate school but they go because they are trained to believe it is the Great American Expectation. Remember, we are told time after time that if we do well in school then we will be successful. So we strive to please our parents, our teachers, the system, and ourselves. This is the secret, cruel pressure that molds our spirits.

The simple question that has followed me around like a pesky fly all of my life has been, “Why did I hate school so much?Continue reading

Mary’s letter to her Science teacher

~ Foreword ~
Thank you, Joel Turtel. This is the finest commentary on the American FED-ucation system I have ever read. Maybe the rest of us should follow this lesson. Do you want better for your children and grandchildren? Then this is one place, that YOU can make a difference! Start by going to the local school board meetings, then run for a seat on that board. Let’s take OUR schools back – then we have a chance with the country. ~ (JB)

“Daddy?,” said the beautiful, ten-year-old girl to her father.

Her father, Josh Hanlan, sat in front of his computer, studying complex engineering designs on the screen. He didn’t seem to hear his daughter.

Mary Hanlan knew how engrossed her father got when he was working, and smiled adoringly at his handsome face peering intently at the computer, clicking his mouse furiously, while his brows furrowed in concentration. She knew she had to use her ingenuity to get his attention, and it had become a game between them on how she did this. She went alongside him and tickled his left ear lightly with the feather. Josh waved his hand next to his ear, as if swatting away an annoying fly. Mary giggled and tickled his ear again while she said “Daddy” again, this time more insistently. Finally, her father turned in his chair and noticed his daughter standing there. Continue reading