After conducting a multi-center, phase-3, double-blind, placebo controlled, independently reviewed study, encompassing 39 countries, various undersea kingdoms, and the moon, I’ve concluded that the best reason parents shouldn’t home-school their children is:
They can’t.
They can’t, because the public education they received was so wan and thin and bereft of substance, they’re unfit to teach.
For those parents who did receive a decent education, and who can handle the schedule, home schooling is a rational decision.
At minimum, it removes them and their kids from a system designed to impart values, values that should be taught at home.
Sex. Politics. Mental health. Vaccination. Gender. Contraception. Abortion. Diversity. These are a few issues schools now consider “public.” Schools become society’s parents. It takes a village. Their kind of village. They run it. They own it. “For the children.” Continue reading →