The downfall of Society…
What a normal human being often fails to see in light of everyday struggles and strife, of political upheaval, of commitment to false national pride, is the unbelievable majesty of life. In order to discover this singularly unique beauty, love must be present, but love alone cannot sustain the tragedy of life that is the division consuming the human mind, body, and spirit today. Intelligent thought is necessary. The destruction of learning, with the inadequate replacement of commonality, has bred by design a society steeped in an ignorance of life, and an unnatural contempt for others. This intentional eradication of individual intellect brought with it a hostile prejudice toward the sanctity of our souls, and left emptiness in its place.
The emptiness I speak of is evident in all of modern society, and fulfillment of lost desires seems out of reach in this current state of chaos. But why did this happen? Why have people come to hate one another? Why has conflict and anger become commonplace, while the golden rule is virtually ignored?
An evil exists in our midst, and this evil entity created a nationwide system that allowed a process of mass indoctrination to take root. In order for this phenomenon to capture the psyche of an entire people, a diabolical plan was necessary, and implementation of that plan had to be sold to the public in order to gain popular support. In other words, collusion by the controlling elite and the government was necessary for this deception aimed against the American populace to succeed. And succeed it has.
As I wrote in my article: The Ongoing Destruction of the Minds of Children, “The experiment called compulsory schooling, now referred to as “public education,” began in Massachusetts in 1852, and became widespread just after the turn of the twentieth century. By 1910 the majority of children were in public schools. Since that time “education” as administered by the state has been a horrible failure, if learning was the desired end. But learning and knowledge were never the goals of forced schooling; training the young to honor authority, discipline, and nationalism were the true goals sought.”
Compulsory schooling began in the mid-nineteenth century, and was the brainchild of the ruling elite monopolists of the day, those led by John D. Rockefeller. The goal was to limit the intellectual growth of the general population in order to create an obedient society of workers without the motivation to question the ruling class. This was necessary in order for the corporate oligarchs to gain and keep control over the people, and by the early part of the twentieth century, this plan was in high gear.
The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace while plotting this deception had decided after the end of World War I, “they must control education in the United States” in order to accomplish their mission. They realized this was “too big a project to do alone,” so the “Rockefeller Foundation was approached,” and the two began working together to take over the education system. The Rockefeller Foundation was to handle the domestic side, and the Carnegie Endowment was to handle the international side. As time passed, the Ford Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation were also involved.
This conspiracy was revealed by the Reese Committee investigation headed by Norman Dodd in 1953. The Committee’s inspection of the Carnegie minutes was staggering to say the least, and exposed the goal sought by tax-free foundations that “America’s future should be one of collectivism administered with characteristics of American efficiency.” In other words, build a mediocre society that could function only at a level that would allow for an elite monopoly control of war, the economy, politics, and education, all with little interference by the voting public.
It should be noted that according to Mr. Dodd, “These policies, the foundations’ allegiance to these un-American concepts, are all traceable to the transfer of the funds into the hands of trustees. It’s not the men who had a hand in the creation of the wealth that led to the endowment for what we would call public purposes.”
What has happened to this country since the founding is a grim reminder of the fact that evil forces are always with us, and without the capability to think critically or to understand real history, we are left with an ignorant and confused populace. Any society that falls to this level does not have the capability to stop the onslaught of power that will always rise up at every opportunity. The controlling monopolies will most always gain control of the governing system as a way to control the common people. When these elites design the education system, and their puppets in government run it, the commoners have little chance of retaining any freedom or control of their own destiny. That is the state of this country today.
The saddest part of this conversation is that all this information, and much more, is available for any to see and understand, but few have any desire to seek out the truth. It seems obvious to me that if people understood the truth, and were able to comprehend the conspiracy that has been used against them, a revolution of sorts would be possible. The tyrants who now control the system are able to do so because they took measures to stifle the natural intellect of individuals. If that dynamic could be reversed, so could the current state of slavery that has a hold on all of us.
Written by Gary D. Barnett for Lew Rockwell ~ November 23, 2019