Spivey: America’s Most Beloved White Supremacist

Some of you may get angry at me for what I am about to say. Some of you may feel insulted. I don’t care; if I did, I wouldn’t say it. If you have either reaction and decide, because of your reaction, not to finish reading this article, understand that you will only be proving what I say to be true.

Those of you who participate in, or support, the “removal” of Confederate Monuments because you believe them to be monuments to “white supremacists” are ignorant, uneducated, indoctrinated fools. Now, you can prove me right, and remain ignorant, uneducated, indoctrinated fools, or you can finish reading this article and possibly break free of those chains. By all means, feel free to check my facts, you might learn something.

Monuments to the Confederacy and her fighting men have nothing to do with white supremacy; the war they fought was not over the perpetuation of the institution of slavery in America. The Southern States did not secede from the Union to preserve the institution of slavery in the South, or anywhere else in America. I know this not only because I have educated myself on the subject, but also because my common sense tells me that more than one million non-slave-owning men would not walk into the jaws of almost certain death so that some rich man down the road could keep HIS slaves. I have researched the War of Northern Aggression, or the “Civil War” as you were taught to call it in school, and its causes extensively, and I can tell you this: It was fought for the same reason as most wars are, over money. In this particular case, to collect the revenue of unfair taxes imposed upon the South by a greedy government dominated by Northern interests jealous of the South’s prosperity. But that is another story, one which I would be more than glad to tell upon request. “Monuments to White Supremacists” is what we’re talking about now.

You people that participate in these defamations are hypocrites of the worst stripe. You see, when you tear down and/or deface these monuments and refer to the Confederate Soldiers as white supremacists, I, as well as thousands like me, take it as a personal insult because you are talking about our ancestors; men like my great-great-great-grand-father Private James Scott, who along with his brother Stephen, in late February of 1862, walked approximately 40 miles from Coleridge, North Carolina to Alamance County, North Carolina where they enlisted in the 44th North Carolina Infantry on March 8, 1862. Both men were poor men, farmers who had never owned a slave, nor did they condone slavery; in fact, the family was involved in the Underground Railroad. They did what they did because the North was violating the sovereignty of the States and invading the Southern States in order to force them to pay the aforementioned taxes. So when you refer to these men, some of the most courageous, righteous men ever to be born, as white supremacists, we take it personally. Our heritage is sacred to us, and when you defame it, we get angry. To make matters worse, you defame our ancestors while ignoring, even deifying, the most famous white supremacist in American history.

In a speech given on March 4, 1861, the man I am referring to said, “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race… I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” I would submit to you that this is the definition of White Supremacy. Would you not agree?

On August 14, 1862, this same man met with a delegation of free black men, ministers and businessmen, men well respected within their communities, and told them, “You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated… I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal.” He was speaking of colonization; permanently exiling all the black people in America to South America or Africa. He told them that it was “for the good of mankind.” That sounds to me like something a white supremacist would say. Does it sound that way to you?

Doctor Lincoln’s New Elixir of Life – For the Southern States

That man became famous, loved by blacks and whites alike, except for those who knew the truth of his character. That man is STILL famous; STILL loved by blacks and whites alike, except for those of us who haven’t forgotten the truth of his character, thanks in many ways to our Confederate ancestors… and we never will, for he was a man without any semblance of honor. That man was Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America, and America’s most beloved white supremacist. So the next time you feel the need to “remove” a monument to white supremacy, why don’t you go to Washington, DC, and destroy THAT monument to white supremacy, because it is the largest, and very probably the only REAL, monument to white supremacy in the country, if not the world. Sic Semper Tyrannis!

K. Lance Spivey
for Silent Sam and all those like him,
Deo Vindice…

August 22, 2018

Published by the family of Kettle Moraine Publications with permission of the author.

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5 thoughts on “Spivey: America’s Most Beloved White Supremacist

  1. Diane Long

    Yes I am fully aware your words are true having lived in the DEEP SOUTH! I hate untruth and the way they have memorialized Lincoln is a disgrace to historians.

  2. Kelleigh Nelson

    Oh thank you, thank you, thank you and there is sooooo much more about this that our revisionist history doesn’t tell us. Lincoln hated blacks to the point of wanting them sent back, and the underground railroad didn’t go to the north, it went to Canada, and once again, it was the southern economy stupid that the norther’s wanted destroyed. Oh there is so much to tell that destroys the rotten revisionist history written by the winners. Only 7% of the south owned slaves, and only 4.6% of them considered them slaves, the rest considered them paid servants and were buried in the family cemetery plots with inscriptions that said, “Beloved sister in Christ, Beloved brother in Christ.” No one stops to consider that these so-called slaves were born again Christians who are now in heaven with our Lord, and would not have been had they remained in their tribal states.

    Not only that, but the biggest slavers were the northern ships who were run by whom? By BLACK SLAVERS! And guess what! Robert E. Lee’s wife went against the laws of the nation and taught black folk to read and write, and did it in secrecy. Lee inherited slaves prior to the war, 10 years prior and he freed them all, never wanting anything to do with slavery…but the revisionist history tells the lies. And guess what!

    The most wonderful general of this war was Nathan Bedford Forrest who had 43 male servants and who said them at the beginning of the war, you can be free or come with me, and 41 of them went with their “master.” Why? Because they loved the guy, and the false stories of the KKK being started by Forrest are just that! False! The south was destroyed, the Martial law allowed northern carpetbaggers to pillage, rape and destroy what was left of the south. Oh yes, the KKK started to stop this after 12 years of hatred from the north. But guess who rode with the county sheriffs to shut down the KKK when it went bad … General Nathan Bedford Forrest.

    Yes, slavery was used by the rotten northerners, and that includes Lincoln to say that the abolitionists were really right about this war that killed 620,000 American men. They were not, the war was all about the southern economy and states’ rights. Read people, do not believe the filthy lies of the revisionists who won and Lincoln who trampled our Constitution to create a centralized federal government against what our founders wanted and believed in. Lies, lies, lies…and repeated lies, and that includes Dinesh D’Souza!

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