Honor for teacher who read transgender book to kindergarteners

A controversial charter school teacher is back in the news, and one organization says it should send a red flag to parents everywhere.

Kaelin Swaney has been named “Teacher of the Year” by the California Charter Schools Association. Swaney is the kindergarten teacher at Rocklin Academy Gateway who made headlines last year when she read a book about a transgender child to her students before one of them left the class, changed clothing, then returned as part of an effort to reveal that student’s “true gender.”

“We are really very proud of Kaelin,” says Robin Stout, executive director of Rocklin Academy Family of Schools told The Sacramento Bee. “She is an outstanding teacher – always putting kids first.”

Brad Dacus, president of California-based Pacific Justice Institute, sees things differently. He says that Swaney “chose to put one gender-confused boy’s interest” above the rest of her class and their parents.

Dacus, Brad (PJI)”This should be a red flag to parents who are thinking about putting their children in charter schools,” Dacus said Tuesday on American Family Radio. “When parents put their children in a charter school, they really need to investigate that charter school because….She irresponsibly – without any parental notice, no parental consent, to a group of kindergartners – read a book promoting a child changing genders and then had a child leave the classroom and come back dressed as a girl.”

Shortly after the incident was discussed at a school board meeting, two parents of children in that class spoke with Fox News about how their children were upset by the pro-transgender lesson.

Pacific Justice Institute offers opt-out forms for concerned parents who do not want their child to participate in these and other activities. “It applies to all 50 states, charter school or public school,” said Dacus.

Meanwhile, the teacher in Rocklin stands by her actions, saying she was given the books by a student reportedly going through a transition.

OneNewsNow reported in October that some parents were yanking their children from the school after the board refused to listen to their concerns.

Written by Chris Woodward and published by ONE News NOW ~ April 4, 2018

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3 thoughts on “Honor for teacher who read transgender book to kindergarteners

  1. Rick Bonner

    And, for the record, if ANY ONE were to prey upon my children – and now my children’s children, my Grandchildren – rest assured: they’ll wish to Christ they’d have the LORD to mete out the consequences of their crime(s); I promise I’m no where near as forgiving or merciful or lenient.

  2. Rick Bonner

    I’ve never been queer, so I don’ rightly understand such things. AFTER adolescence, I became the mos’ proud (and married) daddy of first a girl -my / our Rebecca Anne – then a man-cub, my number one Son Mark Stewart Bonner. BUT….., like most, if not all of the children in my kindergarten class, I was PROFOUNDLY a-sexual at that age; I’d gladly have kissed my dog, and, in deeply appreciative friendship, accepted a smooch from the pooch, but would NEVER kiss a GIRL (horrors!), even the long absent cousin Mabel that our Mothers strongly urged me to.
    I pity the collective “us”. We’re (in the aggregate) PATHETIC. And deth-PICK-able. To subject prepubescent children to ANY sexual understanding or “instruction” is a Natural Law crime that carries a heavy (mill-stone sized) penalty. I pity the criminals…., and the abettors, of those crimes.

  3. Fergus

    The fact that other teachers have not lynched this creature for destroying the reputation of teaching serves to demonstrate how perverted and odious the profession of teaching has become. Its populated by the depraved, the twisted, the odious, the repulsive, and these are the terms their mothers use for them.

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