3 thoughts on “’bout says it all!

  1. Rick Bonner

    Where is the kid, er…, uhhh, I mean CHILD who sits alone?
    Where is the kid, er…, uhhh, I mean child who never has a volunteer partner to sit with her?
    These are me brothers and sisters. The Light of The Creator in me, recognizes the same Light of The Creator in them.
    En’ Lakesh.

  2. Rick Bonner

    There IS…. ONLY Light. Darkness is simply the absence of Light.
    Let Your Light shine. There’s not now, nor has there ever been, nor will there ever be, a Light that sparkles an’ shines quite as YOUR Light does.
    Shine on, you marvelous diamon’!
    (Thanks to Pink Floyd. By the way, which one’s Pink?)

  3. Rick Bonner

    Plain as the noses on our faces. As Mammy Yokum (of “Lil’ Abner” fame) was fond o’ sayin’:
    “Goodness is better’n badness…. ’cause it’s nicer”.

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