“American Schools Must Return To Their Original Design of Providing For The Common Defense!”
Today, there is an urgent need for schools to play their part in providing for the common defense. What the schools do will prove in the long run to be more decisive, than any other factor, in preserving the form of government We The People cherish. Only We The People can help President Trump win this battle!
Education in America is in a most sorry state! In this area, President Trump will have to act fast to Make America Great Again! The urgent process will have to be simultaneous on several fronts! All wars overseas may be won, but unless the epic war on education is won in America, all will still be lost!
* An Executive Order must be issued for the immediate publication and implementation of civics books. All schools public, private, and homeschools, must be required, by law, to instruct them till their requirements are met. A special and attractive Civics Diploma, suitable for framing, must be included at the end of their workbooks. These are lifetime reminders of American responsibilities.
This must be underway immediately! Today’s social and political devastation, following the contrived absence of over four decades of civics books, is ominous, indeed. This must be turned around – beginning now!
* The illegal and anti-Constitutional Dept. of Education must be quickly dismantled. This is, if you will, the Aleppo stronghold of a liberal ISIS of terrorizing scholars – who poison minds for profit, enslavement, anti-nationalism, and exile honest creationists. The Dept. of Education-directed profiteers know Marxism needs evolution to survive! Students should not be forced to take out student loans for these propaganda ploys teaching, directly or indirectly, Marxist ideology.
* Microsoft and Microsoft-complicit software – indeed, any software – must be banned from digitally spying on home and school computers used by students. When enemies of protectionist America (which they call isolationist America) invade through Windows 10 and other means, to discover Patriotic and Constitutional student and home materials, homes they are found in are up for “civil asset forfeiture.” Even if a home is fully paid for by parents, it can be stolen under the globalist pretense of “thought crime” sheltering of Patriots and Constitutionalists.
* History is written to accommodate behind-the scenes globalists and their American-hating, de-Christianizing and de-nationalizing, agenda. Tens of thousands of omissions of true American history are necessary to their control. Much true history has already been destroyed by being pushed away – with Marxist Multicultural studies and social studies replacing it. This is what the young and misguided Left has been spoon fed, to the point of imperiling America to the brink of civil war!
The info war is not only in the media. It needs to get urgently underway in education as never before! Videos, guest speakers, Patriotic conferences and seminars, must counter the heinous takeover in American education. No more costly student loans for producing a dumbed-down, dangerous and lethal, Left who are simply paying to be conditioned, dumbed down and spit out. What they should have heard in classrooms is the following:
Question: “What is a Republic?”
Answer: “A Republic is a limited form of democracy.”
Question: “And why do we limit democracy”
Answer: “Because of the fallen nature and tyrant potential in every man.”
Question: “Can you provide examples?”
Answer: “Kissinger, Soros, Rothschilds, Goldman Sachs, Obama and Carter, deep state, shadow government, anti-Constitutionalists, de-stabilizing and de-nationalizing globalists, and all liberals, Marxists and Masons under their control: Including LGBT regional directors, replacing local parental school boards, and federal marshalls replacing elected county sheriffs.
Question: “And how do we limit democracy?”
Answer: “Through our Bill of Rights. The first ten tell government what it cannot do.”
Question: “What are the two opposing structures?”
Answer: “The first, the correct one, puts our triune God on top, the people below God, and a limited form of democrcy under the people, called a Republic. The incorrect form is when this is inverted. Jesus Christ is put on the bottom, man above him, and government over man, and this is what our Bill of Rights prevents!! It prevents the greed and avarice in men, from making dumbed-down slaves and serfs of us, and from their becoming tyrants.
Question: “What is the writ of habeus corpus?”
Answer: “The writ of habeus corpus is the fundamental instrument for safeguarding individual freedom against arbitrary and lawless state action. When one kills the writ of habeus corpus, one kills nothing less than our Bill of Rights!”
State executive orders must be vigorously set in place – to counter all draconian and property-stealing executive orders – of gloablist presidents preceding President Trump. Or families will soon be broken up and anti-Constitutional classes will be held in FEMA re-education camps.
Written for and publihsed by iPatriot ~ July 21, 2017.
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