DeVos: Illegal ‘Students Should Not Be Concerned’ About Losing In-State Tuition

I said that she could not be trusted – she was and is Betsy Devious! ~ J.B.

Betsy Devious

While U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos toured schools in Miami, Florida last week, she told the Miami Herald that illegal immigrant students in Florida “should not be concerned” about losing in-state tuition because the Trump administration is “very supportive” of states deciding for themselves on such policy.

Referring to the words of Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly, DeVos said:

Well, as you well know [immigration] is an issue that’s been widely discussed within the administration and I yesterday referred to [Homeland Security Secretary] Gen. [John F.] Kelly’s comments about the fact that [undocumented] students should not be concerned. They should continue to focus on their studies and continue to pursue their educations. The administration is very supportive of states setting their direction and I would say that would be consistent here [for in-state tuition], too.

In March, when asked about illegal immigrant students who fall into the domain of former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, Kelly responded:

I have a lot of things on my plate, a lot of criminals to apprehend and deport, that are here illegally, criminals beyond just the fact that they’re here illegally, and the least of my worries right now is anyone who falls under the general category of DACA…I can guarantee you that we have a lot of very bad people to go after, and the least of my worries are undocumented illegal aliens who are living lives.

When asked about her relationship with former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, DeVos said, “We have shared many ideas in the past years. I served on the board of the organization he started and our paths have crossed many, many times over the years as we have done work in a variety of states. Our views and our heart for every child is very similar.”

DeVos said Bush has “reached out” to her “on a couple of occasions” since she assumed her post in Washington, D.C.

Written by Dr. Susan Berry and published by Breitbart ~ April 10, 2017.

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