Can You Handle the Truth?

Publisher’s NOTE: Mr. Newby is a well respected author who has penned many books, of which the image of the book cover below was published by Kettle Moraine Publications in the Winter of 2012. What you are about to read will raise your eyebrows and the question, “What does this have to do with Education?” Mr. Newby’s offering today will put off many of you, while it will enlighten others… but there is a purpose, as he lays the groundwork for who controls the book publishing world for the Public School System in America today. As his bio will show, Frank C. Newby knows of what he speaks.

February 16, 2017
Jeffrey Bennett, Publisher

Why would anyone in their right mind write an article that defies all known Christian concepts and teachings? Why would I want to make some readers angry enough to want me, “To Burn in Hell?

The answer is, today in our society, there are organizations that are working very hard to change the way we live, think and learn. To paraphrase a line from Robert Ingersoll, written in 1893. “Someone has to do it, so it might as well be me.” I will present you with the truth. Do with it what you wish.

If you read this article, you run the very real risk of having your beliefs shaken to their very foundations. The normal life today allows very little time to learn and question. Survival in the twenty first century is a mind numbing experience. You believe you are very religious. You get up each Sunday morning and trudge off to church. You are permitted to place your contribution in that little, felt lined plate, listen to an hour of mindless platitudes and voila! You have your fix for another week. Did you ever ask yourself on Monday afternoon, what message the preacher had given you on Sunday morning? If you honestly remember any portion of the sermon, it would be a miracle. If you do not really remember, you are a typically brainwashed human being, immersed in religious beliefs. You are there not because it is right but because it is expected.

Expand your horizons. Learn something new. Consider something different. Open your mind. The Bible is an archaic manuscript, written decades and centuries after the fact by mostly unknown authorship. I introduce you to documented facts about an insidious movement that is determined to take us back to Christian Fundamentalism.

If you continue to read, you will have to face facts and gain knowledge that you have never known. The average person does not have time to reason and research for truths. The normal inclination is to follow the mindless path. Trust the teacher, they know everything about the secular world. Trust the minister; he knows everything you need to know about your immortal soul. It is difficult to believe that you are being taught only what the speaker wants you to hear. Has anyone ever told you that all leaders, local state and national have their own agenda? You will be told exactly what they want you to know. The church is the worst culprit of all. Religion cannot stand close inspection. They have much to hide. They have too much that is unexplainable. They control enormous amounts of wealth and millions of people. They exist on blind faith. They do not have to prove anything because the faithful are forced to accept without question.

Do you know about the radio and TV evangelists who bilk millions of dollars from the gullible each year? They want not only your money, they want power. Religion of a necessity requires dominance. George W. Bush, a former president was described by a large number of responsible authors and commentators, as a religious zealot. He made a speech before a secret meeting of the Council For National Policy, before his election. His father is known to have close ties to the “Moonies” under Rev. Sun Myung Moon. Prominent members of Government from the Supreme Court to Congress are members of a subversive group tied to the Christian Reconstructionists. They are a group who call themselves the Council For National Policy. Clarence Thomas, a Supreme Court Judge and Oliver North of Iran Contra fame are both members.

Betsy DeVos

Our new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, is a member. It is a secret society of rich and influential whose Executive Director, Steve Baldwin, once announced that they “control everything in the world.” ABC News tried to expose them in 2002. At that time, the newscast called it, “A Vast Cabal.” The word “cabal” is defined as a conspiratorial group of plotters or intriguers of religious or political beliefs. The broadcast caused a small ripple at the time, but the average person is too wrapped up in the mundane acts of every-day life to have time to worry or wonder about the nebulous and little understood activity of a rich and powerful group in Washington, D.C. It is imperative that we expose the influence and success of the ongoing and relentless attempt by one of the most insidious and persuasive cabals to appear in modern history.

There is an exact connection between the Christian Reconstructionists, the Council For National Policy, The State of Texas, major National publishers and your child’s textbooks. If it sounds far-fetched and complicated, you would be right. Power and control are complicated and complex activities. They are deliberately confusing to the average person who does not take the time to understand what is happening.

These groups are intertwined and determined to seize and destroy the way of life you are now enjoying. They have had a huge influence on the upsurge in home schooling and their influence over the textbooks your child uses in school is unreal. They are dedicated to take the blind faith and beliefs of ordinary citizens and turn them to a fanatical and righteous interpretation of God and the Holy Bible. The founder of the Reconstructionists was Rousas J. Rushdoony. His first commandment on seizing power would be to round up all homosexuals and stone them to death in a public place. He is dead now but his beliefs and policies live on.

Rousas Rushdoony wrote in his magnum opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law: “The heresy of democracy has since [the days of colonial New England] worked havoc in church and state” and: “Christianity and democracy are inevitably enemies“, and he said elsewhere that “Christianity is completely and radically anti-democratic; it is committed to spiritual aristocracy,” and characterized democracy as “the great love of the failures and cowards of life”. He nevertheless repeatedly expressed his opposition to any sort of violent revolution and advocated instead the gradual reformation (often termed “regeneration” in his writings) of society from the bottom up, beginning with the individual and the family and from there gradually reforming other spheres of authority, including the church and the state.

They wish to return our government into a strict interpretation of the Old Testament of the Bible. You do not want to live under a Theocracy! The most fascinating part of this story is how this vile concept has managed to infiltrate the public schools and managed to dictate much of the contents of major texts used by our children in both public and privates schools.

My next article will disclose the secrets of textbook publishing in America.

References for more information:

February 16, 2017

~ The Author ~
Frank Newby has a 60 year background in education. He has a Master’s Degree in Educational Administration. During a long career, he has taught grades K-12, been a principal and sold textbooks to the schools for 30 years. He was a pioneer in the introduction of computers into the schools. He has called on a majority of the school systems in the inter-mountain West and done numerous guest lectures in western colleges. In retirement he spent three years substitute teaching to experience the conditions of the secondary schools. He is the author of many books and a life long researcher. His pastimes include painting, woodworking, gardening and writing.

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