South Carolina 6th Graders Learn Five Pillars of Islam

“I do not believe in terrorists’ idea of a ‘holy war.’”

Kids in public schools learning about the religion of Islam in great detail continues to happen in the U.S.A.

TruthRevolt has kept a careful eye on this phenomenon, reporting on instances such as in California, Florida, Tennessee, and Minnesota where students either sang songs about Ramadan (complete with the lyrics “Allahu Akbar”), designed a Muslim prayer rug, or wrote down the five pillars of Islam, including “all people must submit to Allah.”

The latest has occurred in Summerville, South Carolina at Alston Middle School, where 6th graders learned about the five pillars and were instructed on the “correct” interpretation of verses from the Koran. obtained a copy of one of the worksheets that included a fill-in-the-blanks section which stated:

“Islam is a religion of (peace). If I believe in Islam, I am called a (Muslim). In the Islamic religion, we call God (Allah). I may dress differently than other kids. I feel (bad) that a few people of my religion committed terrorist acts. I do not believe in terrorists’ idea of a ‘holy war.’”

One parent told a local news station that permission should’ve been asked for before giving a lesson on religious values.

Similar complaints have been across the country. The near-indoctrination was getting so bad in Tennessee, lawmakers introduced a bill in 2015 to curb the amount of time spent on Islamic lessons. CAIR called the move “anti-Islam” but parents across the Bible Belt state had become concerned that more time was spent covering the doctrines of Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism but not Christianity. Usually, that topic was reserved for when the class studied the “Age of Exploration” and learned how Christians persecuted others in Western Europe.

A district official in Summerville said the Islam worksheets are approved by the South Carolina curriculum standards and are used in part of the study of civilizations. Christianity is one of the world religions to be covered in future lessons.

It was noted that parents can opt their children out if they contact the school.

Written by Trey Sanchez and published at Truth Revolt ~ February 2017.

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