To Change the History Just Lie About It

The actual history of the War of Northern aggression has always had its detractors who have wanted to make the historical record say what they wanted it to say. The manifestations of their disease have been present in this country since Appomattox and they continue to this day.

Their solution to making the history say what they wish it said is, quite frankly, to lie about it. Just change a few words here and there, a phrase or two someplace else, and you can make the history say what you wish it said but doesn’t.

Unfortunately, most folks won’t realize that it doesn’t and they end up buying the same historical swill that has made the Cultural Marxists ideologically sick.

A friend who lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma recently took note of how the history is being manipulated so that future generations won’t realize they are being lied to. He is a member of the Confederate Society of America, an organization that tries to present accurate history to Southern folks (and others too) and so he is on the lookout for these egregious breaches of historical truth. He recently came across one in Tulsa which he addressed with a letter.

He said: Dear Southwest Tulsa Chamber, “One of the new historical plaques at Crystal City is making an attempt at rewriting history, and is slandering our brave Confederate dead in the process. The plaque in question refers to the war of 1861-65 as the War of Southern Aggression. The South most assuredly was NOT the aggressor in that needless war, but it was the North that illegally invaded the South, not on any moral issue of freeing the slaves, as is the common myth taught in our schools, but for the continuation of extracting excessive tariffs from the South…We live in a time when cultural terrorists are defacing and removing symbols of our history and culture all across this land. This is no different than the Nazis or ISIS destroying books, history and monuments in an attempt to purge the earth of history. This cultural genocide must not be appeased but must be fought…I respectfully request that the last sentence of the plaque in error be stricken from it.

You can see, from this gentleman’s letter, how history is changed by changing one little word. Thankfully, the Confederate Society and other Southern and Confederate groups are watching and reporting on what the politically correct (Cultural Marxists) are trying to do with our history. If there were no one out there keeping tabs on them they could, literally, get away with historical murder.

The Cultural Marxists make their biggest gains when there is no one out there to refute what they try to say and do. When they run into resistance from those who know the truth it tends to put a crimp in their agenda. I just read an article yesterday on The Gateway Pundit about a councilman in Anniston, Alabama who thought he could take tinpot dictatorship to a new level. The author, Jim Hoft, noted: “Earlier this month Anniston Alabama Council member David Reddick stopped by Ford’s Barbershop on Leatherwod Road on the western outskirt of Anniston and demanded owner Milton Ford take down the Confederate Battle flag outside his shop. Of course, owner Ford refused. That’s when Reddick started threatening the owner with what he would do to him for flying the Confederate flag at his own business and on his own property.” Mr. Ford, who apparently knew his rights, wasn’t having any of it. He swore out a complaint against the councilman for harassment. Councilman Reddick was arrested. Oh he’s out on bond now and I assume he will have to go to trial.

Reddick is a prime example of tinpot dictatorship run wild, thinking because he may not like the Confederate flag he has the right to tell everyone who has one up, even on private property, to take it down. This is the kind of behavior on the part of “public officials” that needs to be resisted.

And when they manage to coerce people into taking their flags down, what are they replacing them with? Well, in Reno, Nevada this past weekend they took down the Stars and Stripes and replaced it with the LGBT rainbow flag. So you folks that don’t have any problem with taking down Confederate flags better keep your eyes open, too, because the day is coming when they will come for your flag and try to take it down just like you are willing to let them do to ours. I realize they only put that flag up for the weekend, but still, it’s the principle of the thing. When you take the Stars and Stripes down and replace it with that flag you’ve set a precedent–and not a very good one.

Our culture, particularly in the South, is under attack. Unfortunately, most in the North will have no problem with that–until they come for your flags and then it will be a different story.

Originally published by the author August 2, 2015 and republished by Kettle Moraine, Ltd. Publications with his permission.

Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Metropolis Café to publish his works. We are proud to have his involvement with this project.

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” I addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years. In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.

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