Public Schools Promote What Scripture Forbids

Very recently I read an article Bob Unruh about a sodomite group in Scotland that is promoting a petition which demands that children from kindergarten on up be forced to “learn about homosexual, bi-sexual and transgender issues.” The moderator of the Free Church of Scotland labeled the proposal “a Trojan horse to impose an ideological perspective on all pupils.” He was right. This petition, circulated by a sodomite activist group, Time for Inclusive Education, wants children, from their earliest years of schooling to be indoctrinated in that which Holy Scripture forbids. I guess you could say those people have an agenda and it is clearly anti-Christian.

But that’s Scotland, you say, we don’t have to worry about that over here. Our public schools would never do anything like that, and besides, the school my kids go to has a Christian teacher or two and a great band program. What else matters?

Folks, I hate to rain on your parade, but this sort of thing is going on in this country also and, unfortunately, it’s nothing new. It has been going on for decades. Ask the people of Kanawha County, West Virginia about their textbook protest in the mid-1970s.

However, every once in awhile the sodomite agenda needs updating and it helps to have “useful idiots” like California Governor Jerry Brown in the governor’s chair who are more than willing to help it along. An article on for July 15, 2011 noted: “Democratic Governor Jerry Brown said Thursday he had signed a bill that will require public schools in the state to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans….’History should be honest.’ Brown said in a statement.” Yes, Mr. Brown, history should be honest–therefore homosexual propaganda shouldn’t be paraded as history in front of students. Rev. Louis Sheldon, founder of the Traditional Values Coalition said: “It is an outrage that Gov. Jerry Brown has opened the classroom door for homosexual activists to indoctrinate the minds of California’s youth, since no factual material would be allowed to be presented. If parents don’t already have their children out of public schools, this should cause them to remove them.” Yes, Rev. Sheldon, it should, but it probably won’t!

And then there was an article on CBN for July 6, 2015 which carried the headline: “Gender Identity Curriculum Angers Parents in Virginia.” The article stated, in part: “Parents opposed to including the lessons protested at the hearing. Many are concerned they won’t be able to opt their children out of the classes because the lessons have been removed from the Family Life Education curriculum into health classes, which are mandatory.”

Of course this stuff is mandatory. They want your kids indoctrinated with it. Don’t you get it yet? For heaven sake, people, wake up and smell the sodomite soda. The Education Establishment in this country wants your kids indoctrinated (brainwashed) with this kind of thing. It’s on their to do list, right near the top of the page. It’s not accidental, or some bureaucratic screw-up. This is being done to your kids on purpose! If you have taught your kids at home that, according to Scripture this kind of behavior is wrong, they plan to change that with their indoctrination. The article observed that parents protested this at the hearing, and what good did their protest do? It’s mandatory for the kids to be fed this propaganda no matter what the parents want and the educational establishment will make sure it is fed to them. Mom and Dad’s wishes don’t matter. Get that through your heads!

If your kids remain in public schools they will, at some point, be fed this sodomite drivel because that’s what the agenda is. If your kids were raised in a Christian home, with Christian standards–then all that has to be changed–and these government school change agents are more than willing to work to circumvent what you have taught your kids–it’s what they live for! All this junk isn’t accidental, isn’t some bureaucratic snafu–it’s on purpose and they will continue to do it to your kids–on purpose–unless you remove them from that system. You can’t just join the PTA and work to reform the system. That has never cut the mustard and it never will. All this is window dressing, to keep parents thinking they have some voice in their kids’ education when actually they have none. I’m not saying all teachers are bad–they’re not, but the system they work for is and those who run that system have an agenda that will be forced on American youth–no matter what–unless you get your kids out of their system, and it is theirs, not yours.

If you want some info about what the public education system is trying to do to (not for) your children, look up John Taylor Gatto on line. He’s an ex-public school teacher who wrote a book about all this. Read the recent Blumenfeld-Newman book Crimes of the Educators. Check out Exodus Mandate, P O Box 10272, Columbia, South Carolina, 29211 or at and sign up for their newsletter. Begin to find out what goes on in these schools and then work to get your kids out of them.

Years ago I worked for a Christian home school program in the Midwest and I did a few years on the phones there. One afternoon a lady from New York called up and wanted home schooling information for her daughter. Turned out she was a public school teacher, yet she was going to home school her daughter. And I never forgot what she told me. She said “I’m here (the public school) every day. No way is my daughter going to this school.” I can’t say it any better than she did.

~ The Author ~
Al Benson Jr. is the editor and publisher of “The Copperhead Chronicle“, a quarterly newsletter that presents history from a pro-Southern and Christian perspective. He has written for several publications over the years. His articles have appeared in “The National Educator,” “The Free Magnolia,” and the “Southern Patriot.” In addition to that he was the editor of, and wrote for, “The Christian Educator” for several years.

He is currently a member of the Confederate Society of America and the Sons of Confederate Veterans, and has, in the past, been a member of the John Birch Society. He is the co-author, along with Walter D. Kennedy, of the book “Lincoln’s Marxists” and he has written for several Internet sites as well as authoring a series of booklets, with tests, dealing with the War of Northern Aggression, for home school students.

In addition to The Copperhead Chronicles, Al also maintains Revised History.  He and his wife now live in northern Louisiana.

That which you have just read was written and originally published by Al Benson Jr. on his Blog Revised History on November 3, 2015. Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Metropolis Café to reprint his works. We are glad to have his involvement with this project.

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