Part I ~ Comrade Dewey and Cultural Genocide

John Dewey
Cultural genocide, the planned and willful destruction of a culture (in this case a Christian culture), is accomplished in many ways. The orchestrated destruction of a culture is accomplished by the tearing down of the flags and symbols of that culture and the destruction of its historical monuments and the replacing of its names with others of a more socialist intent.
It is also accomplished by the mid-education and intentional dumbing down of the children of that culture so they know less than their grandfathers about their history, heritage, faith, or anything for that matter. This is often done via institutions of “learning” that are subtly used to, in effect, make children dumber than they would be otherwise, while taxing their parents to pay for the intentional ignorance.
Recently a friend in New England sent me a copy of a book by Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman about public education in this country. It is titled, quite appropriately, Crimes of the Educators and it deals with the dumbing down process that goes on in what we charitably refer to as public, or government, schools.It was published just this year by World Net Daily and so is pretty up to date with what has been and is happening in those “schools” to which most folks, unfortunately, continue to send their children to be “educated.”

Horace Mann
While Horace Mann (a Unitarian) was hailed in the 19th century as “the father of the common (public) schools, John Dewey was hailed in the early 20th century as the “father of progressive (socialist) education.” Blumenfeld (deceased only this past June) has written: “In the late 1800s, he (Dewey) and his socialist colleagues decided to embark on a long-range conspiracy to radically change America by imposing their own utopian version of a collectivist society…Dewey stated that the only way to undermine a capatalist system was to get rid of the emphasis primary schools placed on the development of high literacy and independent intelligence. Why? Because both of these sustained individualism. What was needed, they believed, was a new curriculum that emphasized socialization and taught children to read by w whole-word method that would lower the nation’s literacy level and make its children more amenable to collectivist values…They considered themselves peerless intellects and socialism a morally superior way of life.” However, Dewey was smart enough to realize that “…socialism could not be imposed on America by force. And so he told his followers that ‘change must come gradually’.” This was the classic Fabian socialist approach, and “The primary vehicle for this gradual change would be the public schools, where the dumbing-down process could be carried out without parents knowing what was being done to their children.”
Blumenfeld recognized that what Dewey was doing was cultural genocide and he said as much. “…Dewey’s plan was to impose on America a form of cultural genocide never before imposed on any nation. The way to do it was to disparage high literacy and to teach children to read by a method that would prevent them from achieving the kind of high personal literacy needed to develop their independent intelligence.”
Interestingly enough, Blumenfeld noted that Dewey’s mother had been a “devout Calvinist” who had sought to instill in her son the doctrines of Calvinism, “which he then spent all his professional life trying to erase from his brain.”
Now consider this. Horace Mann ended up being a Unitarian who sought to do away with the Christian influence on education in New England. John Dewey ended up rejecting his mother’s Christian faith and trying to purge it from his memory. Both of these men were apostates–pure and simple. They both turned away from the Christian faith they had been raised in and they envisioned and worked for a public school system they could use to teach children the same apostasy they had embraced–without their parents being aware of it. Folks, this is the foundation of your public education system in this country. Stop and think about that as you blithely commit your children to the “tender mercies” of this system.
It sounds more than a bit devious to me. So much for the supposed “separation of church and state.” All you need do to get around that little foible is change the name of your religion, call it “science” and if you’ve dumbed enough people down already, you’re off to the races!
And people, especially in the South, wonder why public schools have so much problem with Confederate flags and symbols, many of which are Christian in origin. I would strongly urge people to get this book by Blumenfeld and Newman and begin to find out what goes on in “your” public schools (which were never really yours to begin with). Check out This book is listed there.
Part II ~ Cultural Genocide as a Sacred Mission
In going through the mass of documentation Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman have provided in their book Crimes of the Educators you are forced to come up with the conclusion that these so-called educators had one thing in mind–the total destruction of anything that could be called a true Americanist culture. Dewey. though more prominent than most, wasn’t the first.The generation of “teachers” preceding Dewey ardently worked at this in the Southern states after the War of Northern Aggression. Like most leftists they mislabeled what they were doing in order to baffle the general public. In that case they chose a Marxist term, one employed by Marx himself–“reconstruction” which was really deconstruction. Dewey, in his time, continued to play the game, taking it to another level. As I’ve said many times before “reconstruction is ongoing.”
Blumenfeld and Newman have duly noted the “progressive” (socialist) trend ongoing in education in this country and they stated: “They (the educational socialists) strongly agreed with Dewey, whose aim it was to change the focus of education from the development of individual intellectual skills to the development of cooperative social skills. Socialism’s objective had been from the very beginning to remake man from a competitive individual of a capitalist society to a cooperative being in a collectivist state. Education was considered the best way to achieve this transformation. Indeed, President Obama’s idea of transforming America is also in line with the progressive aim to create a socialist America.”
So, as you should be able to see, the “reconstruction” of America, starting in the South and expanding from there has never really been stopped. Nor has it ever really been discussed objectively and openly. It’s like those “conversations” Obama wanted to have with the public about the race question, which always ended up, somehow, with him pointing his finger at us stupid rubes and lecturing us on why we should be more accepting of the genocide of our culture.
Dewey’s (in)famous Laboratory School at the University of Chicago (where else?) went on from 1896 until 1904. During this time his ideas were tested on children, which led to him writing the book School and Society. This soon became the “bible” for socialist educators. And Blumenfeld observed: “His (Dewey’s) ideas were implemented at the Lincoln School (1916-1946) at Teachers College, Columbia University, in New York, where Dewey was invited to teach and set the direction for teacher education.” You might want to think about how many generations of public school teachers were taught these methods and the effect that has had on education in this country.

John D. Rockefeller Jr.
One of Dewey’s main supporters in this scheme of radical “education” was John D. Rockefeller Jr. He absolutely loved Dewey’s socialistic education plan–to the extent that he ended up donating $3 million to the school to help to promote it. In fact, and it’s almost poetic justice, Rockefeller sent four of his five sons to the school that they might be educated according to this new wave of leftist indoctrination. Blumenfeld noted that “All four boys, subjected to the new method of teaching reading, became dyslexic.” Obviously, with the family’s money, they were able to find ways to overcome that, but how many ordinary public school students with no way to overcome that, were taught by these same methods and even today struggle with reading because they were never taught phonics? Blumenfeld correctly stated that: “Dewey’s educational methods were conceived and calculated to dumb down the nation, and he started out by dumbing down the four Rockefeller boys. Nelson, of course, was able to hire Henry Kissinger to do his reading for him.”
Blumenfeld then asked the question “Why didn’t the progressive educators admit that their teaching methods were creating dyslexia and go back to the traditional phonics method? Because what they had done to the Rockefeller boys in a private school, they intended to do to the rest of American children in the public schools. The tragedy is that there are millions of Americans like the Rockefeller boys who must endure the crippling consequences of educational malpractice. The fact that the progressives refused to stop what they were doing indicates that their intent was criminal.” Here Blumenfeld and Newman have hit the nail squarely on the head! The professional educators know what they are doing to the children of America and they continue to do it anyway–because that’s what the elitist agenda calls for–a dumbed down population that, if they are fortunate, can maybe read at a fifth grade level. Hence they can’t really read about or grasp political issues, economic issues, theological issues, or any issues that would help to change the culture in a positive way. It’s all according to plan.
Again, I am not indicting everyone who is or was a public school teacher. Most of them have no clue to what has been done. However, the people that run the system they work for do. And that system needs to be separated from, seceded from, most especially by Christians.
Part III ~ America’s Trojan Horses
Back in 1984 (was the year prophetic or what?) Sam Blumenfeld wrote an important book, NEA–Trojan Horse in American Education. It is still available on
It dealt with the National Education Association, which has been around a lot longer than most people think it has (since 1857). Blumenfeld wrote, on page 181, that: “From 1857 to the present, the NEA has worshipped two gods; Horace Mann, a statist (and Unitarian), and John Dewey, a socialist.”
Then Blumenfeld made an interesting statement–one that has proved to be so very accurate. He said: “The progressives have always known that violence would have to be used to break the back of hard-core resistance to their dictatorship. While Dewey expected socialism to come about in America through the use of ‘organized intelligence’ without violent revolution, he nonetheless realized that hard-core resistance would have to be quelled by force…Dewey realized that while most people would sheepishly permit the chains of socialist control to be placed on them by ‘organized intelligence’ there would always be those stubborn individualists and religious ‘fanatics’ who would fight back.” This happened in Kanawha County, West Virginia a decade before Blumenfeld wrote his book on the NEA. Many parents there protested, marched, and resisted the educational establishment’s efforts to brainwash their children, and, when it could no longer be laughed at or otherwise suppressed, their protest was ultimately dealt with by force. For a real and shocking lesson in what the educational establishment did there, read Karl Priest’s book Protester Voices–the 1974 Textbook Tea Party. Mr. Priest had a whole chapter in his book, chapter seven, devoted to the NEA. Since my family and I were in Kanawha County, West Virginia for part of the time this protest went on, I can vouch for the accuracy of Mr. Priest’s comments and viewpoint. I know some of the people mentioned in his book. Some are now deceased, but not all. This is a book for those who want to see how the government education system operates–in living color.
That the NEA is decidedly leftist in orientation there can be no doubt. In his book Shadowbosses Mallory Factor noted, on page 83, that: “The National Education Association (NEA) spent $50 million on Obama’s election campaign in 2008. When Obama spoke to the NEA in 2008, he emphasized that he would be able to deliver more dues revenue to the teachers union: ‘In the coming weeks, I’ll be laying out the specific details of my plan to invest billions of new dollars into the teaching profession and recruit an army of well-trained, well-qualified teachers who are willing to stand in front of any classroom’…” (and help to brainwash the children of America as part of the fundamental transformation of America into a third world socialist nonentity).
Mr. Priest noted in his book that there were three different kinds of teachers in public schools – those who realize what’s going on and detest it but don’t know what to do about it short of quitting outright, those who are sincere teachers but don’t have a clue as to what’s going on, and those who are utterly corrupt and more than willing to promote the leftist agenda. Over the years I’ve met some of all three.
Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, in their new book Crimes of the Educators have observed that “The National Education Association (NEA) of course, endorses multicultural-global education as a ‘way of helping every student perceive the cultural diversity of the US citizenry so that the children of many races may develop pride in their own cultural legacy…” And on and on the litany goes. Along with this they also note that: “…the NEA recognizes no American culture that the student may take pride in. He is to appreciate the cultures of others, and learn about them, at the expense of learning about his own.” That’s what multiculturalism is all about folks–embracing other cultures to the negation of your own. This is what multicultural educators in government schools across the country are promoting–the negating (cultural genocide) of American culture, particularly Southern American culture, in favor of all other cultures–any other culture except American culture. This is what, with minor exceptions your kids will learn in government schools. If you are satisfied with that, then just leave them there–but don’t complain to others when the kids come home bearing the questionable fruit of the system you left them to be “educated” in!
Begin to educate yourself as to what really happens in most government schools. Read Blumenfeld’s and Newman’s book. Read Karl Priest’s book and when you read what they have presented and finally become ticked off enough about it, then resolve to find Christian sources for your children’s education and, if at all possible, remove them from a government education system that practices the knowing genocide of your culture.
The series above was written and originally published as a three part series by Al Benson Jr on his Blog Revised History in October of 2015. Mr. Benson is a highly respected scholar and writer and has graciously allowed Kettle Moraine, Ltd. and Metropolis Café to reprint his works. We are glad to have his involvement with this project.
Thank you for this excellent article.