UN unveils plan to control content of US school textbooks

The United Nations is launching a new initiative to promote “sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights” by controlling the content of school textbooks.

Under the plan, announced in December 2016 in “Policy Paper 28,” the UN is ordering all governments to review the contents of their school textbooks, and eliminate the use of books that do not teach globalist values.

Their goal is to force local schools to ensure “global citizenship education and education for sustainable development, including gender equality and human rights, are mainstreamed in national education policies, curricula, teacher education and student assessments,” the paper reveals.

“…textbooks in many countries still fail to deal comprehensively, clearly and fairly with concepts that are crucial for social cohesion, political stability and the future of the planet, including gender equality, human rights, environmental protection, peace and non-violence, and cultural diversity,” the paper claims.

“All governments should urgently review and revise their textbooks to ensure that the content covers these ideas, which are integral to Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals,” the UN announced.

Much like Agenda 21, local elected bodies will carry out much of the compliance in the United States, often without telling parents about their objective, or that it is a United Nations scheme.

Most parents won’t even know their children’s’ textbooks are being thrown out and replaced with radical leftist propaganda.

The UN is already taking aim at schools within the United States, threatening those whose books are not sufficiently leftist.

Earlier this January the global body targeted and attacked a school in Connecticut for using a textbook that taught the fact that while slavery in the United States was an atrocity and a crime against humanity, a few American slaves were taught to read, practiced Christianity and treated kindly.

The book never claimed this was a common or usual practice, but the U.N. slammed its iron fist into the local school board.

“These deeply offensive texts should be replaced with accurate depictions of history which convey the message of the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings,” U.N. “human rights expert” Richard Sunga threatened.

“This will avoid stereotypes and the distortion or falsification of these historical facts, which may lead to racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, Afrophobia, and related intolerance,” said Sunga.

The school bowed to the U.N. and removed the textbooks.

It’s an indicator of how the U.N. will carry out its plan to brainwash children and turn a generation against the United States, by using its billions of dollars and global power to hunt down and destroy small, local school boards within the U.S.

Written by D.E. for the Sovereignty Project ~ January 10, 2017.

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