Methodist Pastor Teams Up with Atheist Group to Sue Arizona School for Teaching US History

C'mon Preacher - sue ME!

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Many have argued that our Founding Fathers were religious or, rather, Christian. I think that this is a hard case to make. Many of the Founders were known carousers and had several illegitimate children. Besides that, there is the issue of many of the Founders’ words concerning Christianity.

But there is the undeniable fact of their education. It was thoroughgoing and intentionally Christian. They learned their letters through a primer that contained characters from Scriptures to help them remember. And this presents a problem for the left in general and the atheist in particular…

If we have our founding documents and the system of republican government from such men, we cannot fail to see that they are in some major sense products of this religious environment. So, then their faith or even their exposure to faith is important to understanding the things that they accomplished intellectually.

But some wish to have this portion of the Founder’s thinking scrubbed from history.

Christian News reports:

“A nationally-recognized church-state separation group has sued an Arizona charter school on behalf of a United Methodist minister and an offended parent for allegedly “pushing religion on students” by using curriculum that includes text favorable of Christianity.

Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU), led by Barry Lynn, an attorney who is also ordained in the United Church of Christ, sent a letter last September to Earl Taylor, Jr., the principal of Heritage Academy, which has campuses in Mesa, Gateway and Leveen, to demand that the school cease referencing Christianity in its government class.”

They were especially upset with the use of Taylor’s textbook titled “Proclaim Liberty Throughout all the Land.” But when Taylor would not pull the book, the group filed suit and are seeking an injunction.

The problem is not the Christian faith in general, but the Law of God that the book sights as the basis for our law system. The problem for this group is the fact that there is no way our system stands without this eternal Law. They know they have to kill the one to destroy the other.

Written by Michael Ware and published by ~ September 18, 2016.

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