Simply put, the education system as we know it has collapsed into a dysfunctional mess.

Today’s schools teach only the ugliest parts of US history, turning students off from civic engagement. – Shutterstock
If there’s any doubt about that, consider the following 2024 statewide assessments by the Minnesota Department of Education:
* Half (50.1%) of all public school students struggle to read
* Only 47% of 3rd-grade students are proficient in reading
* Only 52% of 10th-grade students are proficient in reading
* More than half (54%) of all public students are not proficient in math
* A mere 35% of 11th-grade students are proficient in math
There are roughly 870,000 students in Minnesota’s public school system. 435,000 struggle to read while nearly 470,000 are not proficient in math.
Our state is going to have severe challenges going forward based on these numbers. Everything from family formation to our economy and state government will be affected.
The good news is that the public and parents see the collapse and want children to have the freedom and resources to find the best educational settings that meet their needs and prepare them for life as adults in a free country – no matter their address.
This week, The Center Square released its national Voters’ Voice Poll on school choice. Here’s what they had to say:
The Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll conducted by Noble Predictive Insights found that over two-thirds of the more than 2,200 likely voters polled support giving families choices using public funds.
The poll found that 69% of likely voters said they support a federal tax credit program that would allow students to attend a school of their choice, including a private school. Only 20% of voters said students ‘should attend the schools they are assigned to attend.’
The poll asked people about their support for a national federal school choice program. Overwhelming support.
When asked, “Would you support a federal tax credit that would allow parents to send their students to a school of their choice, including private schools?”, 69% of Americans responded that, “Yes, parents should have a choice.”
Obviously, to get 69% of Americans to agree on anything in our current political climate is a big deal and requires bipartisan support.
The Center Square gives us the breakdown on that bipartisan support for school choice:
* 77% of Republicans support school choice
* 62% of Democrats support school choice
* 60% of “True Independents” support school choice.
Here’s the chart:
Due to the overwhelming support, David Byler, chief of research at Noble Predictive Insights, calls it a “classic wedge issue, an issue where one party is united, and the other party is divided.”
Here in Minnesota, recent 2024 polling also shows overwhelming support for school choice. Importantly, the polling below is support not just for a federal tax credit, but for outright school choice with Education Savings Accounts (ESA) available to all students.
75% of Minnesota parents support school choice and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).
Nearly 70% of Minnesota adults also support school choice and ESAs.
Current proposed legislation would allow for the $7,000 already allocated to a student by the state of Minnesota to be deposited into that student’s Education Savings Account and then used by parents or guardians to pay for tuition, tutoring, and other eligible educational expenses.
The trends we’re seeing in Minnesota and nationally should be a wake-up call to Minnesota’s legislators and elected officials. The people have seen the failure in education and want a way out.
Whoever gives parents and students the freedom and resources to receive a great education will no doubt create a new, loyal constituency. Now is the time for courage!
Written by Devin Foley for Opportunity for All Kids ~ October 17, 2024